The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1001: The ancients love nonsense

Florence is not a human race, but an orc, a dog race in the orc.

The natural characteristic of the dog tribe is that it is extremely sensitive in smell and hearing. Any smell and any sound in her senses will be amplified several times, ten times or even dozens of times.

In other words, no matter where Zach hides the gold coin, Florence will smell it at the first time, and Florence will hear it at the first time no matter what little action Zach makes.

This is a very scary thing.

At the same time, when I talk about Florence, I will think of my fiancee Barbara. She is a cat tribe with strong night vision ability and fast response speed. At the same time, her hearing is quite sensitive, that is to say, in the future In life, I can no longer sneak out to play in the dark, nor can I do any small actions that make noises.

Thinking of this, I can't help but fall sweat.

Fortunately, Kagali is a tauren and doesn't have so many special talents, but her only talent is enough for me to choke-born strong.

Therefore, we must not easily provoke any orc girls, the talents they possess are not something that a human race can afford.

Zach saw my ashamed smile clearly. Zach smiled and said, "Does it feel terrible?"

I nodded, reached out and patted his shoulder, then sighed deeply.

This sigh melted into the endless desolation.

We spent a whole afternoon and didn’t clean up the house. We watched that dinner was about to be done. Everyone was hungry, sleepy and tired. We wanted to cook. There was a pile of things in the kitchen that couldn’t be moved. , I wanted to go to a restaurant outside to deal with a dinner, but Kagali refused again, saying that she could not let her goddess Emily eat those hard-to-swallow meals in the restaurant.

In fact, when you think about it, what she said has some truth. The elves don't care much about dinner, whether it's a personal home or a restaurant.

Therefore, as long as we are not exhausted to the extreme, we will choose to go home and cook for ourselves instead of going to the restaurant to deal with it.

However, the current situation is like this: the kitchen can’t cook, so I’m thinking about barbecues, grills and other things are still in the cabinets on the innermost level of the kitchen, and I can’t take them out at all. Go directly to Yang Ku’s house to deal with it. It will cause a lot of trouble for Yang Ku and the others. If they use Emily’s kitchen to cook, they can do it, but the house is too small to seat us people. Oh, yes, there is a huge figure. The Beatles, it would be even more difficult to sit down.

Having encountered so many difficulties, we can't help but fall into distress.

Seeing that the time for Emily's arrival was approaching, Kagali was really anxious to hit the table with her fist.

I was distressed and didn't know what to say. It was a table made of high-grade fragrant wood, and it was also made by elves. The price is ridiculously expensive, more than a hundred times the price of an ordinary table.

Seeing Kagali's anxious look, and then at the high-grade incense wooden table that had begun to shake slightly, I really don't know whether to go up and persuade her or let her vent.

After struggling for a few minutes, I heard a click, my heart was cold.

Turning to look at the high-grade incense wooden table, it has fallen to pieces.

However, Kagali's next move made me even more chilling.

Seeing that the table was broken, she turned her head and looked at me, with anxiety and anger in her eyes: "Xiaoyi!"

Listening to her poor tone, I leaned over with a smile on my face: "Hey, I am here."

The ancients said: Reach out and don't hit smiley people.

Now is the time to witness whether the ancients were right or wrong!

Knew it! Without saying a word, Kagali pulled me over, and the petite but powerful fist turned around on my head, and it hurt my teeth.

Meow, the ancients just love nonsense!

After a dozen or so rounds of fists on my head, she stopped. Kagali stared at a pair of beautiful big eyes and said in a nasty voice, "Xiao Yi, give you one minute to figure out an effective way to let us Had a decent and delicious dinner!"

"One minute..." I said bitterly, "Can you add more time?"

Kagali grinned twice: "Half a minute."

I'm just crazy, how can the time be reduced or increased!

"Dinner, dinner, dinner..." I kept chanting these two words, hoping that it would bring me some inspiration.

Time ticked and ticked ruthlessly, Lilya was counting softly: "Sixteen, seventeen, half past, eighteen, nineteen..."

I rub! Only eleven seconds left! I said Lilea, are you counting too fast?

While complaining, I tried hard to think about where I could satisfy all Kagali's requirements.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, and I instantly had an idea: "Airship!"

"Airship?" Kagali frowned: "Xiaoyi, please make it clear."

"We can go to the airship to have dinner," I said, and I forced a smile: "The chef on it is really amazing."

Kagali looked up at the sky, and then nodded: "Well, how did I forget this? Dewey is Xiaoyi's father-in-law and our father-in-law. It seems that we are eating at our own home. Proper."

Phoenix, Barbara, Lilea, and Yula all nodded their heads, and other male compatriots in the guild also nodded. The former women agree with Kagali’s ideas, while the latter are afraid of offending the guild’s majesty. .

Kagali found the VIP badge Dewey gave me from my body, handed it to Billy, and said, "Go to the airship base and ask them to prepare the most abundant dinner."

Billy took the badge and walked obediently.

The rest of us threw all the unfurnished furniture and objects into the hall, then closed the door, and stood at the door of the house waiting for Emily's arrival.

Before long, Emily appeared in the distance in plain clothes, and Kagali walked over quickly, welcoming each other a hundred meters away.

Afterwards, under the guidance of Kagali, we arrived at the airship base. Billy had been waiting for a long time under one of the airships. Seeing us coming, he ran over and returned the noble badge as if to please To Kagali.

Kagali did not return the noble badge to me, but put it away. After putting it away, she did not forget to turn her head and give me a flying eye.

After that, the things are very simple. The chefs on the airship are omnipotent. There are almost no cuisines that they can't cook. All kinds of tricks and various types of meals make everyone happy.

Even if Emily is the president of the Rose Legion, one of the five major guilds, she has never enjoyed such a treatment on an airship. It is not that she does not want to enjoy it, but that she is not qualified enough.

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