The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1019: Seeing may not be true

I sat cross-legged and began to think about all possible ways.

I thought of cutting the cauldron and carrying it, and then smelting and recasting it. I also thought of the method of bending it with brute force and then knocking it back to its original shape after entering the fairyland... However, after thinking about it, they are all methods that must first destroy the original state, and none of them can take it into the whole body.

For this reason, I fell into short-term distress.

Staring at the cauldron for a moment and pondering, I suddenly thought of a very important question. If one day, I need to use the puppet to fight, do I have to split the puppet into pieces first, and then take them one by one. Come out and reassemble it?

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel anxious: If it is so, it would be terrible.

Ever since, I took out the call crystal and contacted the fairy patriarch.

Soon, the patriarch connected to the call, and she said, "Xiaoyi, are you back?"

I said ‘um’ and said, "Grandma patriarch, I have something to ask you."

The patriarch said: "You said."

"I bought a big thing and want to bring it in, but it looks a lot bigger than the portal. I'm afraid I can't bring it in."

"Huh?" The fairy patriarch's tone was very puzzled: "Have you tried to bring it in?"

"not yet."

"You dare to say that if you haven't tried it?" The patriarch scolded me: "It's useless to see with your eyes. You have to practice. If you don't practice it, how can you know if it can work!"


Why is this so familiar?

Where did I seem to hear it?

As he tried to remember, the patriarch said: "I will open the portal now, you can try to get it in."

With that, a circle of light appeared in the pond out of thin air.

The aperture is as usual, and only one person can pass through it. I picked up the cauldron to measure it, but no matter how I measure it, the volume of the cauldron is several times larger than the portal.

He pursed his mouth and frowned. I am not sure if this cauldron can successfully pass through the portal, but in my opinion, it will probably get stuck outside the portal.

"Forget it, if it's really going to get stuck, I will think of another way."

Thinking of this, I was cruel and rushed in holding the cauldron.

However, the facts are far beyond my expectations. As the fairy patriarch said, sometimes what the eyes see may not be true. Although the size of this portal is only for one person to pass through, when I hold something bigger than me When the pot stepped into it, there was no resistance!

No collision, no friction, just come in so smoothly!

I seem to know the incredible truth!

At this time, at the entrance of the stairs and at the corner, the Elf Patriarch slowly floated out: "How about it, can you pass?"

"There is no problem at all" I said: "I really didn't expect that only such a big portal can pass through such a big pot without any obstacles. This is incredible!"

The fairy patriarch said: "Unbelievable? It's just because you don't understand this magic."

She floated over, held the sides of the cauldron, and said to me: "Let go."

"Patriarch grandma, this is too old, you..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw the patriarch's grandmother vacate a hand, took off the moonlight scepter from her back, and lightly chanted a spell. The next second, the cauldron, together with me who was holding the cauldron, Floating together!

Damn it?

What's the situation with this Nima?

I'm so confused!

The patriarch said: "Let go of your hand, if you are too much, this magic will consume a lot more mana."

I hurriedly let go of my hands, landed my feet on the ground, stood firm, and watched the fairy patriarch and the cauldron float away together.

This magic... so cool...

This is the only thought in my mind.

I admit that I am quite greedy for this magic. If I were a magician, I would definitely try my best to learn this magic. However, I am not.

I'm just a warrior, and my mana is much lower than other warriors.

So, any magic to me is just a flower in the mist.

After being melancholy for a while, I sighed, walked out of the portal, picked up the wooden box, and carried it in.

Carrying the wooden box, he walked heavily to the place where the barbecue was yesterday. The goblin patriarch has already put the cauldron on the ground. At the same time, there is a circle of awakened goblins, goblins and Xiaozhi. As for the others, they are still there. Lazy in their respective tents, I guess they are probably all awake, just too lazy to climb out of the tent.

Ask the goblin for a few metal racks, support the cauldron, pile up firewood underneath, then pour half a pot of water into the cauldron, and start a fire.

The fairy patriarch watched me finish all this and asked me: "Don't you need to clean the pot?"

I was slightly puzzled: "Why don't you need it?"

"Then what do you do to boil this pot of water?"

I put a scallop of lamb on the chopping board, picked up the kitchen knife on the side, and began to dismember it. While cutting it, I said: "Of course it is boiled and washed, so it will be cleaned."

Seeing the silence around me, I stopped my work, looked up at them, and said, "Don't you guys know?"

Everyone shook their heads.

I chuckled: "It seems that in terms of cooking, you are still far behind~"

After the water in the cauldron completely boiled, I asked the fairy patriarch to help, pour out the water and replace it with a pot of clean water.

After changing the water, the fairy patriarch asked me: "Why didn't you just change it yourself?"

While cutting the meat, I said: "If I pour, it will take a while, the pot is too hot."

"Oh?" the fairy patriarch said: "You can use magic to remove it, just like I did."

I shrugged and said, "But I can't make magic."

"Haha" the goblin patriarch jokingly said, "It seems Xiaoyi, you are not only far from magic in terms of magic, you don't even have talent."

Hey, old lady, is this conversation you just had with me just for revenge on me?

You are so careful!

I didn’t tell them to boil this pot of water directly. Instead, I put the cut meat into it, and picked a lot of vegetables on the spot. Washed and chopped them and threw them in, and then took out the spices in the bag. Part of them was put in the order of first hand. After all this was done, I looked at the pocket watch and said to the fairy patriarch: "It is ten o'clock now, and the fire can be raised by eleven o'clock. "

The fairy patriarch nodded, expressing his understanding.

One of the fairies in the crowd asked me curiously: "Brother, what are we eating today?"

I smiled at him: "Drink broth."

The little fairy looked very excited: "It's great to drink broth, I have only drank vegetable soup, I haven't drank broth yet!"

The little fairies next to him nodded.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help feeling in my heart, and said to the fairy patriarch: "Grandma patriarch, come here, I have something to say to you."

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