The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1010: Marry a wife like a phoenix

The little princess said so abruptly that I was caught off guard and crashed in place.

Zach worked **** the side for a long time, then snorted and laughed.

The corners of my mouth twitched when I came back to my senses, really sweating like a waterfall, helpless like a flood!

If the other party is a beautiful adult girl, I might ask her motives while happily in my heart, but unfortunately, the other party is a little loli about the same age as Remy and the others. There is no butt, maybe even the hair hasn't grown out!

Such a little loli actually pretended to be a foolish girl and asked me to marry him?

I touched her forehead with the back of my hand, ah, it's not hot, it seems that there is no fever, and then I knocked her forehead with my index finger.

The little princess looked upset, she said angrily: "Why are you knocking on my forehead?"

"I want to hear if there is the sound of the sea inside."

"Ocean?" The little princess looked at me with a puzzled expression, then turned to Zach.

Zach, who had laughed a moment ago, finally recovered. He cleared his throat and turned his face to one side.

"Tell me, what do you mean by the sound of the sea in your head?" She asked, pulling the clothes on Zac's stomach.

Zach cleared his throat again, with a look of embarrassment: "Your Royal better not know."

"No! I need to know! I must know! Definitely!" The little princess's stubborn temper came up, and she played a small temper on the spot.

Zach looked at me, I shrugged at him, he sighed, and said: "Xiaoyi meant to say, Your Royal Highness, there is water in your mind."

The little princess became angry instantly, her eyes widened, and she looked at me and said, "An Xiaoyi! How dare you insult this princess! Believe it or not, I will ask my master to complain!"

"Go ahead" I stretched out my hand and pointed in the direction of my house: "Your master is staying in my house now."

"Yeah!" The little princess was startled when she heard the words, "My master is in your house? Then today's meat..."

"Yes, your master is also there, how about it, do you want to go?" I smiled and looked at her ears. Just now, her ears were pulled by Emily for a long time.

The little princess subconsciously covered her ears, her small face tangled, and after a while, she bit her lip and stomped her feet vigorously: "I...I'm going! Big, big deal, I'll be caught by the master again!"

This little Nizi's thinking is so weird, and she didn't do anything wrong, just rubbing a meal, how could Emily pick her ears?

Emily is not an ear-cuffing monster.

However, I suddenly found that using this trick to clean up the little princess is very effective. As long as you lift her master and look at her ears, she will become a good girl in panic, hey, interesting.

It didn't take long for forty cattle and sheep to be ready, all tied together and packed into a big box.

The boxes are made of wood and are specially prepared for us by the boss. There are also four reels made of wood under each box to facilitate our dragging.

I asked the boss how much the two wooden boxes cost, and the boss smiled and said, "Because it is a regular customer, these two wooden boxes are for you."

I thanked the boss, and dragged a wooden box home with Zach.

On the way, the little princess was very excited. After a while, she ran to the wooden box and patted the beef and mutton inside. Then she ran back to complain about the unpleasant smell of raw beef and mutton. Her activeness caused me a headache, but Zac on the side Showed full tolerance.

I took advantage of the little princess to run back to watch the gap between beef and mutton, and asked Zach: "Don't you think Princess Analeta is a bit too lively?"

"I don't think so." Zach's smile was full of love: "I was thinking, when my child grows up to this age, will he be as lively as the princess."

I curled my lips: "Maybe he will be more lively, after all, he is a boy."

"Really?" Zach turned his head and looked forward, his eyes full of expectation: "I really want him to grow up sooner."

"Hey, Zach" I called him twice, and Zach just recovered, turned to me and said, "What's wrong?"

I frowned: "Please, don't fall into the fantasy too deep, okay, and, do you think children are too ambitious?"

"Okay" Zach smiled: "Naughty children will be successful."

I shrugged, no longer comment, but quietly pulled the wooden box.

Maybe I couldn’t understand Zach’s thoughts before I became a father, or even if I became a father, I’m also different from his thoughts, but these things will only happen in the future. I am still Don't entangle him endlessly on this topic.

After returning home, the people in the guild greeted Princess Analeta one after another, and then circled around the box that Zac and I dragged back. As they turned, they still chuckled, "So many... . Xiaoyi will not buy out the butcher shop, right?"

Phoenix looked at the beef and mutton inside, tilted his head and asked me: "Xiaoyi, can we eat so much?"

I nodded: "Don't worry, I can, maybe it's not enough."

After listening, she nodded, then put her little nose close to me, put it on my clothes and sniffed, frowned, and said, "It smells bad, Xiao Yi, you go change your clothes."

"it is good."

I responded and changed to go into the room to get spare clothes, but was stopped by Barba's stretched hand.

Barbara moved her little nose and asked me: "Xiaoyi, you didn't buy a white fish!"

"Yes" I said: "With so much beef and mutton, do you still want to eat white fish?"

"Yes!" Barbara raised her head and chested, proudly said.

It's gone, I spread my hands at Zac, and Zac smiled bitterly at me, and then the two people who were struggling to start their second shopping journey.

In order to meet Barbara’s request, I bought a full basket of white fish. Before I left, the shop owner curiously asked me: "You buy so many fish, do you want to feed the wild cats?"

I thought for a while and answered him: "It's not a wild cat, it's a house cat."

The same Zach laughed and asked me: "If Barbara hears this, what will happen to you?"

I didn't even think about it, and answered directly: "It must be a punch, kick, and claw scratching. It is estimated that 80% of my body will be bruised."

After buying a white fish, Zac’s mission with Zac is finally over. We were going to change clothes, but was stopped by Kagali again. She said to me: "Don’t change it, I will ask you and Zach is dragging beef and lamb into the forest. If you change into new clothes, you will get a bad taste."

As soon as I thought about it, I gave up the idea of ​​changing clothes, but Phoenix did not give up. She pulled out a set of my underwear from the room, hugged it in her arms, and said: "I will hold it for you. With grandma, let's find a room to change."

Feeling the tenderness of the phoenix, I really want to scream up to the sky: marrying a wife is like a phoenix, so what can a husband do!

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