The torture lasted all night.

When I knocked on the tree house of Rennes's house early the next morning, I was greeted with an unpleasant stench.

This stench contains the stench of blood and the stench of excrement. The two are stacked together, and the mixed taste formed is second only to the rancid smell emitted by the rotten flesh puppet.

Because I have been baptized by carrion puppets, I can barely accept this stench.

Rubbing my nose, I walked into the tree house.

The room, even in the daytime, was still dim and terrible.

The windows on all sides were completely concealed by thick curtains. There was no light through it. What supported my sight was the magic lamp on the roof that was about to run out of mana.

I closed the door and turned my head. At first glance, I saw three human traffickers nailed to the wall. Their arms were forced to be held flat. The end of the arm and the center of the palm were each covered with a large The nail hit the wall, and several dark red blood flowed from the wounds of their hands, along the wall, and directly to the ground, leaving a red trail on the snow-white wall.

Two steps closer, looking down inch by inch along the wound on their arm, the blood stains that flowed down have already dried up, and the penetrating wound in the center of the palm no longer leaked any fresh blood.

If it weren't for their undulating chests, I would even think they were dead.

Straightening up, I asked Renne: "How many things did you take out?"

Renn sneered: "It's a lot."

As he said, he handed me a few blank papers on the table and said: "I thought it was a small character, but it turned out to be a small fish."

Sweeping my gaze on the white paper, I chuckled, "It's actually related to the Carter family. It seems that this shot is not a small gain."

With that said, I turned to Renn: "Has the three of them collapsed?"

Rehn said: "It's almost there, anyway, what questions I ask them now, they will answer what questions, very honest."

"Well done" I said: "Wake up the three of them in a while, ask your person to wash them, put on a new set of clothes, and throw them on the wooden cart. I will take them to meet the elves. Empress."

Ryan responded and slapped his palms three times. Soon, five figures swooped down from the second floor and stood in front of us, the five elves apprentices.

Ren said what I had said, and the five people all responded, ignoring the smelly smell, and walking towards the three of them without hesitation.

Renn and I walked towards the door.

Behind him, there was a burst of miserable howls like a pig.

Leaning out of the tree house asked me, "Why do you take these three dead people to see the Elf Queen?"

"I want them to thoroughly explain what they know in front of the Elf Queen."

Rehn was slightly worried: "In this way, our intelligence will no longer be unique to one family."

"Sometimes, sharing information is more profitable than having a family alone." I put my hands behind my head, leaning against the wall, and said, "We now have funds, but we still lack manpower, power and appeal. Human resources need to be accumulated, rights need to be established on the basis of manpower, and appealing power depends on opportunities, and this human trafficker incident happens to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to gather appealing power. "

Rehn was startled: "What do you say?"

"You have also seen how the elves think about the abduction of children by human traffickers?"

Ren nodded: "I see, they take it seriously."

"That's right," I said: "The elves attach great importance to their next generation, even to the point where they can come out in search of children. If these three human traffickers direct their behind-the-scenes in front of the elven queen, And if you explain the views and attitudes towards the elves behind the scenes, what do you think of the Elf Queen and the elders?"

"Angry, very angry" Ren said.

"Yes, it is anger" I sneered: "What I want is their anger, anger is the seed of hatred, as long as the anger sprouts, the hatred will naturally bloom and bear fruit, and penetrate deeply into their hearts. It is a race that considers itself to be arrogant, the more stubborn it will become in dealing with hatred..."

Ren narrowed his eyes slightly, and then I said, "In this way, Moonlight City and Eri City will become insoluble enemies..."

I raised my head, looked at the blue sky in the morning, and said softly: "At least, this generation of elves will never forget this hatred."

Like me, Renn, who was leaning on the wall, suddenly asked me: "Xiaoyi, have you ever thought about it? If you do this, it is very likely that you will become the public enemy of the people of Ai Ruicheng."

"You mean those fools?" I chuckled and said, "I only know that I am obedient, but I have never had my own thinking. It is like a puppet with a string. Such fools, even if there are more, will treat me. It will not pose any threat."

"What you said is pretty bold," Renn said: "However, once a group of people is picked up, it is not so easy to deal with."

"No, it's easy to deal with," I said lightly: "As I said earlier, they are just a bunch of puppets that have been tied together. Kill it, these people are just broken logs in one place, and there will be no more waves."



Using a wooden cart, three frightened human traffickers entered the gate of the Elf Palace.

Today's doorman is the elf I know well, so I only explained the simple purpose and was released.

I took the three of them to the Elf Queen’s library and knocked on the door.

The Elf Queen raised her head, saw me, smiled and said: "Mr. An Xiaoyi, you are here... the three of them, aren't they the traffickers before?"

The elf queen frowned, and she stood up slowly, her expression becoming extremely cold: "Didn't I expel you from the country? Why do you still..."

Before she could finish speaking, I put my finger on my lips and made a silent gesture.

The elf queen closed her mouth and looked at me suspiciously.

I stepped forward and whispered softly: "My Queen, these three people know some important information. I want them to tell you this information personally."

The elf queen listened, took a deep breath, calmed down, and said: "Let's go to the living room."



When we entered the living room, the Elf Queen and I sat down separately.

The elf queen said lightly: "Do you have anything else you want to report to me?"

Seeing the trio’s expressions of horror, I smiled at them slightly: "The Queen is asking you something, please answer truthfully~"

As I said, I gently placed a bright silver nail on the table, and the nail head and the tabletop made a crisp sound, which was very pleasant. However, after hearing the crisp sound, the three people in front of me were all together. Sobbed.

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