Emily nodded: "Simple and simple, I like this layout very much."

Kagali, who was serving dishes on the side, heard Emily say so, she was so excited at the moment, she threw the plate in her hand on the table, and walked over quickly: "Well, if you like, you can, you can Move here!"

The tone of her speech was so excited that she couldn't make a sentence.

Emily groaned a little and nodded slightly: "Okay."

Kagali was so excited that she couldn't help herself, but I couldn't help but secretly said something was wrong.

It's not that Emily is not welcome, but she doesn't seem to know that Princess Analita is cured, right?

If this matter is made known to her, based on her personality, will this matter be made public?

If it were made public, it would be terrible.

Ever since, I made up my mind that before Emily moved in, she must personally agree to help me keep this matter secret.

After dinner, I sent Emily home some time in advance. Although Kagali expressed a slight dissatisfaction with this, she still compromised under the motion of my eyes.

Walking on the road, I said to Emily: "You told me many internal secrets before. To be fair, I also decided to tell you an internal secret of my family."

Emily turned her head to look at me, and said faintly: "Are you worried that after I move into your house, I will discover your unknown secret?"

I was surprised and blurted out: "How did you know?"

Emily turned her head and said lightly: "Your previous expression has already told me."

I subconsciously squeezed my face: "Emotion? My expression seems to be very normal..."

"It was when Kagali mentioned that I wanted me to stay in your house, and I agreed," Emily said lightly.


Beauty, don't be so careful about your observation, okay! You will see all my privacy!

After a moment of helplessness, I cleared my throat and said, "Well, like you said, it's actually not a big secret..."

"Don't talk about secrets that are not very important" Emily said lightly: "I am not interested in secrets that are not important."

"Then...the important secret?"

Emily stopped, looked at me, and slowly said, "Also not interested."

Hey, this woman, why is it so difficult to deal with!

After that, I told Emily that Princess Analita was actually pretending to be crazy and stupid. After listening, Emily was as calm as an old monk in the temple, without even showing any expression of surprise.

Could it be that...she already knew about this?

Impossible, impossible, impossible, how could she know such a secret thing.

Then why is she acting so calmly?

Could it be that... she doesn't care about whether Princess Analita is really crazy?

Just when I was puzzled, Emily said lightly: "I already know about Princess Analita."

I was surprised: "How did you know?"

"Her Majesty the Queen told me."

As she said, she paused and continued: "Also, even if the Queen doesn't tell me, I will know."


"Because the princess's eyes became very bright, the expression in her eyes became very flexible" Emily said: "It is impossible for a person with brain trauma to have such a pair of eyes."

Let me take it, beauty, your nuanced observation ability is really terrifying!

Sent Emily back home, before entering the door, Emily said lightly: "Come to my house tomorrow day."

When I heard it, I became interested: Could it be that she is going to do something indescribable to me? Oh yo, it’s so good to hear~

However, the excitement has not yet passed, and her following words directly throw me into the cold water basin: "Pack the necessary luggage, I will go directly to your house."

by! It turned out to be a move. Really, I was looking forward to it.

Saying goodbye to Emily, I went home and directly announced Emily's plan to settle in the house. The family commotion instantly, especially Kagali.

Then, we spent a small amount of time in the middle of the night to clean up a room upstairs. Kagali also sprayed a bottle of extremely expensive perfume around the wall, which made me feel distressed.

After finishing the arrangement, we leaned against the door and looked in, admiring the empty new room, and at the same time, we sniffed the strong scent in the room.

Kagali leaned on the door frame, frowned, thought for a while, then suddenly turned her head and asked me: "Xiao Yi, shall we go to the commercial street tomorrow?"

"What are you doing?"

"Buy a big-bed!"

Kagali said, opening her arms and making a very exaggerated gesture.

The corners of my mouth twitched: "Buying such a big bed...what are you going to do?"

"Let Emily sleep on it" Kagali held a pair of small fists on her chin, her face was full of girlish feelings.

"Heh" I chuckled, "I thought you were planning to let all the girls in the guild accompany Emily to sleep."

"How is that possible!" Kagali pouted: "She is a cold goddess, and no one else is allowed!"

While speaking, she stared around.

Phoenix completely ignored the threat in her eyes and leaned on my shoulder with her eyes closed.

Barbara moved her ears and snorted softly, "I'm not rare!"

Lilea spread her hands: "Don't worry, I won't mess with the goddess in your mind."

Yura sighed: "So sleepy."

Susan shrugged: "I'm tired of taking care of Belle and Princess Analita, and I don't have so much thought about other things."

The two sisters: "I'm only interested in you, I will grow up."

The three little loli were not present, playing with Xiao Zhi in the yard.

Loki watched Lily play in the yard.

Father Taylor is drinking.

Jackson was in a daze with the picture of the proprietress.

Billy and Godot are doing little moves happily, these two are based.

Zach and Florence were in their room, and no one knew what they were doing.

Belle and Princess Analita, both looked at Susan with apologetic expressions.

Kagali turned her gaze to me, and I couldn't help being shocked. I was about to speak for a reason. When she glanced at her nose, she suddenly threw herself into my arms. A pair of small fists punched my chest and said angrily: "Xiao Yi Look, why don’t everyone understand Emily’s charm?"


The corners of my mouth twitched and my face was dumbfounded: "What do you mean?"

Kagali grieved: "Look, Xiaoyi, Emily is such a charming girl, why isn't everyone obsessed with her?"

I thought for a while and comforted her: "Do you think white fish is delicious?"

Kagali nodded: "It's okay."

"But Barbara feels that white fish is the supreme delicacy" I turned to Barbara: "Am I right?"

Barbara embraced her arms, proudly, and snorted, "Yes."

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