As for the assassination of Princess Analeta, I immediately sent someone to the palace to inform the Elf Queen.

The empress’s expression was very natural when she came, as if nothing had ever happened, but her slight staggering steps had already betrayed her anxiety and panic at the moment.

She pushed open the door in silence, walked in, and closed the door gently.

A few minutes later, a burst of soft but heartbreaking sobs came out through the door.

She is the queen of the proud elves and the king of Moonlight City. No matter how bitter or pain she is, she does not want others to see her weakness.

However, she was also a woman, a strong and helpless woman. She was strong for the community of Moonlight City and for the safety of her people. At the same time, she was also helpless, and she could not even protect her sister.

I leaned on the door in silence, looked up at the magic lamp glowing on the roof, and said nothing.

Whenever I think about things, I always like to look up silently at the sky, whether it is a bright moon above my head or a magic lamp that is glowing.

In the hall, everyone was silent. Everyone was preoccupied. Even the three little loli who always love to have fun, were quietly lying on Xiao Zhi's back at this moment.

Taking a long breath, I took the lead to break the silent and solemn atmosphere: "Where is Princess Analita?"

"Princess, she is resting in the room on the second floor" Kagali said: "Emily is with me."

I nodded.

Kagali bit her lip, as if she wanted to say something, but didn't know how to speak.

Me: "Go ahead, say everything you want to say."

"Xiao Yi..." She stared at me for a few seconds before saying: "Princess Analeta was stabbed, should we intervene?"

I pondered a little: "What do you think?"

"I think she is the Queen's sister after all, and she is a little close to us..." The words stopped here, and Kagali bit her lip tightly, with a tangled expression on her face.

In the days when I met her, she rarely showed such an expression, and whenever she showed such an expression, it meant that she wanted to get involved in these messy things.

In fact, the two qualities of being nosy and watching the excitement have always been the traditional ‘virtue’ handed down by mankind since ancient times.

Otherwise, there will not be two internet hot words like'touch porcelain' and'strong onlookers'.

Throughout the Hefeng Continent, there seems to be no difference in essence between the humans here and the humans on the blue planet. They are greedy for money and gossip, and shopping love beauty.

In short, we are a group of same creatures living under different sky.

Closer to home, I understand Kagali's three-point sadness, six-point sympathy, and a gossip attitude toward Princess Analetta's assassination, and she wanted to help their sisters, but-in the clueless Under the premise, how should we manage this mess?

I'm neither Bao Gong, nor Zhan Zhao's talented person to help find clues, nor Di Renjie. It is impossible to say "Yuan Fang, what do you think", and then I easily solved the mystery.

Ryan is right. I don’t have a complete intelligence agency. It’s almost impossible to crack the assassination of the little princess by relying on the information collected by some specialized informants. Even if it is really cracked, it will only It can be said to be a coincidence.

I didn't directly answer her directly, but instead asked: "Do you think we should get in with this matter? Why?"

Kagali hesitated and remained silent for a long time.

I turned my gaze to other people again: "Don't be so bored, everyone express what you see and talk about your views on this matter."

After I finished speaking, I looked around everyone's faces with expectation. However, after waiting for a long time, no one spoke.

As a last resort, I had to ask questions by name: "Phoenix, you speak first."

Phoenix was pouting her mouth and resting her chin with her hands. He didn't know what was thinking in his head. When I was questioned, he was immediately shocked, and then bit her tongue, causing her tears to overflow.

I hurried over, rubbing her little head while helping her to wipe away the tears, comforting.

After coaxing for a while, she finally stopped crying, but she still stared at me with an unhappy expression, and from time to time she spit out the tip of her pink little tongue and inhaled cold air into her mouth.

Okay, she bit her tongue, but it's me.

With Phoenix's current state, it must be impossible to answer my question, so I turned my gaze to Barbara.

When Barbara saw me looking at her, her cat's eyes turned up, her nostrils were in the sky, her arms around her arms, her face proudly said: "Look, see, don't think **** are great, you have to rely on me at the critical moment! "

With that said, she tried hard to hold her chest which is not too big.

For an instant, Phoenix and Kagali’s eyes were sharp swords, and they stabbed at Barbara, while Barbara, who looked arrogant and looked at the two women as swords, showed a sense of dismay. The caring expression, the raised corner of the mouth, seemed to say: You scumbags!

Seeing that the situation was not good, I hurriedly got up and stopped the fighting mood between the three women in time.

After the three women calmed down, I motioned to Barbara to continue.

Barbara embraced her arms, snorted, and said, "I think our cafe should be opened to Cyberjaya and to Fort Witch!"


I crashed instantly.

Not only me, but everyone present was dumbfounded.

What is Barbara talking about? Does it have anything to do with the topic we just discussed?

Barbara seemed to feel that the atmosphere was not right. She blinked her cat's eyes and scratched her head: "Huh? Didn't you just talk about the opening of the cafe?"

My facial muscles trembled violently, and a row of bursts suddenly appeared on my forehead: " do you hear the topic as the opening of a cafe?"

"Huh? Isn't it?" Barbara tilted her head and looked at me, then looked at the boss's wife, suddenly tapped her temple with her small fist, closed one eye, spit out her small tongue, and pretended to be cute: "Hehe Hey, I made a mistake~"

The proprietress on the side suddenly stretched out her hand, her five fingers firmly grasped Barbara’s little head, and then she lifted it up. In an instant, the hall was filled with Barbara’s various howls and pleadings: "It hurts. It hurts, Auntie, let go, dying to death, Xiaoyi, save me!"

Looking at the blackened and sturdy face of the boss's wife, how can I have the courage to save you!

I can only pray silently in my heart: girl, ask for happiness...

Fortunately, the blackened state of the lady boss only lasted for a few minutes, she released her finger and put Barbara down. At the same time, under the direction of the lady boss, I reached out to take Barbara who had passed out. , Hug it next to Phoenix.

Seeing Barbara's eyes turned into a full stop, I was frightened: Although I haven't seen it for many years, the boss's majesty is still terrible as always!

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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