The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1052: Eat meat when you wake up

If you were across from me, the second prince of Ai Ruicheng, he would definitely be touched by my refusal of righteous words, and called out: "Come on, push this **** out, click!"

Fortunately, she is the elf queen, at least she can be reasonable.

This is the difference between the prince and the emperor.

The elf queen stared at me, her eyes full of meaning, a little, she said: "The greedy people are often harmed by greed."

"The victims are not the problem of greed, but the over-reliance" I said lightly: "It's like a person, who can only carry a hundred catties, but they have to carry a thousand catties, so it's strange if they don't die."

The queen said: "The elves have a thousand years of history here. They have always been self-governing by insiders. No outsiders have ever interfered."

I retorted: "Fairies have ruled here for thousands of years. After you came here, the co-governance policy began. Have you ever seen any fairies who are dissatisfied with co-governance and blatantly treason. In the final analysis, whether it is a fairy or a fairy As long as the statistics class’s policies are appropriate to allow them to eat, wear, warm and have spare money, they will support it."

"It's okay to say about the people. If I closed and tested you according to your requirements, will the elders agree? Will the aristocratic circle agree?"

"Under the whole world, could it be the king's soil" I said lightly: "Whether you are a real queen or a nominal queen, as long as you are a queen, your words are the imperial decree. Those who do not obey or resist will be called If you disobey the king's order, as long as you win the hearts of the people, those who resist the king's order will be disgusted by the whole country, and naturally they will have no place to stand. In this way, before long, they will leave on their own or become unknown. , So, what else is terrible about you?"

"Are you one of my people?" the queen asked suddenly.

"Obviously, that's not counting." I spread my hands. "I'm just a passerby living in your territory. Whenever I feel uncomfortable, I will drag my family away and fly high."

"In that case, why do you still want to seal it from me?" The queen asked puzzledly: "Without a name, no profit, no wealth, what is the use of my canonization of you? Is it just for the official addiction?"

"Yeah" I squeezed my chin and nodded, and said, "Official addiction is the next thing. There are so many beauties here. If you become an official, you can find excuses to molest the good sister and harass the cute little sister."

The queen's face shrank: "Your thoughts are dangerous."

"Just kidding, kidding" I waved my hand again and again: "Even if I want to do this, my fiancees will not agree to it. I will definitely not do anything that disrupts Moonlight City. As for the reason I want to accept the canonization, forgive me. Rude, I can’t tell you yet."

"Can't say, then what might appear?"

"I don't like to listen to you." I sighed, and said, "You think, Moonlight City and I have no enmity in the distant future, and those who have no hatred in the near future, why should we ruin their lives? If I promise not to Trick or treat...That's not true. I can only say that at most I will make a petty mess or do a small evil. Your people will certainly not be angry, and maybe they will respond to me."

"Will be responded to evil?" The empress chuckled, "I'm afraid you have ruined all my people at that time."

The queen smiled, and things were easy.

I said hehe: "Then, Empress, do you agree?"

"I agree," the queen said: "But now it is not possible to canonize you and your guild."


"I have to meet with the elders about this matter, and I will give you a final answer after discussing the results."

I bowed slightly: "Wait for good news."

Princess Analetta woke up in the evening. At that time, Barbara, with the sharpest ears, heard someone sobbing in the room, so she whispered to me, I pushed the door in, and saw the elf queen hugging her. The weak princess was crying.

I hurriedly exited the room, closed the door, leaned against the door, and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that there was a stone missing in my heart, and it was immediately easier.

It was almost an hour before the queen opened the door and came out. She had wiped away her tears and showed a calm and relaxed expression. She walked slowly to the center of the hall and thanked everyone in the hall.

Thanks, everyone knew that it was Princess Analetta who woke up. Lily, Remy and Liz three Lori who had some friendships with the princess sneaked into the little princess’ room for fear of being seen by others, but no one seemed to know Their behavior is just that no one can talk about it.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly became relaxed, everyone was relieved, and Princess Analita hid her face and wept.

When everyone was encouraging the princess not to cry, Remy floated out of the room. She looked around, and finally fixed her eyes on my face: "Xiao Yi, Analetta is hungry and wants to eat meat."

I asked Florence: "Is there any meat at home?"

Florence shook her head.

I spread my hands: "I can't help, ask her if she can drink porridge?"

Remy floated in, then floated back after a short while, shaking her head like a rattle: "No, she wants to eat meat."

"This black lamp is blind, where can I get her meat?"

The main fairy forest can't hunt without authorization, otherwise, she must bring her some game back.

Remy scratched her head and floated in again. After a while, she heard Princess Analeta roaring in the room: "An Xiaoyi, I've been in a coma for so long, and I can't eat meat. I even helped last time. You are busy!"

Everyone in the hall couldn't help but stunned, and then laughed, even Princess Analita and the Elf Queen were no exception, only Emily still had a calm expression.

I sighed and pressed the door: "What kind of meat do you want to eat?"


"I approve of Princess Analetta's decision!" Barbara's eyes flashed: "The princess has just woke up from a coma and needs nutrition. White fish is very nutritious!"

I glanced at Barbara, and said to my heart: I'm afraid you want to eat white fish...The saliva overflowed to the corner of my mouth.

"Okay" sighed, and I compromised: "If it is a white fish, I will go to the forest to take a look."

Out of the tree house, I sighed and headed towards the Fairy Forest.

On the way, I was followed again, but this time, the elves assassinated the team.

Stopping, turning around, I said: "You come out, are you going to assassinate me this time, or tell me something?"

The two members of the assassination team appeared in front of them and said vigilantly: "We are not here to attack you this time."

"Is that something to say?"

"Still before..."

"Don't talk about it," I said: "If it's still a fairy thing, don't talk about it."

The two stopped speaking, stood for a while, and were about to go back in hiding, I hurriedly stopped them: "Hey, wait a minute."

Two people:?

I said: "Have you ever caught a white fish?"

The two looked at each other and nodded.

"That's right, do me a favor, follow me to the forest, and catch a few white fish."

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