“Eternal Throne, Eternal Life for All……”

“The Scourge Empire is indeed an unimaginable existence.”

Bronya rubbed her temples tiredly, and couldn’t help but feel fortunate that she had shown enough respect to the Scourge Empire.

If she had followed the opinions of the officials, nobles, and city builders and rudely ignored the emperor…

Bronya couldn’t help but shudder. If she had angered the Scourge Empire, Yalilo-VI might have been a debris in the universe.

Bronya sighed deeply and drove these messy thoughts out of her brain.

She still had to deal with the complicated government affairs on the table,

Beloberg reestablished contact with the universe, and the Sun Festival celebration invited the emperor of the Scourge Empire to participate in the event…….

The nobles, officials and city builders also had a lot of complaints about Bronya.

They didn’t know that the starship floating above Yalilo-VI belonged to the Scourge Empire, and they just regarded it as an ordinary interstellar civilization in the universe, so they often accused Bronya of being too friendly to them. They also expressed dissatisfaction that Bronya decided to transform the planet’s environment without discussing it with them.

They accused Bronya of wanting to be a dictator and sell out Beloberg’s interests to the interstellar civilization in the sky.

Bronya could only smile bitterly and endure these condemnations.

“Why…….The nobles asked me to explain my recent behavior to them…….”

“…..The builders wanted me to prove that I was still loyal to the Way of Preservation……”

“The officials felt that my recent behavior was a bit arbitrary, and hoped that the Great Guardian could share the work with them……”

Bronya leaned back in her chair and smiled bitterly.

She considered disclosing the news to officials, the”497″ city builders, and the nobles, but she didn’t dare to trust them. She was even more worried about whether this would cause panic and bring about worse consequences.

But more importantly, what was the attitude of the Scourge Empire?

Did they care about their existence being made public? Bronya didn’t dare to gamble.

“What a hassle!…..”

The image of the emperor of the Scourge Empire flashed through her mind.

“I wonder how His Majesty would deal with this kind of thing…….”

“…..Kill them all?”

Bronya couldn’t help but shook her head:

“I can’t do this……What about Lord Grey Wind? If only I had one tenth of her brains.”

Bronya’s mind once again flashed back to the image of the extremely beautiful Secretary of State Grey Wind of the Scourge Empire.

Her quick, calm and wise mind, as well as her efficient handling of government affairs, impressed Bronya deeply.

“I really don’t know how such a mind was born……”

“…..If Lord Gray Wind devotes himself to scientific research, will he be able to become a member of the Genius Club?”

Bronya murmured.

She could only envy the wisdom shown by Gray Wind……


A burst of light flashed from the corner of Bronya’s eyes, and the light curtain suddenly expanded in front of Bronya’s eyes.

【The seventh crime of the Scourge Empire: opening the L-Star Gate, releasing the Gray Gu Storm and the L-Star Dragon to wreak havoc on the stars, and subduing the Gray Demon to slaughter all living things! 】

Looking at the words that appeared on the screen, Bronya couldn’t help but blink.

“Gray Gu Storm? L Star Dragon? Gray Devil?”

Bronya was slightly stunned.

“What is this?”

Looking at the words”Gray Devil” on the screen, Bronya’s mind somehow flashed with the face of Gray Wind.


“How could it be Lord Gray Wind? How could such a beautiful woman be called a devil?”

Bronya couldn’t help but shook her head.


Heita raised his eyebrows.

In the universe, stargate is a very common giant structure that allows ships to enter the pioneering galactic orbit in a relatively safe way, pass through the imaginary barrier between galaxies, and reach the adjacent galaxy.

Through this structure, even ships with jump capabilities that are not blessed by the power of destiny can also sail across galaxies.

What harm can opening a stargate do to the universe?

“Or is it that the Star Gate mentioned by the Scourge Empire is something similar to but different from the universe?”Heita couldn’t help but touch his chin with interest.

A unique giant structure appeared in the light curtain.

Its shape was like two mechanical flowers, standing between the stars, facing each other.

