“Welcome to today’s Interstellar Peace Report. Good morning, noon, afternoon and evening, audience friends.”

“First, let me introduce the main content of today’s program”

“An explosion occurred in Tophet in the world of Jinmie. No survivors have been found in the Yonghuo Mansion of the Annihilation Gang, including the Grand Duke of Hellfire.”

“According to a joint investigation by various forces, it is said that before the explosion in Tophet, a shadow of nothingness and a life form that looked like an ether dragon appeared.”

“It is not known whether there is any relationship between the Shadow of Nothingness and the Ether Dragon.”

“A violent explosion occurred on the IX side of the Void Star God. Energy release greater than that of a supercluster was detected. The light generated by the energy illuminated most of the universe, causing panic in different worlds.”

“At present, the Bozhi Society has not yet completed the investigation of the incident. The cause of the incident is not clear at the moment, but all civilizations in the world are requested to exercise restraint.”

“There is no evidence to prove that the incident was caused by the Scourge Empire.”

On the radio, a male and female voice alternately introduced the latest news.

Sanyueqi couldn’t help but sighed as he listened:”The world has been restless lately.”

“The name of the Duke of Hellfire was quite famous, but he died inexplicably.”

“Ji Zi, do you think this was done by the Calamity Empire?”

San Yue Qi looked at Ji Zi curiously.

“……”Facing March Seven’s question, Ji Zi lowered her head and thought for a moment, then shook her head.

“It’s unlikely. For many worlds in the universe, the Annihilation Gang is a demon sent from outer space and a precursor to destruction…….”

“……But the destruction they brought was just a small spark for the Scourge Empire.”

“It is hard to imagine that the Calamity Empire would actually pay attention to the Annihilation Gang.”

Ji Zi said with a strange look on her face:

“It’s impossible that the Annihilation Gang is so stupid as to actively provoke the Scourge Empire, right?”

“…..Forehead…..”Dan Heng, who was standing by, heard this and paused before saying,”It seems possible.”

“Didn’t they have a group of extinction gangs before, planning to challenge IX with the help of Aha?”25

“Then what?” Sanyueqi asked curiously.

“What else can happen?”Dan Heng shrugged.

Then he lowered his head and looked at the light curtain in the corner of his eyes.

“But how to explain the appearance of the Ether Dragon?”

The Scourge Empire in the light curtain is leading the fleet of the giant enterprise of the universe to confront the Ether Dragon head-on. The huge Overlord ship is large enough to cover the stars. Countless ships are densely flying out from the Overlord, light spears are splashing and shooting, flames are surging between the galaxies, and the dragon breath of the Ether Dragon is splashing out, but it is blocked by the psychic barrier propped up by the Scourge Empire.

For a time, the confrontation between the two is in a stalemate.

The dragon breath of the Ether Dragon is not enough to destroy the psychic barrier of the Scourge Empire, and the dragon scales that are enough to withstand the collapse of the universe cannot be penetrated by the light spears of the Scourge Empire.

However, the Scourge Empire seems to be happy to see this stalemate. Their ships covered with psychic barriers surround the Ether Dragon, and the light spears weapons keep hitting the dragon scales of the Ether Dragon, making a crisp sound, as if the Ether Dragon is being played as a musical instrument.

“What is this doing?” Dan Heng lowered his head slightly, frowning and thinking.

In the Black Tower Space Station, the researchers of the space station stood on the platform with awe, looking at the two women in the distant sea of stars.

One was the stationmaster of this space station, Ms. Black Tower’s puppet, and the other was the famous creation authority, Ms. Ruan Mei.

Both were members of the Genius Club. Ms. Ruan Mei came to visit Ms. Black Tower recently.

“Hello, Ruan Mei.”

Heita narrowed his eyes, looked at the scene on the screen and asked:

“Even I have to admire your creationism…….What do you think the Scourge Empire is doing?”

Ruan Mei looked at the scene in the light screen.

The Scourge Empire’s light spears were firing faster and faster, and the vibrations produced on the ether dragon scales were becoming more and more regular….

“They are communicating with the Ether Dragon……”

Ruan Mei had some guesses and whispered

“Communication?” Heita’s eyes widened.

“It’s just my guess.”

