The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1017: Princess Aurora is talking about you

The reason for coming together with Yura is very interesting. It is that she has cured the problem of not being able to laugh under the inexplicable circumstances, and then they get closer and closer, and then they come together.

The way to get together with Lilya is very elegant in martial arts novels. I tore off her veil and saw her true face. Then there were two options: marry her or be killed by her?

For fear of death, I naturally chose the latter. Moreover, Lilya is a beautiful girl no matter what angle she looks at. It's not a loss to marry her!

This is how my five fiancées and I got together. After thinking about it, none of them really started with confessing this kind of youthful behavior.

"Confession..." I sighed lightly, and fell into contemplation again.

Actually, I haven't tried this trick before, and I have even tried something like love letters.

That was when I was a young student. With the help of male hormones, I was a little handsome, and started to confess and hand love letters to girls, and then I received fancy good guy cards or girl boyfriends. The next battle book.

Therefore, although I have often confessed to me, I have never tasted the fruit of success even once.

This also directly led to my resistance to the behavior of ‘confession’. I subconsciously believed that this behavior was unreliable and must be discarded.

Therefore, when the fairy patriarch mentioned the word ‘confession’ to me, I would be so surprised and even deliberately digress.

Although I think "confession" is the most unreliable thing in my heart, but now I am in a different world. This is a Japanese mainland. If you marry five wives, no one will handcuff you to the court and sue you for bigamy. Place!

In my opinion, this continent can create miracles!

Since they can all create miracles, why do I have to look at something with the old ideas on the earth?

Why not abandon the shadows of the past and try again this kind of ‘confession’?

What if it succeeds?

Moreover, even if it is unsuccessful, at most I received a good person card, and the good person card sent to me is still recognized as the number one beauty in the Japanese style mainland. Even if it is publicized in the future, I will become a thousand idiots. Worship idol!

After all, she is the number one beauty!

Thinking of this, I was instantly full of confidence, and my footsteps became much lighter.

I took out my pocket watch and looked at it. At 7:21, less than 7:30, the girls have just slept for more than two hours, and they definitely won’t wake up now, and my current state is full of excitement, even I don't even feel tired at all.

Holding my chin, I looked around, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, the call crystal in his arms suddenly rang softly, and when he took it out, it was Dewey's call.

Turn on the crystal, I: "What's the matter?"

Dewey used a slightly tired voice on the other side of the microphone, and said, "The two runes have been studied, so come over if you have time."

"Huh?" I couldn't help saying: "The progress of this research is so fast."

"Of course soon," Dewey said: "This time I studied with your Uncle Hall. The speed of two masters is definitely much faster than one, although he only played a supporting role."

On the crystal side, Master Hall exclaimed angrily: "Hey, Dewey, you bastard, what are you talking nonsense in front of the child? What is meant by me is only a supporting role, but I..."

There were a lot of words in the back, and I didn't catch a word.

Dewey laughed a few times: "Well, that's it, come back when you have time. By the way, don't forget to bring some specialties. Also, bring some gifts for the dwarves, especially the Dwarf King and That little girl Aurora, the little girl is always talking about you recently, and I'm annoyed to hear it, you young people, haha, hahahaha."

Then, click, hung up the crystal.

I looked dumbfounded.

Princess Aurora is talking about me?

Will that girl talk about me for Mao?

Is something bad about Nima going to happen?

I remember the last time she talked about me, I was dragged by President Aoli to save the princess.

This time she talked about me again...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shudder.

Forget it, it's a blessing that you don't need to hide, it's a misfortune that can't be avoided, everything will become clear after Fort Vitch.

Thinking about it this way, I finally feel better.

Speaking of runes, I gently took off the handguard, and then gently removed the thin opaque cloth wrapped around my left arm. My left arm was instantly exposed to the air.

It was an arm with a slightly tender yellow skin. Starting at the point where the elbow was moved five centimeters forward, various mysterious and terrifying runes, like tattoos, were densely spread all over it, reaching to the fingertips.

Originally, the color of these runes was pitch black, as if the night sky, mysterious and unpredictable.

Now they, the black edge is filled with a circle of blood-like red, not only mysterious, but also hideous.

Moreover, this mysterious rune is very interesting, mainly reflected in-it will increase.

Every time I use the terrifying and desperate destructive power of my left arm, the number of runes on my left arm will increase a bit. The styles of the runes added are somewhat the same and somewhat different from those of the runes that existed before.

I have been hiding this in the deepest part of my heart, whether it was my fiancées, Dewey, or my other family members, I did not tell them.

It's not necessary, it doesn't make sense, and it might cause trouble.

After drying my left arm in the soft wind for a while, I once again wrapped it layer by layer with a cloth strip, then put on a handguard, habitually clenched my fist, and then continued walking.

After strolling for more than two hours, I felt so bored, so I greeted the fairy patriarch, walked out of the portal, and returned to the fairy forest.

Listening to the melodious birdsong, watching the mottled light spots shining on the fallen leaves, and feeling the unique breath from the Fairy Forest, I always feel so comfortable to say.

As I walked along the path where the wild beasts walked out of the forest and walked towards the periphery of the Fairy Forest, I greeted the animals passing by from time to time.

The animals here are not afraid of people, and I know their bosses, so I naturally quickly merged into their group. I thought that the last time I ambushed a few elven assassins in the forest, I relied on a pangolin to dig out. The big hole!

After leaving the forest, I hurried to the commercial street and bought a large pile of meat at the butcher shop I frequent.

The butcher shop owner was taken aback by my heroic method of buying meat. When the guy was packing the meat, the boss said to me with a serious face: "Young man, I know you are rich, and I know what I said yesterday. I've said it again, but I still have to emphasize it again. Here, extravagance is not only shameful, but also a crime. I don't want to see young people like you who are full of vitality and ruin themselves because of this little mistake. It’s a great future, so it’s best to buy food and the like according to the quantity."

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