【Stargate: A pipeline that shuttles through the basic structure of the subspace, through which one can quickly reach other stargates and establish a fast-pass network across the stars. The two mechanical structures in the light curtain burst into dazzling purple light, and the space inside twitched and twisted, like a pool of water thrown into a stone.

After a moment, the space in between let out a whine, and a crack was torn out, showing the scene of hundreds of different star systems.

“The technology of the Scourge Empire is really not simple.”

On the Enterprise, Gold Dust watched the scene on the light screen with interest, tearing the basic structure of space and connecting the star gates of different galaxies between the stars.

This technology is much more advanced than the”star gates” mastered by the company.

The star gates mastered by the company are just tunnels between similar galaxies, which are convenient for ships without jump capabilities to sail across galaxies, while the star gates of the Scourge Empire can directly connect the stars in the distant other side……..

“As long as enough stargates are built, all galaxies will become neighboring worlds.”

“The entire universe will be truly connected, and the high walls between galaxies will no longer be a problem.”

“The huge amount of energy required for the jump will become a thing of the past……..”

Shajin couldn’t help but smile:

“This is very useful for the world trade. Latio, do you want to take this as a research direction?”

Speaking of this, Shajin looked at the Doctor of Truth in front of him.

Doctor of Truth���Latio held his chin and looked at the gold dust:”Didn’t you find something more important?”

“Oh?” Shajin raised his eyebrows.

“Everyone who knows about the structure of the universe knows that there is an unknown imaginary space between galaxies that is difficult to cross.”

“Without the direct or indirect help of the Star Gods, people cannot cross the barriers between galaxies.”

“In other words, the current civilization of the universe depends on the gift of the Star God.”

Latio moved his eyes away from the gold dust and looked at the vast Milky Way outside the window……

“The stargate technology mastered by the Scourge Empire no longer needs to rely on the Star God to connect the universe.”

“The road to development will be wider than ever before”


On the train, Ji Zi held her chin, looking at the brilliant galaxy outside the window, and also at the star gates in the light curtain that connected all the worlds, making the distant world become the adjacent world, making the distant journey become close at hand…….

Is this behavior pioneering? Is it a better pioneering than trains?

Jizi couldn’t comment, but she knew that if all living things in the universe could build star gates, then the journey of pioneering would extend under everyone’s feet……..

“”Conductor, what do you think of this star gate?”

Ji Zi asked the conductor who was staring blankly at the light curtain.

However, the conductor seemed not to hear Ji Zi’s words.

“Wind Whirl……No matter where it is, it’s spinning. It never stops, never stops…..”

“Just like pioneering……”

“You and I once promised: the journey of exploration will never stop…..But where are you now?”

Pam clenched the mop and whispered:

“Is this kind of star gate the never-ending development you expect?”

Looking at Pam’s reaction, Ji Zi smiled gently, and then moved her eyes to the light curtain, and saw that the scene on the light curtain changed and moved to a strange star gate.

This star gate was flashing with light green light, and gray dust was floating around it, as if it was dug out from the desert.

This unique star gate rotated in the void, but the world it led to was closed, and no ship could enter. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Is this the L-Gate? The gate opened by the Scourge Empire?”

Ji Zi showed a curious expression:

“Why is it called a crime to reconnect closed things?”

“Could it be that there is something terrible behind this door?”

Just when Ji Zi was curious, a voice sounded on the light curtain…….

【”We discovered an ancient warp portal”】

【”At some point after its initial construction, it was severed from the rest of the network.”】

【”It currently indicates only one valid destination – an unexplored region outside our own star system.”】

【”It is named L Cluster by our astronomers”】

【”What’s even more intriguing is that this stargate was built entirely by extremely advanced micro-nano robots.”】

“Are these gray dusts nanorobots? Are the numbers too huge? ?”

All the beings in the universe looked at the words on the screen and were a little surprised.

These gray dusts that filled the entire galaxy were actually all nanorobots.

“If all these nanorobots were activated, they would cover the entire planet in an instant……….”