Ruan Mei looked at the light screen, her slender lips moved slightly and said:

“I guess the ether dragons communicate with each other through the vibration of their scales.”

“So the Scourge Empire is constantly striking the scales of the Ether Dragon to generate a specific frequency…….”

At this point, Ruan Mei paused and stopped talking.

Heita then continued her conversation.

“……If the Ether Dragon responds, will it start to vibrate its scales and reveal its flaws?”

Black Tower frowned and said:

“Will she expose her weakness at this time?”

“Yes, the desire for companions is the instinct of life.”

Ruan Mei looked at the sea of stars in the distance and said softly:

“When a life becomes the last member of its species, this instinct will be so strong that it cannot be suppressed, and even stronger than the desire for life.”

“Remember the title of Taiz Yuros? The last member of the Coleoptera……”

“……It was because of his desire for companions and his intolerance of loneliness that he ascended to become a star god and gave birth to countless offspring.”

“…..Are you lonely?” Heita crossed his arms and looked at Ruan Mei:”Are you lonely?”

“……Maybe.” Ruan Mei smiled softly.

“”Oh, I don’t believe it.”

The two stopped talking and focused their eyes on the light curtain.

In the light curtain, the light spears of the Scourge Empire struck the dragon scales with a crisp sound.

This rhythmic resonance sound was like music from another universe and another physical law.

The ether dragon that was vibrating its wings and releasing dragon lightning towards the surrounding ships suddenly stopped moving, and the light spears shooting at the ether dragon gradually returned to the same frequency…….

【”The Ether Dragon is not suitable for survival in our universe. That dragon is strong, but not invincible.”】

【”The dragon’s scales respond to the rhythm of the tapping, or more precisely…..Specific frequencies have a relaxing effect on its subcutaneous tissue”】

【”And there, they control the scales that they use to move and protect against impact.”】

【”According to analysis, this conditioned reflex was once a key link in the social behavior between Ether Dragons.”】

【”With this discovery, I can kill the Ether Dragon without using the Venom of the Venomous Saint.”】

【”In this way, we can preserve the body of the Ether Dragon relatively intact.”】

The three scientific research arrays reported to the Emperor of Calamity on the high platform……

【”Then do it”】

The emperor of the Scourge Empire said calmly:

【”The Ether Dragon does not actively want to survive in this world…..End its suffering once and for all.”】

At the moment when the voice of the Emperor of the Scourge Empire echoed in the universe, the Ether Dragon raised its head, and deep loneliness was revealed in its fiery eyes.

The light spear struck a harmonious frequency on her scales. It was the sound from a destroyed universe, the sound from the communication between the Ether Dragon species, the hometown of the Ether Dragon, and the voice of the Ether Dragon’s companions.


The scales of the Ether Dragon began to tremble, making a clear and melodious sound like the sound of chimes, responding to its non-existent companion.

In the Enterprise, Shajin looked at the scene in the light curtain and closed his eyes slightly.

The night rain that seemed to drown the entire Tsagania, the night rain that covered the Kakawa Aurora, and the night rain that washed away the blood of all the Evikins seemed to be right in front of him.

All the Evikins died that night, died under the skinning knives of the Katikas, except for a child from Kakawasha, who survived because of the blessing of the Mother Goddess.

“The last life of a race?”

Shajin opened his eyes, revealing his brilliant pupils.

In this universe, no one else has eyes like his.


A deep laugh came from Shajin’s throat:

“Only the Scourge Empire can put an end to the pain of the Ether Dragon.”

In the light curtain, it was not the fleet of the Scourge Empire that attacked the Ether Dragon first, but the suppression of this reality. The physical laws that did not allow the Ether Dragon to survive began to decompose the flesh and blood of the Ether Dragon bit by bit.

The Ether Dragon wailed in pain. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the past countless long years, she has been enduring this pain.

【”End her suffering once and for all.”】

The voice of the Emperor of the Scourge Empire seemed to echo in the ears of all living beings.

“The Ether Dragon, this lonely relic, will eventually….”

“For the first time, I felt that the Scourge Empire was right. The Aether Dragon lived alone and painfully in this world, and couldn’t even end his own suffering…….”

“Now, the Scourge Empire has ended her suffering with death…….”

