After the meal, I went home with everyone, but Raphael and Betty were left in the palace, waiting for the next instructions from the big guys.

When he got home, Yula couldn't wait to say: "Quickly, how did you get the first doctor in?"

Looking at her, it seemed that the paparazzi had discovered the frenetic appearance of major news. I couldn't help but smile bitterly: "You have to wait for me to change my clothes."

Yula just realized that I was not only tired, but my clothes were a little wrinkled. She couldn't help asking, "Why are your clothes so sloppy?"

"I forgot to take it off when I was sleeping..."

Barbara wrinkled her nose and sniffed, and said, "There is still a strong smell of alcohol? Xiaoyi! You have been drinking!"

"Ah, I drank some" as I said, I spread my hands and said, "Oh, there is no way. They are all friends. I can't refuse."

Barbara sniffed for a while, then rolled her eyes and thought, before nodding and saying, "Well, fortunately, it doesn't smell like a woman."

I secretly rejoiced in my heart. Fortunately, this time I didn't have any physical contact with Jin Siqi. Otherwise, I would definitely be unable to argue.

After freshening up, I changed into a new set of clothes. As soon as I got out of the bathroom, I saw everyone sitting on the sofa, staring at me.

With a question mark on my face, I touched my face and then my hair: "What happened to me?"

"Who are you asking?" Billy answered, "What's wrong with you, where do I know!"

"Then what do you look at me for?" I looked puzzled.

"Waiting to listen to the story!" Susan said: "I like to hear stories the most."

I am ashamed.

Sit next to Phoenix, drank some water, and thought about the original brew. I began to talk about this trip to Dasai City.

Speaking of Raphael's haggard face showing up in front of me, and startled me, Jura answered, "Well, I didn't recognize him when I first saw him."

I turned my head and asked her: "When was the last time you saw him?"

Jura thought for a while, and said: "Two years ago, Harold was poisoned. Rafael I accompanied him to see. Rafael was very high-spirited and proud. Harold even introduced I knew him, but I refused."

I jokingly said, "Hey, you were so insightful at that time, you don't even have the chance to get to know the first doctor."

"Hmm" Yula smiled charmingly: "Are you jealous?"

I rolled my eyes and did not answer.

"Quickly talk about it, why refuse?" Barbara couldn't wait to ask.

"This person does have many advantages, but only one shortcoming makes me really unable to compliment," Yula said: "This person actually smokes purple heart!"

"Purple heart?" Barbara looked puzzled: "What is that?"

"It's a kind of medicinal material," Ullah said: "If you take a small amount, you can refresh your mind, but if you take a lot of it, you will become addicted. Moreover, this kind of drug addiction is extremely difficult to control. Paper, in severe cases, foaming at the mouth and unconsciousness!"

"Wow, it's scary!" Barbara exclaimed.

"How do you know so clearly?" Lilea asked on the side: "Could it be that someone around you is smoking this kind of thing?"

"Huh? You've been in Ai Rui City for so long, so you don't even know?" Yula was surprised: "Smoke purple heart grass is a very popular hobby in the aristocratic circle of Ai Rui City."

"I don't know if it's normal." Lilea spread her hands: "I have contact with middlemen. I rarely have direct contact with the noble and royal circles. Besides, my main task is to collect information. As for the other things, they are all with me. I can’t care about irrelevant things.”

After listening to Yula, I suddenly thought of a question, so I turned around and asked Princess Analita, "Princess, is there anyone in your circle who smokes purple heart?"

Princess Analita shook her head: "No, we have always been clean and self-conscious, and we have never been contaminated with addictive things."

I thought for a while, and then asked: "Then are there anything particularly popular in your circle?"

"Popular things..." Princess Analita thought for a while, and said: "I remember that calligraphy and painting and some jade carvings were very popular in the past, but I don't know now."

With that, she turned to Princess Analeta and said, "Do you know?"

The little princess glared hard at me, put her arms around her, and curled her head: "I don't know!"

Hey, this little girl, why is she still holding grudges?

Princess Analita smiled at me apologetically, and I waved my hand to indicate that there was nothing wrong.

Then, I asked Yula, "Is the thing called purple heart very expensive?"

Yura nodded and said, "It's very expensive. It is said that one plant costs one gold coin."

"How long can that one suck?" I asked again.

"I don't know about that." Yula shook his head. "But I heard from the elders in the family that it takes dozens of gold coins to smoke once."

It takes dozens of gold coins to smoke once!

If converted into silver coins, that would be thousands of silver coins!

When converted into copper coins, that would be hundreds of thousands of copper coins!

Normally, a family only spends a few to a dozen gold coins a year. Life in the aristocratic circle of Ai Ruicheng is really luxurious!

I thought for a while and said, "Yura, do you know where the purple hearts they smoke are usually bought from?"

Yula said, "I don't know, Xiaoyi, what do you ask this for?"

I smiled: "Of course I am interested~"

"You want to make the voice of purple heart?" Yura asked puzzled.

"Well, I have this plan" I said: "After all, this kind of thing will generate great profits."

"What then?" Yura asked, "Who are you going to sell these things to?"

"The nobles of Ai Ruicheng" I said: "Especially those rich nobles. If possible, I hope I can sell this kind of stuff to the royal family."

"You are so bad," Yura said charmingly.

"Then can we make a lot of money?" Barbara stared.

I nodded and said, "Of course, that's a lot of money, so much that it can be piled up into a hill."

"It's great" Barbara said excitedly.

"Not good at all," Liu Yu said suddenly.

Everyone turned their eyes to Liu Yu, and I squeezed my chin and asked her, "Why is it bad?"

Liu Yu said: "If one day the nobles have no money to buy purple heart grass, they will definitely squeeze the people of Ai Rui City even more crazily, especially those of us who have no money and power!"

"Yes, Xiaoyi" Yang Kuo said, "Although I want to agree with you, I also have to consider the people in the slums. After all, they are my family."

After listening to Liu Yu and Yang Ku’s views in silence, I thought for a while, and said, "Have you ever thought about it? Even if I don’t do business in purple heart grass, the residents living in the slums of Erri City will still not have a good life. ."


Liu Yu wanted to refute again, but was interrupted by me: "The reason why they are living in dire straits is not because of whom the purple heart grass business belongs to, or whether the nobles squeeze them, but because they are not taken seriously. Even, they are not even human in the eyes of the royal family and nobles in Eri City."

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