“They are just nanorobots, just more in number. It’s not like I haven’t seen them before.”

“Even the Scourge Empire commented that the design of these nanorobots is extremely advanced…….It shouldn’t be an ordinary nanorobot, right?”

Just as the beings in the universe were curious, the scientific research ship of the Scourge Empire on the light curtain began to study this L-Stargate.

【”The gate emits a faint energy signature, but it has been intentionally locked in a maintenance cycle to prevent it from being activated.”】

【”If we can somehow undo this process, we can reach the L Cluster.”】

“Blocked? Prevented from being activated?”[]

“Is there some kind of secret behind it, or is there a terrible danger?”

“But the technology of this L-Star Gate is obviously very advanced. Whether it is danger or opportunity, there will definitely be gains if it is uncovered.”

All living beings in the universe looked at the L-Star Gate that was closed in the light curtain with curious expressions.

【”According to the information we have learned, other civilizations in the universe are also conducting research on star gates.”】

The scene on the light screen was changing.

In several star systems, different civilizations were conducting research on different L-gates.

Most of the progress was very slow.

L-The nanorobot technology and subspace technology on the star gate are obviously a problem for most civilizations.

All beings in the universe vaguely sense that this is a competition between multiple civilizations.

Whoever can open the L-star gate first can go to the L-star cluster, discover the secrets there first, and obtain unknown technology.

Even by occupying the L-star gate, they can gain super mobility to send troops to other civilizations.


Shajin looked at the scene on the screen with interest, and said while stroking his chin:

“How will the Scourge Empire respond to this scientific research competition between different civilizations?”

“It would probably take quite a while to unlock the advanced technology on the L-Gate, right?”

“”Latio, what do you think?” Shajin looked at Doctor Zhenli again and said

“I will probably gather the smartest minds in the world and concentrate their wisdom to study it.”

At this point, Doctor Truth paused:

“At the same time, they sent out spies to collect research results from other civilizations, making themselves invincible.”

“This is a reasonable approach.”

Shajin touched his chin and said:

“I just don’t know if the Scourge Empire will use this method?”

“A scientific research competition to study advanced technology, how interesting!————Hmm?”

Just as Shajin was speaking, the scene on the screen changed.

The research ship of the Scourge Empire fiddled with the L-Stargate for a few times and installed several strange mechanical creations on its surface.

Then, there was a snap.

L-Stargate, it’s open


“Not a buddy?”

“Where is the advanced technology you promised? ? ?”

All Beings in the Universe 4.5 looked confused, watching the scientific research ship of the Scourge Empire take a few minutes to reactivate the L-Star Gate.

L-A dazzling light burst out from the star gate, and the hot fluorescent green beams collided with each other, splashing brilliant waves in space.

In an instant, a dark hole formed in the void, reflecting the L-star cluster it led to.

At the same time that the Scourge Empire activated the L-star gate, other civilizations had not even figured out the structure of the L-star gate.

“What about the scientific research competition?”

“I just wrote a solution, and you said you handed it in? ?”

“Didn’t the Scourge Empire just say that the nanorobots near the L-Star Gate were extremely advanced?”

The faces of all the beings in the universe were full of question marks. The development of the plot on the light curtain was completely beyond their expectations.

At this time, a voice sounded on the light curtain,

【”The nanorobots used to build the L-Gate can continuously upgrade their design through self-iteration”】

【”For an empire that rarely deals with this, this is an extremely advanced design.”】

【”But the Stargate itself uses subspace technology……..”】

【”The Empire’s Warp Researchers commented: Inefficient and stupid structure”】

【”If the Empire’s warp technology is fine porcelain, it is a wonderful skill that requires precise control of temperature, glaze, and clay.”】

【”Then the L-Star Gate is just a piece of mud made by a child using urine, which is smelly and rotten.”】

Seeing the disdainful words of the Scourge Empire on the screen, the eyes of all beings in the universe twitched.

At this moment, a wave of turbulence arose in the opened L-star gate, as if something was about to come out……..

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