Between the Worlds���Everyone can’t help but sigh.——————

The blazing spear of light shot through the void and pierced into the exposed flesh of the ether dragon.

The dragon’s eyes no longer spurted out fiery sparks, and its mouth no longer brewed blazing flames like stars.

Her blood flowed into the void along the cracks burned by the spear of light.

Reality couldn’t even contain her blood. The blood turned into streams of light and dissipated into the air, disappearing without a trace.

On the train, March 7 turned his head away with a little reluctance.

“It ended like this. She spent billions of years on a long journey with no end…….Finally, death came”

“Little Sanyue, death is not always a bad thing.”

Jizi put her hand on Sanyueqi’s shoulder:

“Death is the end of everything, settling all the burdens, debts and sorrows of the living.”

“Only the last rest left……Any life that reaches the end through its own efforts is worthy of respect.”

“oh……”San Yue Qi nodded, not quite understanding.

At this moment, the voice of the Calamity Empire sounded in the light curtain.[]

【”Send the reassigned personnel of the Universal Corporation’s Post-Death Reemployment Center into the galaxy where the Ether Dragon is located.”】

【”Let the Ether Dragon soar across the sea of stars for His Majesty the Emperor again. This time she will have a place to return to.”】

“Re-employment center after death?”Topa was stunned when she saw this scene.

She knew the two words”after death” and”re-employment center”, but why couldn’t she understand them together?

How could people find jobs after they died?

Could the Scourge Empire let the dead screw in the factory?

Topa couldn’t help laughing, laughing at herself for coming up with such a ridiculous and bizarre idea…….

Of course, it was not just Topa who was confused. All living beings in the universe were in confusion.

“Posthumous Reemployment Center? What is this organization?”

“Solving the employment problem after death? Such an unpopular demand…….”

“Could it be that they were decomposing the corpse and making it into something like 270 nutritional cakes?”

“Although it is disgusting, many poor star systems in the universe have this tradition of reusing corpses.”

For a time, all beings in the universe believed that the so-called afterlife re-employment center was the reprocessing of corpses.

“…….Afterlife Employment Center.”

Nguyen Mei murmured the word

“What? What do you think? Do you want to eat corpse nutrition paste?”Heita asked, raising the puppet’s eyebrows.

“No, I just thought of something…….”

Ruan Mei touched her chin and said with interest:

“Did you know that in many civilizations, there is a fantasy horror creature?”

“Zombies or zombies, in short, are resurrected dead people, walking corpses”

“Of course I know.” Heita crossed his arms and said,”Life will be afraid of things that look like itself but not exactly the same, such as puppets, wax figures or corpses.”

“Therefore, many civilizations have a fear of corpses, which led to the emergence of zombies.”

“Don’t you think…..Is the lost in this horror story setting a perfect labor force?”Ruan Mei pinched her chin and suddenly said

“Huh?” A huge question mark appeared on Heita’s head.

“No fatigue, no sense of pain, use zombies to feed zombies, almost no cost, no commission……”

Ruan Mei pinched her chin and murmured:

“Although he has low intelligence, he is very suitable for simple repetitive work.”

“For example, letting zombies generate electricity manually?”

“……”Heita looked at Ruan Mei with a distorted expression.

“I think the Scourge Empire would have thought of this as well.”

Ruan Mei looked at the light curtain and said, as if to confirm her words, a line of text suddenly appeared on the light curtain:

【Afterlife Employment Center: In the world’s largest companies that implement the permanent employment system, deceased employees will be sent to the afterlife employment center.】

【Here, the body deprived of consciousness can find new purpose and new opportunities to repay its debt.】

【”Don’t die, get up and work! Think about the debt you have to pay off in 360 installments over 30 years!”】

【Permanent employment system】

【Giant companies can guarantee that their employees will never be out of work】

【Forever in the true sense】

【After the employees’ life candles burn out, their bodies are reassigned to simple jobs so that they can still provide for their families and repay their debts.】

【As the 700-member board of directors of the world’s largest company said……】

【”Only death and work are eternal. Sometimes work is more eternal than death.”】

“It’s simply hell!” said the leader of a Luofu Xianzhou Taibushi who was slacking off.

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