Three hours passed.

The investigation still yielded no results.

The interrogation of passengers in low- and high-class cabins hardly encountered any obstacles, but passengers in the middle-class cabins refused to accept interrogation for various reasons.

The bells and whistles of these reasons are nothing more than a few over and over again: human rights, freedom, privacy and expensive goods are not easy to show.

Most of the passengers in the middle class who resisted the investigation were human merchants, and only a very rare part were goblin merchants and orc merchants.

The reason the goblin merchant resisted was that the warehouse was full of expensive and fragile luxuries, which could not stand any bumps unless he first paid him a deposit.

The reason for the resistance of the orc merchants was that they were afraid that their precious little beasts would be scared to death by so many people, and that the dead precious little beasts could not sell for any price.

We can at least figure out a solution to the resistance of the goblins and the orcs, but the resistance of the human race is very unreasonable.

The so-called human rights, the so-called freedom, and the so-called privacy, these seem to be the most basic rights bestowed by God, but in the Japanese mainland where the weak and the strong eat the strong, these three kinds of rights seem to become vague and useless once they meet those in power, just like I am the same as Phoenix’s house in Ai Ruicheng. If high-rise buildings want to use it, they will use it directly, without asking you how you feel or whether you still need them.

In fact, in the area of ​​Moonlight City, the elves can also exercise their rights in this way, but they did not do that, but chose a more gentleman's behavior-explaining and persuading tirelessly over and over again.

This kind of extremely patient behavior makes me unconsciously want to give them a thumbs up. If I were to change to meet such a group of hob-like guys, I would definitely kick the door open with one foot or use a knife to open the door without saying anything. Cut it open, then grabbed the guys who didn't cooperate with me, and threw them into the sea to feed the sea monsters.

"That's why Emily refused Xiaoyi from the beginning, you interrogated them with them" Fenghuang blinked and said in a lovely voice.

I sighed and shrugged: "Perhaps."

Soon, Kagali called me: "Xiao Yi, all the enchanted airships in the capital Moonlight City have been checked, and no suspicious persons or children were found."

"Okay, it's hard work," I said.

"The magic airship here should be easier to check," Lilea said: "After all, there are no other races besides us who live here."

"That's the truth." I scratched my head. "But after all, the magic airship is quite huge. It's not easy to search it all over."

Having said this, I suddenly remembered something, and turned around and asked the supervisor: "How many places can hide people on the magic airship?"

The supervisor thought for a while and asked: "If you are a Tibetan adult, there are not many places, but if you are a child, there are many places where you can hide."

"So..." I frowned and nodded.

"Excuse me..." The supervisor hesitated for a moment, and said: "Can I know what happened?"

"I can't tell you yet" I said: "However, I need you to help me draw a drawing, which is a drawing on the airship that can hide people. You can count as adults and children as Tibetan objects. You can draw now. fast."

"Yes" the supervisor moved swiftly, picked up the pen and paper, and started to draw.

After half an hour, the supervisor handed the paper over and said, "It's all finished, please have a look."

Unfolding the drawing, I took a look. There is a prototype of an airship drawn on the drawing. There are some small black dots on each position of the airship. The main pipe: "The small black dots mark the position where people can hide."

"Very good" I handed the drawing to Renne, and said, "Excuse me, please help me to find all the marked locations."

Ren unfolded the drawing and took a glance: "If I run into those guys, what should I do?"

"Leave what you can use for questioning, and the rest is up to you."

Ryan grinned, a cruel flash in his eyes, he lowered his head slightly: "Yes."

Then his body flashed and disappeared into the supervisor's office.

As Rennes disappeared, Lilea frowned and seemed to be muttering to herself: "He is just a human being. How did he obtain such terrifying power?"

"Think about Achilles." I put my hand on her shoulder and sighed slightly: "There are so many things that we can't understand on this zephyr continent."

At this time, Kagali called again: "I just learned from the call crystal on the airship that 76 enchanted airships have been investigated, and 11 enchanted airships have been blocked because of the passengers. "

"The previous seventy-six ships will need to be checked again" I said: "In a while, boss Ren will bring you a map of the location of the magic airship where possible Tibetans. You can use the magic fax machine in the airship base to copy the drawing to all participating in the investigation. For the members of the Rose Legion, it’s best to do a handful of them and tell them to check according to the above, and you can’t let go of a single bit!"

"Okay" Kagali hung up the call.

As I continued to stare at the time on the display screen, my brows frowned.

At this time, if my assassination team can spread all over Moonlight City, maybe my job will not be so complicated. As long as I send out those assassins with a strength of one-tenth of Rennes, only one-tenth. That's enough, no matter what kind of secret task, it can be done very well.

I stood quietly in front of the display screen with no expression on my face, but in my heart I became more and more eager for the assassin team to be formed as soon as possible.

This desire gradually increased with the number of losses I suffered. Maybe it won't take long before I will start urging Rennes.

However, cultivating an assassin is not very easy, it requires many, many necessary conditions and steps...

I sighed, always feeling so distressed.

Two more hours passed, Kagali called again: "Xiaoyi, I found a goal!"

Her words were full of excitement and excitement that could not be suppressed, as if the candidate had solved a high-score question in an important exam.

I hurriedly asked: "Where did I find it?"

Kagali said: "In the magic airship in Amber City, I found it according to the position recorded on the drawing of Boss Renne!"

"Amber City" I turned my head and asked Lilea: "Where is Amber City?"

Lilea said: "On the coastal border of Moonlight City, it belongs to a border town."

I asked again: "How long does it take to get there by airship?"

Lilea thought for a while: "It's probably more than an hour."

"Very well, let's go now."

Before leaving, I ordered Godot and Zac to stand by in the supervisor's room, and asked the supervisor to inform all the crew and passengers of the magic airship through the call crystal. Today the magic airship will be delayed to take off. As compensation, I will refund each passenger five points One of the ticket money.

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