After listening to my question, Emily thought a little bit and said, "Five days ago."

I frowned: "Five days ago...that is, only one day later, the airship will set off again, right?"

Emily nodded.

I sighed softly: "It seems that the time left for us is not very abundant."

Emily turned her head and stared at me. For a moment, she said, "Do you have any ideas?"

I nodded: "If I am not mistaken, the kidnapper will most likely leave here in an airship."

"Is it possible?" Emily questioned: "Before entering the airship, you need to go through a security check."

I asked Emily: "Do you know the purpose of the security check?"

Emily shook her head: "I didn't know it specifically."

"That's it, since you haven't deliberately learned about it, naturally you won't know its purpose" I said: "The security check before entering the airship is mainly to check whether any passengers carry equipment that can endanger the safety of the airship, or carry them. Some unstable chemical compounds, such as unstable magic ores that will detonate, etc. As for things like slave trading, as long as they are hidden, they will generally not be discovered."

Emily heard what I said, stopped, and stared at me quietly, her eyes full of doubts.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"You seem to be familiar with this kind of thing" Emily said: "You don't know..."

I hurriedly waved and said, "I'm an honest adventurer, and I have never had similar violations of law and discipline."

"Really?" Emily stared into my eyes earnestly, as if seeking the true answer in my heart.

I sighed, opened my eyes wide, and stared at her. After ten seconds, I said: "See my eyes clearly, do you think I lied?"

Emily raised her little hand, slapped me lightly, then turned around and continued to walk home.

I looked dumbfounded, and I couldn't figure out what this girl meant.

When approaching home, Emily asked me: "If they really want to leave in an airship, what are you going to do?"

I smiled slightly: "I have a clever plan. If they really choose to take the airship to leave, as long as they board the airship, I have a way to keep them on the airship."

Having said that, I paused and said a little worried: "I'm afraid they will choose other modes of transportation to leave Moonlight City."

"Impossible" Emily directly rejected: "This is absolutely impossible."

"Why?" I wondered.

"Now Moonlight City has only two modes of transportation to other towns, one is to take an airship, and the other is to take a boat. If they choose to take a boat instead of an airship, it is tantamount to death," Emily explained "In this sea, there are countless weird species. The small ones are the size of fingernails, and the big ones can swallow a giant ship as big as a magic airship. If the kidnappers of our girls are really traffickers, then I would definitely not choose to take a risk and leave by boat."

I thought for a while: "What you said is right. Most wealth seekers still don't want to kill their lives. Unless they are forced to a desperate situation, they all like the way to get both people and money."

I rubbed my hair and said, "If this is the case, then I know what to do."

Emily looked at me with a question mark on her face: "How to do it?"

I smiled at her: "Well, it's still a secret now."

Emily nodded slightly, stretched out her hand, reached my waist, and slowly pinched a pair of green onion fingers on my waist.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I was terrified: "The gentleman speaks but doesn't move..."

Emily said lightly: "I am a woman."

"Oh," I stretched out my hand and held her jade hand, gently shook it in my hand, and said: "Don't be like this, I won't tell you now. I don't want to hide from you, but I didn't organize my thoughts. I don't know what to do. How do you say, you, you only need to do one thing now."

"whats the matter?"

"You only need to contact the elite members of the Rose Legion in all the sub-towns of Moonlight City and ask them to lie in ambush around the airship base."

"and then?"

I gently pushed the jade hand away from my waist, and said, "Then just listen to my orders."

Emily stopped and stared at me.

I spread my hands: "Why, do you not believe in my abilities or my character?"

She was silent for a while, then slowly said: "I believe you."

After returning home and having dinner, I told you about the disappearance of several elven girls inexplicably. Everyone in the guild responded unanimously: The trafficker must die!

I waved my hand and motioned everyone to calm down first, and then said: "So, the day after tomorrow, I can't fight the monsters with you, so please ask for leave here first."

Kagali raised her hand and said: "I announce that the day after tomorrow, all will be off."

Then, she turned to me and said: "I have heard about the tragic end of the girls who were abducted and trafficked. I hate the despicable behavior of those traffickers, so Xiaoyi, the day after tomorrow I want to go with you, I want to do it myself. Punish those nasty villains!"

"I'll go too" Phoenix stood up and was the first to agree.

"I want to go too" Barbara opened her hand, and her ten nails stretched out half an inch in an instant, flashing a cold and sharp light.

"I'll go too!" Yula said, "Brother, such an interesting thing, you would never leave your sister with you."

"I'm definitely going." Lilea wiped the crossbow and said: "I can't stand by and watch those people who are my people after all."

With a few women taking the lead, other people in the guild rushed in and expressed their intention to go.

Among all the people, only Taylor, Godot, and Xiao Zhi, the two of them did not express their opinions. Taylor drank the wine and didn't have time to talk to us. Godot looked at Billy. He usually sees what Billy does and he does what he does. , So I don't like to express his position alone, Xiao Zhi gnaws on his boiled beef legs and can't express his position.

But even if he didn't say anything, the scene was still chaotic for a while, and he unconsciously sighed: "Okay, then go all, Billy, you will also inform Yang Ku them later and ask if they are going."

Billy grinned at me and went out.

I also got up and walked out the door.

Phoenix asked me, "Xiaoyi, what are you doing?"

"I'll visit my old friend, maybe I will use him tomorrow."

Lilea heard what I said, her eyes tightened, and said, "Your old friend, is it..."

I nodded at her: "You too, come and have a look. Before long, his disciples will compete with your subordinates. Everyone will take a face-to-face in advance and say a few words. It will hurt your peace in the future. ."

Lilea followed without a word.

Barbara also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Phoenix. Barbara was about to quarrel with Phoenix. I stepped forward, reached out and stopped, and said to Barbara: "Don’t make trouble, listen to Phoenix, don’t follow. This is for your own good."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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