After all the luggage, parcels and toiletries were sorted out, Emily finally moved into my house officially.

To show her welcome, Kagali announced today to go to the Fairy Forest for a bonfire party, but this suggestion was collectively rejected by us. Now it is the time of spring and summer communication, and it is most likely to ignite the mountain, even if it is just a burning candle. It may turn a large piece of forest into a sea of ​​flames. Going to a bonfire party now, I am afraid it will turn into a sea of ​​flames in the end.

Seeing Kagali's look lonely, I couldn't bear to let her down, so I suggested: "It's better to have a small barbecue party at home."

However, my seemingly well-meaning decision was rejected by Kagali. She pinched my arm and said displeased: “Today is the first day Emily stayed in our house. It is very memorable. We must celebrate!"

Looking at the blue and purple arm pinched by Kagali, I distressedly came up with an idea that was slightly better than a small barbecue party: "Go to the fairy patriarch to have a bonfire party. Although it pollutes the air, she should always I won't refuse us."

This idea immediately received Kagali's response, and the other women looked at each other, feeling that they couldn't refute her face, so they all agreed.

So, for this bonfire party, everyone was divided into several groups and started their own tasks.

The task assigned to Zach and I is shopping and buying all kinds of meat suitable for grilling.

As I walked toward the commercial street, I contacted the fairy patriarch using the call crystal. After I explained the specific situation, the fairy patriarch said that there is no problem, but may need more meat products-her people also want to enjoy watching the campfire. The mood of eating barbecue.

I said no problem, and then hung up the crystal.

Zach asked me how I was, and the patriarch agreed or disagreed.

I waved my hand: "The patriarch said that there is no problem at all, but there is one condition."

"What conditions?"

"There is a lot of meat, and she and her people will enjoy this bonfire party together."

Zach thought for a while: "There are a lot of fairies, how much meat is needed?"

I held my chin and thought for a while, and asked Zach: "How much money did you bring out?"

Zach took out the pocketbook that Kagali gave him, and the small pocketbook that Florence had kindly supported the bonfire party, totaling more than 400 silver coins.

"More than four hundred silver coins..." I squeezed my chin, expressing a sad face. The money is only enough to buy two lambs.

Cursing my lips, I said: "Forget it."

"What?" Zach didn't understand what I meant, with a look of confusion.

"I said forget it," I sighed, and I continued: "You keep all this money as private money. I ask my godfather for help."

"That's not good." Zach put away the money bag a little hesitantly, and said with a worried look: "Will the president be angry?"

"Why is she angry? I should be angry." I sighed and said, "Look, there are more than four hundred silver coins. We still count the support from my sister-in-law. These money is only enough here. Buy two good-quality lambs. Do you think two lambs are enough for such a large group of people to divide? I am afraid that one person can get a few wools at most."

"We can buy regular lamb, or calf..."

"Come on" I directly rejected Zach's proposal: "Buy ordinary lambs and calves back. Kagali will definitely go crazy. I don't want to be rounded and beaten by her, and I don't want to be picked up by her. Throw the steamer out. Okay. Just do as I said. As for the four hundred silver coins, you can handle it yourself. Try to dispose of them before you go home. Otherwise, with your sister-in-law’s sense of smell, you won’t escape. A group of beatings, by the way, sister-in-law, she should be very gentle, and she rarely fights you together, right?

Zach nodded and said: "Florence does not hit me with her fists and feet much, but once she gets angry, she will bite me fiercely..."

With that, he rolled up his sleeves and showed me his arm.

There are dozens of shallow bite marks all over the arm.

I looked at it and smiled: "My sister-in-law is really affectionate. They all have shallow bite marks. They must not hurt at all. You said she bit them hard, which is really exaggerated..."

Before he finished speaking, Zach sighed softly: "These are the bite marks left by Susan's treatment. They are scars. It takes a long time to fade away."

I heard it, and I couldn't help being horrified.

Although Susan is good at purification, she is also a qualified priest after all. As long as she is a priest, she will be able to heal. With the bonus of healing, she can leave these shallow bite marks... Florence's bite force is really amazing.

I couldn't help asking Zach: "Why did you provoke my sister-in-law, so that she was so violent?"

Zach sighed: "That was when I was shopping recently, Florence and I..."

As soon as he said this, Zach stopped, we looked at each other, and then turned our heads together.

Behind her, a petite and weird-looking elf Lolita was raising her head, tiptoe, and eavesdropping with excited eyes and ears.

My eyelids drooped down instantly, turning into a pair of dead fish eyes, and said, neither salty nor indifferent: "Hey, boy, what are you doing with your hair?"

Elf Lori clenched her fists with both hands and leaned against her flat chest. A pretty face tried to put on a cute look, and she stretched her neck vigorously, trying to keep her face close to me, while using a sweet greasy face. The voice said to me: "Just tell me, let him tell me, what happened when he and Florence were shopping, I really want to know~~~"

Zac's face flushed with shame on the side, I grinned at the corner of my mouth, showing a very strange smile, then slowly raised my right hand, made a fist, raised the second joint of the index finger, the joint rushed down, and aimed—


"Oh!" Elf Lolita covered her head, her painful tears hung on the corners of her eyes, she asked me viciously: "Why are you hitting me?"

I blew the second joint of my smoking index finger and said leisurely: "His Royal Highness Analetta, please put away your curiosity. You are the future queen's successor. Is such a reckless behavior very inappropriate? ?"

"What's wrong!" The little princess defended: "I'm just purely curious about okay? This is innocent. How can a strange uncle like you understand my pure heart!"

I hehe said, "Yo-yo-yo, she's still innocent. Whose innocent girl would be interested in other people's privacy gossip?"

"Yes" the little princess stared, "I am!"

"Cut" I expressed disdain.

"His Royal Highness, do you have any instructions?" Zach said respectfully.

"Yes, yes," the little princess said excitedly: "I heard you just said that you want to eat meat, I want to eat too, I want to eat meat too!"

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