I took Raphael all the way and walked into the palace. Raphael was already physically exhausted. He held the gate of the palace with one hand. He couldn't help breathing hard, and with the other he didn't forget to hug the sleepy little in his arms. Betty, but the arm holding Betty is shaking so much that she is catching up with epilepsy.

The dwarf guards guarding the gate stepped forward, and one of them said concerned: "Excuse me, do you need help?"

Raphael couldn't even speak, he couldn't help shaking his head, and with each shaking of his head, the sweat from the temples would crackle and fly to the sides.

Upon seeing this, I waved my hand: "He's all right, but he lacks exercise. Don't bother you to worry about it."

Hearing what I said, the two guards nodded convincingly, and returned to their posts.

Raphael stayed in this state for a total of seven or eight minutes before relieving. He swallowed hard and said weakly: "I, I'm fine, let's go on."

I nodded, and led Raphael to the depths of the palace.

On the way, a dwarf waiter said to me: "Morning An Xiaoyi!"

"Early" I said: "Where are our two kings?"

"They are bathing, do you need me to let me know?" the waiter asked.

"Then it will work," I said politely.

Then, I took Raphael to the living room.

Sitting on the sofa, I turned my head and wanted to talk to Raphael. However, when I saw him, I realized that his state was a little wrong, especially when I looked at my eyes, it was full of fear and strangeness.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked him.

"No, nothing." Raphael lowered his head subconsciously, but his eyes were still sneaking at me, which made me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Is there anything on my face?" I asked again.

"No" Raphael continued to whisper.

When I said ‘um’, I ignored him. In my current state, no matter how I deal with him, it’s all in vain. It’s better to leave him alone. When he is willing to say it, he will naturally tell me.

The Goblin King and the Dwarf King rushed in half an hour later, together, Dewey and Master Hall.

When I met, I did not greet each other and directly introduced Dewey and others to Raphael.

Raphael knelt as soon as he was introduced.

I really couldn't afford to kneel on the ground, and the sound of my knees suddenly landing on the ground was so loud that it shocked me.

Raphael bowed down and respectfully worshipped the big men in front of him.

The goblin king and others have seen this kind of scenes very often. After the four big thorns took their seats, the dwarf king said: "Get up."

Raphael just got up from the ground with his daughter, but still flinched and looked terrified. At this moment, he looked at the four big guys in the same eyes as when he looked at me just now.

"Heh..." I chuckled softly.

So that's why he was wondering and fearing my position in Fort Witch.

Then, I stepped forward, muttered a few words to the four people, briefly retelled Raphael's situation and what I had said to him before, and then stood respectfully to the side.

"Your name is Raphael?" The Dwarf King asked first.

"Yes, the villain is Raphael."

Raphael said respectfully.

The dwarf king asked again: "Xiaoyi has already explained the situation to you, right?"

"Yes" Raphael said, "An Xiaoyi entrusted me to see someone a doctor."

"What else did he say?" the Goblin King asked.

"He told me that once I accept the commission, I will lose my freedom, and at the same time, my daughter will become a hostage."

"Anything else?" Master Hall said suddenly.

"Yes, he said that as long as I don't betray my employer, my daughter will lead a prosperous life..."

Raphael said a lot, basically repeating what I said, the four big men nodded slightly after listening.

The dwarf king asked again: "Then are you now ready to lose your freedom and your daughter becomes a hostage?"

"As long as my daughter can live a good life, even if I go through fire and water, I will not hesitate" Raphael looked at Betty fondly, his eyes full of perseverance and determination.

"Very good" the dwarf said: "You passed, young man, you can stay."

As he said, he pointed to Dewey, and said: "The person you are going to treat and serve is the one you are going to treat and serve. I must have heard his name. He is called Dewey. You are more used to calling him "Master Dewey."

"Du Du Du Du Wei?!" Raphael exclaimed, and his whole body almost stood up. At this moment, he was already shaking with excitement, and there were even some tears in his eyes: "The mainland's richest man, the magic airship Creator?!"

"It's me" Dewey said, "Is it surprising that someone with such a high level of rumors only looks like an ordinary goblin, isn't it disappointed?"

"Wh, no!" Raphael said excitedly: "You are simply a legend in our mainland, and the **** in our businessman's mind!"

When I heard of God, I instantly thought of the God of Creation. At the same time, I was thinking quickly, why didn't he believe in the gods in the legend, but in the people who exist in reality?

However, just a little thought, it was instantly relieved.

No wonder, what is the focus of businessmen?

Is to make money!

The God of Creation represents the existence of absolute power, but not the existence of absolute wealth. Naturally, these businessmen will not believe in him.

But Dewey is different. Although he is a living person, his personal assets are no longer known how many times the total assets of the entire Hefeng Continent. Such a huge wealth will naturally be worshipped by money-loving businessmen, even a myth. It is not an exaggeration. After all, many gods were just human beings before they became gods.

In the subsequent conversation, Raphael's expression and demeanor changed. It was no longer fearful, but turned into fanaticism. This fanaticism is exactly the same as the fanatics I have ever met.

With his current state, I guess, as long as it is not for him to die, Raphael will definitely spare no effort to complete any instruction from Dewey.

After the talk, I called the waiter, prepared paper and pen, and prepared a contract for the four big men to see.

After reviewing, the big guys expressed their satisfaction and no need to change, so I handed over the contract to Raphael: "Take a good look at which ones are acceptable and which ones are not. If you can accept them, then sign your name. , And your daughter will also sign together. If there is any item that cannot be accepted, you can bring it up and we will negotiate together."

After receiving the contract, Raphael read it carefully for a long time and read it many times. After finishing all this, he heaved a sigh of relief, nodded slightly, took the pen, and now wrote his name on it, and then called Betty again. He wrote his name under his name, and after doing all this, Raphael handed me the contract back.

I checked the two names and found no problems, and then handed the contract to the Goblin King and asked him to check again.

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