In an instant, two more days passed.

On this day, as soon as I finished my morning exercise, Barbara called me and asked me to bring her a box of black beef jerky.

I searched around and finally found black beef jerky in a reasonably-decorated food store. I looked at the price and I was shocked: a small bag of black beef jerky costs fifty silver coins, one There are almost two hundred bags of black beef jerky!

In other words, a box of black beef jerky asks for 10,000 silver coins, which is a full 100 coins when converted into alloy coins!

If a bag of black beef jerky is large, it's fine, but it is not as big as a fist. According to Barbara's eating state, such a bag of beef jerky is not even enough for her to eat two bites!

In other words, with such a box of beef jerky, she can eat it clean in just 400 mouthfuls!

This is the conclusion drawn when other people never eat.

What if other people follow the trend, and then become addicted to eating too!

By the way, speaking of this, I think of a very important question, how did Barbara know that there is black beef jerky here?

With this question, I dialed Barbara's call.

Barbara lazily said: "Who?"

"Me!" I said.

"Oh, Xiaoyi, have you bought black beef jerky?"

"Leave aside this, let me ask you, who told you that there is black beef jerky here?"

"Who told me...Uh, oh, come to think of it, it's a cowgirl" Barbara said: "We just talked about something delicious that day. The cowgirl said that the black beef of Cyberjaya Gan is one of the best snacks she has ever eaten. It just so happens that you are still in Dasai City, so I beg you~"

Sure enough, it was Kagali...

I am ashamed: The only person in my guild who is most familiar with Dasai City is she, a native orc girl, except for her, it is relatively unlikely that others will say such things.

After thinking about it, I subconsciously asked: "She didn't ask me to help her and bring a box back?"

"Oh, Cowgirl!" Barbara yelled over the microphone, "Xiaoyi asked if I would bring you a box of black beef jerky?"

"Tell him, good!" Kagali's voice came over.

After that, there was another series of shouts from girls: "I want too!" "Bring me a box too!" "And me!"

After the girl's voice, the men's voice followed: "Bring me a box too, please" "Tell Xiaoyi that bastard, you can't forget my share, and Godot's share!" "

I was ashamed and blamed myself: Why is my mouth so owed? If you say nothing, you will die!

After the uproar, Barbara said: "Have you heard, everyone in the guild needs a box."

"Everyone needs a box..." The corners of my mouth twitched: "A box can cost a hundred gold coins..."

"A box of 100 gold coins is so expensive." Barbara paused and said, "If you don't have any money, just tell Dad, I won't support you anyway~ hum."

A huge bead of sweat fell, and my heart was broken at the moment.

Contacted Dewey and borrowed a large sum of money in my opinion, but I was scolded again by Dewey: "How many times have you said that, don't tell me about gold coins under 100 million yuan, please go to my secretary." , Didn’t the call crystal I gave you have a button to directly contact my secretary..."

Although he was scolded, but when the money got in his hands, he still felt happy.

When I bought the black beef jerky, I hesitated, and finally decided to take Taylor, Dewey, Dwarf King, Goblin King, Princess Aurora, and even some Dwarf Princes and Goblin Princes too. Prepare to come out one by one. After all, I come to Dasai City without bringing some local specialties. It is always unreasonable.

Moreover, this money is not my pocket, but Dewey's money. Think about it, if you spend other people's money, you have to accept my love. Why not do it.

When I told the number of black beef jerky I decided to buy, the owner was shocked.

He repeatedly confirmed that I was not talking about bags, but boxes.

I'm sure again and again, I'm really not talking about bags, but boxes.

The owner expressed his disbelief, because he had never sold black beef jerky in a box. The most frequent encounter was when a werewolf was greedy for meat. He even bought ten bags, but his girlfriend thought he could spend too much money and pressed him. The ground was badly beaten. Since then, the single transaction volume of black beef jerky has not exceeded three bags.

Listening to him say that, I am not happy. People say that customers are God. How can you not believe what God says?

However, the owner told me that he did not believe in God, but he believed in the God of Creation.

Nothing, I had to pay out the money to prove it.

After counting the gold coins, the shopkeeper’s attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees. He rubbed his hands and helped me prepare it with a smile... There are many old boxes of black beef jerky, and I have not counted the specific quantity, anyway. It must be more than my guild, plus the children of Dewey, the Dwarf King, the Goblin King, and the Dwarf King, the number of the children of the Goblin King added up.

I don't know why I have to buy so many at a time. It may be because my sanity suddenly broke when I said the quantity of purchase.

On the way back, I plan to borrow a car from the shopkeeper and pull back the boxes stacked higher than me.

As a result, the owner generously gave me a car and said flatly that if you still need black beef jerky, please come over at any time, he will always wait for me to drive.

I laughed and said goodbye to him, then pulled up the car and walked towards the camp step by step.

When he arrived at the camp, he moved the black beef jerky into the tent. Jackson looked at the boxes of snacks and wondered: "What is this?"

"Black beef jerky" I said: "Come here and help move it."

Jackson said ‘oh’ and came over and moved together.

After moving for a while, everything was finally finished. Looking at the tent, the original spacious space has already been taken up by most of the boxes, leaving only the place for us to sleep.

"What do you buy so much of this for?" Jackson asked with a frown.

"Eat" I said: "Otherwise?"

"You don't need to buy so much, right." Jackson reached out and opened a box, took one out of it, tore open the bag, took a bite, and nodded while chewing: "Well, it's delicious, it's delicious, but you bought it. Isn't it a bit too much?"

"Not much" I said: "I counted by head, each person has a box, plus Dewey, Dwarf King, Goblin King, and the Elf Patriarch, the Elf Queen also has a copy, and... "

"There is also a surplus," Jackson said: "Unless you plan to give each goblin a copy, that might not be enough."

"How is it possible?" I said, "Except for the fairy patriarch, I only send a few boxes to the fairy and let them divide it by themselves. The rest is for us to eat."

"Then I can't finish it." Jackson threw the wrapping paper in his hand into the trash can, and said, "So much beef jerky, it can be used as a wall."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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