The voice of the elven queen was plain, but the words revealed the majesty of the queen and the pride of the elves.

I know that she must be very upset and contradictory at this moment, otherwise, she would not be so rude.

However, she has her temper and I also have my purpose.

I'm not the kind of man who changes his position casually when he sees others being angry. Otherwise, I would not move my family to Moonlight City, nor would I openly fight with the guy Carter Scott, let alone semi-forced Sexually let Carter Rodney surrender to me.

Looking at the queen with a calm gaze, there was no fluctuation in my heart. After a few seconds of silence, I said: "Your Majesty, I have already known all the words you just made, and every word in it, I I understand it in my heart, I understand your painstaking efforts, and also understand your care for your people, but I found that the question you just answered to me has cleverly bypassed all related to the manipulator behind the traffickers. The question, in other words, all your answers just now have nothing to do with the accommodation and compromise that I proposed earlier. Empress, are you worrying about something? Or are you afraid of something?"

Everyone was silent, whether it was the elf queen or the elders.

The difference from the previous silence is that at this moment, the gazes of several elders are fixed on the elf queen. Their eyes are full of doubt, full of curiosity, and full of expectation. They are expecting, the queen they support. Your Majesty, can give an appropriate answer, an answer that they can accept.

The Elf Queen was silent for a moment, and said: "I just... don't want to initiate a dispute and conflict with Eri City, which will turn into a situation that cannot be ended."

"Is it impossible to end the situation?" I said lightly: "You mean to say, war?"

Seeing that there was no response from the queen, I chuckled, and then said, "I'll be honest, the queen, even if Eri City wants to extend the war to you, it's just a dream."

I stood up, walked slowly, and said: "Even if they have assembled an army, how can they cross the sea? Don't say anything else, anyway, I know that Master Dewey is definitely not willing to take his own Inventions and creations are used in warfare. Without the support of magic airships, they can only choose to build ships and cross the sea, and you should be very clear about what kind of sea is separated between Eri City and Moonlight City. In this sea, life is With countless huge and hungry behemoths, they will devour everything they see that can be swallowed, whether it is a swimming fish or a ship. With such a natural barrier, the queen, Do you think they are willing to attack here at the risk of annihilation?"

The elf queen seemed to want to talk, but she stopped talking, she sat quietly in the main seat and looked at me quietly.

I continued: "Since there is no such risk, why do you need to care about the expression of Ai Ruicheng? Are you afraid that they won't do business with you? Or are you afraid of the living legendary hero Achilles?"

The empress's face became a little ugly, she seemed to want to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

Elder Sonoda Mai suddenly stood in front of the Elf Queen and said, "An Xiaoyi, don't be too aggressive!"

I spread my hands innocently: "Just to tell the truth, there is no need to be so serious."

Elder Mai Sonoda wanted to speak, but was stopped by the Elf Queen. The Queen said, "Mr. An Xiaoyi, what you said is correct, but, after all, our Elf Royal Family and the Carter Family belong to the descendants of legendary heroes, although they are not in the same vein. , But the relationship between the ancestors can be regarded as brotherhood. I will consider what you said today and what you said."

Seeing that the Elf Queen meant that I didn’t want to talk about it anymore, I couldn’t go any further, and just casually took a sentence: "I hope the Queen will understand that if you really treat each other as brothers, you won’t just abduct other people’s people. Be a slave as a plaything."

Having said this, I bowed to the Elf Queen and several elders, and then strode out of the Elf Palace.

As for the three human traffickers who were brought by me, they were left in the Elf Palace and handled by the Elf Queen and the elders.

Leaving the palace, I hurried to Rennes' tree house, knocked on the door, and sat down on the sofa. I took a bottle of wine from the side, uncorked it, took a sip, and choked my cough.

Rehn raised his head calmly and glanced at me: "What's the matter? A look of despair?"

I sighed: "The Elf Queen's heart is too soft and too hesitant."

"You should have thought of this a long time ago," Rehn said: "If her heart is not soft, and she doesn't hesitate, she will not live so long."

I was taken aback, and then relieved: Yes, the situation in which the Elf Queen took over is very special. Although Princess Analita said that Akahavi was killed by her personally, it can be confirmed from the secret letter afterwards, Ah Kahavi is not dead, and he is still controlling one or several elders behind the scenes to do things for himself.

If the elven queen is the kind of cruel and decisive person, she will definitely be disgusted by the Akahavi and others, and even be regarded as a thorn in the eye.

If that is the case, the Akahavi Party will do whatever it takes to get rid of the incumbent Elf Queen, and then create a new one.

Thinking of this, I nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, but..."

"Just what?" Renn asked.

"It's just the seeds of our hatred. I don't know if they can germinate in the heart of the elf queen."

"Where are the three traffickers you brought?" Renn asked suddenly.

"I stayed in the palace" I said: "They are useful to you?"

Renn said lightly: "This kind of **** is of no use to me."

"Then what did you mention about them?" I wondered.

"I want to say that although these three people are useless to us, they are very useful to the elf queen and several elf elders," Lane said.

I raised my eyebrows and asked him, "What do you say?"

Ren said: "If these three people were sent away by the magic airship, then your lobbying trip would be wasted, but if they were sent to a small boat to leave, then your lobbying trip, It will be effective."

I pondered a little, and said, "What does this mean, I don't quite understand, you can explain it clearly."

Ren said: "The elves don't like to torture others to kill their hatred. Their most cruel method is undoubtedly to kill each other. The three human traffickers who were left in the palace must have known their backgrounds. If the Elf Queen still chooses to kill them under such circumstances, it will prove that your lobbying has already produced the fruits of hatred in her heart."

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