Duncan Raphael, recognized as the number one doctor in Erie City, is also a friend of Harold.

I once asked him to help Old Paqi’s wife treat the poison, and the effect was great.

If this person can be brought here by me to be a personal doctor for Dewey, that would be great.

But there are two key issues. First, Dewey obviously does not want any personal doctors. As he said, what he reads here are all top-secret documents of Fort Witchie, and there must be no negligence; second, since Raphael He is recognized as the first doctor in Ai Ruicheng, and I remember that the first time I met him was in his mansion, that is to say, he was treated very well in Ai Ruicheng, with excellent treatment, and at the same time Highly rated, would such a person condescend to come to Fort Witch?

I frowned and fell silent for a moment.

"What's the matter with you, Xiaoyi?" Dewey said suddenly.

I hooked the corners of my mouth with a reluctant smile: "I'm thinking about two things."

"What's the matter?" Dewey said: "Can you talk to godfather?"

"It's about how to solve your waist problem without revealing any secrets."

"Hahahaha" Dewey laughed: "It makes you bother, it's okay, don't worry, my waist, no problem!"

As he said, he slowly got up, pretending that there was nothing wrong, but the corners of his mouth twitching slightly betrayed his feelings at the moment.

My nose is slightly sour, and I barely smiled: "Okay, if you say it's okay, then it's okay, so let's take a rest first, don't rush to work, go and see your daughter-in-law first."

When I heard about my daughter-in-law, Dewey’s eyes lit up: "Yes, I have to meet my daughter-in-law. I used to prepare a lot of clothes designed by top designers for them everywhere. Put it in my safe, I will take it and give it to them in a while!"

My heart moved, and a bad feeling suddenly grew.

A lot of Dewey's mouth... what will it be?

Wouldn't it be as tall as one person? That would be a pit...

Because, I have to carry all these clothes...

He helped Dewey to the palace living room. When everyone saw him coming, they all stood up and looked at him with respect or envy, while my five fiancees walked over quickly.

Kagali and Yula showed sweet smiles, and said softly, "Hello Dad!"

With this ‘daddy’, my sweet tooth hurts. Looking at Dewey, I’m already laughing from ear to ear.

Lilea's cheeks were reddish, and she cleared her throat before whispering, "Hello, Dad."

"Good, good" Dewey nodded in satisfaction.

Phoenix blinked at me, seeming to be asking me what to do. I nodded at her, and Phoenix was relieved, smiled slightly, and said, "Hello, Dad."

Dewey smiled and nodded: "Well, so are you."

It's Barbara's turn, she stammered loudly with her hands on hips and a domineering expression: "Hello, Dad, Dad!"

She was obviously nervous, but she didn't want to whisper like Lilya, so she shyly said the three words ‘good daddy’ while being proud.

Listening to the weird tone of the answer, the others in the hall couldn't help but burst into laughter. Barbara's face was flushed, pretending to be calm, still maintaining a arrogant appearance, in fact, the embarrassment on her face was already full of white paper. The ink is as obvious.

I stepped forward and gently hugged her shoulders, and said: "You will go with your godfather in a while, and your godfather will prepare new clothes for you, the best and most expensive one."

Hearing the three most expensive words, Barbara instantly forgot the embarrassment. She almost jumped up on the spot and said in surprise: "Really?"

Dewey smiled and nodded: "The best clothes designed by top designers!"

Barbara was so excited that she was so excited that she ran out while pulling Dewey's arm. She didn't find Dewey's inconvenient waist. I wanted to tell Barbara and the others not to go too fast, but they were stopped by the Goblin King. The Goblin King said: "The man's brother is so happy, don't ask so much."

I sighed and said, "Goddaddy's waist..."

"The old thing is sick" the goblin said kingly.

"Then why not find a doctor to give him personal treatment?" I asked.

"Why didn't I find someone?" The Goblin King sighed, "But even if he finds someone, he wouldn't go and see him!"

"Why is this?" I wondered.

"Because Brother Dewey knows the responsibility on his shoulders," the dwarf said: "He comes into contact with the top secrets of Fort Witch. Any leak will cause a lot of trouble to Fort Witch. Refusing to find a personal doctor!"

When the dwarf king said this, tears rolled in his eyes.

"Don't we have a doctor who can see a doctor?" I asked the dwarf king.

The dwarf king and the goblin king shook their heads at the same time: "Our two tribes have so few priests who heal diseases, let alone doctors."

"Then you can hire doctors from other races," I said: "If you don't worry, you can leave that person in the palace."

"Of course I have thought about this question, but no one would agree to it." The two kings shook their heads and sighed, "What is the difference between this kind of thing and imprisonment."

Yes, it is imprisonment.

This is exactly what I think.

The only way to deal with outsiders who want to keep secrets and help us do things is to imprison them.

Although it looks very inhumane, it is absolutely effective. Moreover, things like humanity are not feasible in Hefeng Continent.

I frowned slightly and clenched my fists: "Even if no one comes, I have to look for it. I can't just give up like this."

The dwarf king looked serious and said, "Nephew, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to find and see if there is a doctor willing to be imprisoned, if not..."

My eyes were sharp, and I said coldly, "Even if I tie it, I will tie one!"

"Tie?" The Goblin King worried: "My nephew, you can't be impulsive. Will the person who tied it help?"

"I will kill if I refuse to help, and kill until I am willing to help."

When I said this, I felt the killing intent hidden in my chest was about to move, and the blood was boiling at the same time.

Suddenly, a force that is neither strong nor weak fell on my shoulders. I turned my head and saw that it was the Dwarf King. He raised his arm and put it on my shoulder: "Nephew, I can understand your thoughts, but We are upright people and cannot do cruel things, do you understand?"

I calmed down for a few seconds, took a long sigh of relief, calmed the boiling blood and stupid killing intent, nodded slowly, and said: "I understand, uncle, I was wrong."

"Know your mistake, just make it right" Dwarf King laughed and said, "When Brother Dewey comes back, let's go to the Imperial Dining Room for dinner!"

Seeing his cheerful smile, I didn't want to say anything to refuse, but I had to do it again: "I'm sorry, uncle, I can't eat with you."

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