After listening to the Queen’s explanation, I looked at Princess Analita again, thinking that this girl would never offend others. After all, she had always been an idiot before, so no one would be too narrow-minded to put a fool to death.

In this way, there are only three situations: first, the elf queen has something to hide; second, what the elf queen ignores; third, the other party has another plan.

The first two situations are set aside for the time being. After all, they cannot be verified, and when the queen speaks, her expressions and actions are very natural, not as if she is concealed.

If it is the third situation, it is very intriguing. Could someone covet the position of the queen?

I wanted to ask the Elf Queen if anyone wanted to seize power, but she swallowed the words back. After all, this is an internal matter of the Elf clan, and it is inconvenient for me to ask more.

Looking down in thought, the queen said: "Mr. An Xiaoyi, you seem to have something to say?"

"Yeah" I answered, looked up at the queen, and replied: "It's just something that doesn't matter."

"If you have anything you want to ask, just ask, I won't mind," the queen said seriously.

"it is good."

I only responded lightly, and stopped talking.

After that, the queen got up and went back to the room to take care of the little princess. The others were sitting around the coffee table and talking in whispers.

I asked Phoenix: "Is Princess Analetta awake?"

Phoenix shook his head: "I've been sleeping, but Grandpa Taylor just said that Princess Analetta was in a coma for such a long time because she was seriously injured and frightened. Maybe in two or three days, she will wake up. "

I said ‘um’, got up and walked into the little princess’s room.

Princess Analetta on the soft bed is quiet and weak, like a sleeping beauty.

The Elf Queen gently held her hand and rubbed it over and over again, as if rubbing a rare treasure. While rubbing it, she seemed to say to herself: "This child has been very lively since he was a child. Every time I see me, Coming into my arms, she doesn’t look like a princess at all. I always train her for this, but she never cares. She only says that she doesn’t want to be a princess, she just wants to be my sister..."

At this point, the words stopped, and there was a burst of sobbing and sobbing.

I silently handed over a tissue, the queen took it, wiped the tears lightly, and eased her emotions a little bit. She sighed, "If I were not the queen, and she was not a princess, maybe this wouldn't happen... ..."

"But it has already happened."

The tone of these words makes me feel cold.

Think about it’s always bad to talk to a sad woman like this. So, I calmed down and said: “It’s already happened and it can’t be undone. Those silly assumptions are impossible. Since you were born in the royal family, take over. The queen, she must have had this kind of consciousness a long time ago, but the accident came suddenly, and she can't adapt, but if you can't adapt, you have to adapt. If you are confused, it is the situation that the murderers who hurt your sister most like to comment."

The elf queen pondered for a long time, and said: "I know what you want to say. My clan is not as bright and beautiful as the outside extolls. Among them, dirty things abound. Noble and proud, and peaceful respect are just these people's presumption. Or the troubadour guesses that the relationship between the royal family and the aristocracy is similar to that of other towns. They are symbiotic but not tolerant. The royal family wants to control the aristocracy and unify the power; the aristocrat wants to usurp the throne and seek power and become a new royal family. The faction is like fire and water, disputes continue, maybe my sister is the first victim of this incident."

"I almost became second."

I said silently in my heart.

"Now that you have an idea, why not follow the vine and find the guy who hurt your sister?" I asked puzzled.

"There are so many nobles, how do I know which one is doing such a rebellious thing?" The queen said: "What we can do now is to verify the identity of that person, find out his family and friends, and see if I can ask any useful clues. "

"The idea is good" I said: "But will it really work?"

The queen was puzzled.

"You just said that the sordid things of the elves are everywhere. How can those royal families leave behind people who are threatening to them?" I shook my head and said, "Maybe, those who have a little relationship with them have already been Kill it all."

The queen was silent for a while, she said: "What you said is not unreasonable, but you always have to investigate one by one before it becomes clear."

"By the way, I remember that you have a very good friend, the one who did a great job in arresting the trafficker last time." The queen thought hard, but couldn't remember who that person was.

I said, "The Queen said it was Ren, that's the assassin."

"Yes, it's him" the queen said: "Can you ask him to help?"

"This..." I looked embarrassed: "I don't know if he is willing to agree. After all, he is a friend. There are some things that are not easy to force him."

"I understand" the queen said: "I mean, if he is willing to help, please invite him. If he is willing to help me, I will give him noble titles and territories."

Don't you forget to recruit talents at this time?

I was a little dissatisfied, but it didn't show up on my face: "Well, if he agrees, I will definitely bring him over."

"If I can bring him for an interview, I will be more grateful," the queen said: "In other words, this is a rare talent. I hope to be treated with courtesy."

It's getting too much...

I swallowed my breath and smiled: "Alright, then I will go and call him over now."

After leaving the tree house, I walked towards Ren's tree house while guessing Ren's answer when facing the elf queen.

Based on what I know about him, it is probably impossible to promise to work for her majesty. It may be feasible to help her majesty, but he is bound to make a lot of money. After all, he is not only an assassin, but also a businessman.

When I arrived at Renn's house, I entered the room and sat on the sofa. I told him the cause and effect. Renn dropped the paintbrush in his hand: "Women are really troublesome."

I chuckled and said, "Maybe she is just a pure love, I am afraid I can't explain clearly, and lost a great guy."

Ren sighed, got up, changed his clothes: "Let's go."

I looked at him in shabby clothes, and couldn't help saying: "Just wearing one?"

"So what do you want?" Ren said: "Is it possible to take a good bath, wear Chinese clothes, and go respectfully?"

"It's not necessary to take a bath, the clothes should always be neat and clean" I said: "Take it as my order."

Ryan gave me a white look, walked silently back to the back room, and when he came out again, he had changed into a new suit.

Said it is a new dress, it is only cleaner and tidier than the previous one, but it is a great compromise to be able to do this.

I looked up and down several times with satisfaction, and nodded: "As expected of the boss of Rennes, how do you feel that you are stalwart, mature and feel safe."

Renn grinned: "Stop talking nonsense, let's go."

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