In the early morning of the next day, at about five o'clock, I vaguely heard a vague sound in the garden, like howling when a strong wind blew through the low grass.

Sit up cautiously from the sofa, then cautiously put a blanket on Remy, who was sleeping soundly, put on his coat, and walked out the door.

Entering the hall, the vague whistling sound became clearer, but the sound was still very weak.

Walking lightly to the back hall door, across the crystal door, I saw Emily practicing sword in the garden.

She practiced the sword very simply, only drawing the sword.

Draw the sword, put it in the sheath, draw the sword again, then put the sword into the sheath, and then draw the sword again... I don’t know how many times she has repeated this action. Looking at her action, I can only use it One word to describe: nature.

Yes, it is natural. Her movements, every movement, are like flowing water, unconstrained, leaving a faint afterimage out of thin air where the sword body passes, which is both frightening and beautiful.

I quietly stuck to the door and stared, feeling, every time she draws a sword, every time she hacks, every time she retracts a sword, these actions seem to move my heart to fight. The desire to spur my obsession to become stronger.

I really want to, really want to pull out my sword, and practice with her in the yard, and try to see if it is her sword is fast or mine is fierce.

Thinking of this, my body trembling unconsciously, with a click, I inadvertently pressed the door handle, and the crystal door opened.

Although the voice was not loud, it interrupted Emily's intensive practice. She closed her sword, turned her head, and said indifferently, "Morning."

I smiled apologetically at her: "Sorry, I just watched too much..."

"It's okay" Emily said, walked to the stone table in the yard, picked up the towel placed on it, and gently wiped the sweat on her forehead.

I had nothing to ask for words: "I see you... as if you have been practicing for a long time..."

She said ‘um’ and said, "It didn’t take long. I got up at 4:30 and started practicing."

"It's early!" I blurted, and then, after thinking about it, I said again: "Actually, I didn't ask you when you got up to practice sword just now, but I wanted to ask you, how long did you practice this movement?"

Emily thought for a while: "It's been more than ten years."

"Ten years!" I exclaimed and said, "I have been repeating this action for more than ten years?"

"It's not just repeating this action," Emily said: "There are others too, but this is what I practiced today."

I said ‘oh’ and said in my heart: I’ve been practicing for more than ten years, so it’s no wonder that I am so proficient.

But when I think about it the other way round, this idea is also wrong. If people who are born with uneasy hands and feet practice swords, even if they practice for a lifetime, I am afraid that there may not be one percent of Emily's attainments today. This kind of thing can only Said to be the result of talent plus hard work.

Emily wiped her sweat, looked at the hall, and asked me: "When is the meal?"

I thought for a while: "It's about six o'clock."

"Fortunately," Emily said: "It doesn't seem to be too late."

"What time did you eat every day?" I asked her curiously.

Emily said: "It's usually done before six o'clock."

I asked her again: "Then what time do you usually go to the dungeon?"

Emily said: "We are gathering in the dungeon on time before eight o'clock."

"It's very regular" I nodded and said, "What are you doing between six and eight o'clock?"

Emily thought for a while: "Read, wipe the sword."

"Wipe the sword?"

"Yeah" she nodded, "wipe the sword."

"Is your sword dirty, wipe it every day?"

"This is just my habit," Emily said: "The more the sword is polished, the brighter, and the more profitable it is."

"Hehehe, superstition."

Emily did not return to me, but across the door, glanced at the magic wall clock on the wall, then walked to the middle of the garden, turned her head and said to me: "Call me at six."

I nodded, and she continued to practice the sword.

Because I was asked by Emily to do morning exercises with her, after all, she and I have something in common in this regard. Once we practice martial arts, most of them will not be distracted by other things.

Going back to the hall, lying on the sofa and staring at the magic clock, my eyes and the second hand above it turned together, turning around, I was so sleepy!

In order not to delay the entrustment, I had to stand up and walk around in the hall. I walked around, around, around for a while, and suddenly found that it was so easy to get trapped in such a round!

So, I started to go back and forth between the bathroom and the hall. When I was sleepy, I washed my face. After washing my face, I returned to the sofa to sit and watch the clock. Then I continued to wash my face when I was sleepy...

Florence and the others, who got up early, saw my non-stop movement to and from the bathroom and the hall, and asked me: "Xiaoyi, are you unwell?"

"Huh?" I said with a question mark: "What are you talking about?"

Florence said: "I think you have been..."

She pointed to the toilet and said, "So I'm worried if you have's hard to say."

"Yeah" the lady boss on the side said with a smirk: "I think so too. If you are sick, you should go for treatment soon. Early treatment will save you worry. It will be difficult to treat in the future, which will delay my family. Pull the happy life."

Me: " say that, it's easy to lose my friend!"

With a sigh, I said, "My body has no problem at all. Really, there is no problem at all. It's just because I'm sleepy, I always have to go in and wash my face."

"Go to sleep when you are sleepy" the lady boss said: "Why are you still holding on?"

I told the boss and Florence about what Emily entrusted to me. The boss smiled meaningfully, and Florence clenched her small fist and cheered for me: "Come on, I'll support you!"

Then they went to cook, and I was the only one left in the hall.

Fortunately, Florence and the others talked to me for a while, my sleepiness finally subsided, and Emily's entrustment was not delayed.

In fact, Emily asked me to call her at six and there was nothing special about her, she just went to the bathroom and took a warm bath.

After the meal, we all dressed up and headed for the dungeon.

At the entrance of the dungeon, we said goodbye to Emily, she returned to the team of the Rose Legion, and we set off directly into the dungeon.

This time, my goal is no longer Amon, but a deeper walking piranha.

I have fought against this monster like walking piranha many times, and the overall feeling is that it is difficult.

Yes, it is difficult.

The rhizome of this monster is very tough, it is not easy to be cut and broken, and its regeneration ability is also good, as long as it is not hit at the center of the corolla, it is basically impossible to kill.

Its only shortcoming is that it is not fast, and its attacking opponent's method is relatively simple: entangling and swallowing.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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