The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1108: A lean camel is bigger than a horse

I smirked at the three of Dewey: "By that time, the purple heart grass business will naturally fall into my hands."

"Good strategy, good strategy!" The dwarf king praised.

The goblin king also laughed: "As expected of the old fox's child."

With that said, he did not forget to glance at his brother.

Only Dewey did not say a word. He was silent for a moment and said: "Xiao Yi, have you ever thought about it if he refuses to find you?"

I was stunned when I heard the words, a little bit of self-belief: "Should not..."

"This situation is very likely to happen" Dewey said: "You just said that this person is calm and old. Since his personality is like this, he must not be the kind of person who will only leave a way for himself. I must exclude us. He must have also found reinforcements from several other races."

Listening to Dewey's words, I was immediately taken aback: Yes, I had neglected to find out if there were other reinforcements during my trip. What a gross negligence!

Dewey said: "If I guess right, he must have placed other reinforcements elsewhere. With these helpers, he will naturally not easily agree to your purple heart business."

"Oops, so to speak, he just rejected my purple heart grass business?" I stood up abruptly and couldn't help but blurt out.

"Stupid boy" Dewey shook his head and smiled: "Is this panicking? How about your calmness?"

"Uh..." I sat back in the chair again embarrassedly, and said in a shame: "Sorry godfather, it's because my mind is unstable and I still need training."

Dewey nodded and said, "It's good to know, but xinxing cannot be acquired in a day or two. It needs to be tempered slowly. You are only in your twenties, and you are at the age of unstable xinxing. It is OK to get excited occasionally. Understand."

I nodded my promises, and my face was more apologetic and respectful than before.

"Huh?" Dewey suddenly curiously asked: "Xiaoyi, you seem to be a little different from when you left here?"

"Is there?" I raised my head, puzzled.

"There is a difference" Goblin King also felt some clues.

"Yeah" The Dwarf King also nodded: "It seems that he is more humble."

"Yes, it's just humility" Dewey said: "Before he left, there was constant hostility in his whole body. No matter what happened to people, most of them were seven and eight unsatisfied. After this trip, there was not much hostility left, and his personality became humble. Respect a lot, Xiao Yi, do you have any insights on this trip?"

"Yes" I said: "This trip, I have the most sentiment, is the battle between President Steel Hammer and Clayton. The two are evenly matched and powerful. They are not comparable to immature newcomers like me, but here Before, when I met Clayton, I even tried to drag him to death with my current strength and actual combat experience. Now that I think about it, I still feel ridiculous and sad."

"Well, good!" The dwarf king said first: "Know your shortcomings, reflect on them, and correct them. This is the most important thing to become a strong man, Xiao Yi, I am optimistic about you!"

"That's right." Dewey said: "Xiao Yi, you finally see your shortcomings. I am very pleased. The sad and ridiculous person you just said was just you a few days ago, not the current you. I hope In the future, you will be able to correct your shortcomings, make continuous progress, and strive to become the strong as soon as possible."

"Yes!" I respectfully said.

"Okay, let's talk about the endless topic just now" Dewey said: "Although the Lord of Leicester did not agree to your suggestion, he will definitely not refuse your request, because he still doesn't understand your mind and is afraid If you refuse, you will be forced to make enemies with him, like that kind of old fox, who is generally a friend of Ning Duoyi who doesn't help, and he doesn't want to hate himself more."

"Then what do you think he would do?" I asked.

"Procrastinate" Dewey said: "He will try his best to delay this matter, as long as you still need the purple heart business, he will continue to delay."

"When he does this, isn't he afraid that I will give up the purple heart grass business?" I wondered.

"If you don't tell the City Lord of Leicester,'You are going to sell the purple heart to the nobles of Ere City,' this matter may be easier to handle." Goblin King said: "Because of knowing your purpose, the City Lord of Leicester will naturally He knew it in his heart. As long as the nobleman of Ai Ruicheng was still there, he would naturally not worry about whether you would give up the purple heart business."

"Ah..." I listened, with a sorrowful expression on my face: "It's because I didn't think well."

"The matter is over, so don't blame Xiaoyi anymore." Dewey said: "Furthermore, if Xiaoyi doesn't tell his original purpose, the Lord of Leicester's view of Xiaoyi may be greatly reduced, thinking that he is just for Young people who are profitable and unscrupulous are not like now, just hanging on Xiaoyi, but still treating each other with courtesy."

"Yes, what my brother taught is," the goblin king said sincerely.

"In fact, Xiaoyi, you don't have to worry too much," Dewey said: "Since he is still hanging you, it means that you have a certain weight in his heart. As long as there is weight, things will be easier."

Hearing this, I shook my head and said, "Goddaddy, I don't understand."

"After listening to my explanation, you will understand" Dewey said: "I just said that you have weight in the heart of Leicester City Lord. This is very important. As long as you have weight, you will most likely use it for something in the future. When it comes to you, if you want to ask you to take action, naturally, your benefits will not be lost. The amount of this benefit is related to the difficulty of the task that you are asked to help complete. Since Yana City is hated by others, it will definitely interact with you in the future. It won’t be less. Maybe one day, there will be a task that matches the business of purple heart. I beg you to do it."

After listening to Dewey's explanation, I felt a little relieved and I was finally relieved. Since there is still a chance, it is not too late. As long as it is not the kind of death, it is worth doing.

After that, I talked to Dewey about my views on the current Ariel City. I think that since Ariel City invites the Knights of the Round Table Guild as the resident guild, the Knights of the Round Table Guild must have its unique features. Of course, it is also possible to invite The prince they came was the same as their president, and the two were similar and naturally attracted to each other.

The three of Dewey nodded in agreement, thinking that my analysis was good, but even so, I still can’t underestimate Eri City. After all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even if it is corrupt and depraved again, as long as it does not completely collapse, it must not Underestimate the strength it contains.

I understand this truth. Especially when Achilles is still under the second master, I definitely won’t challenge the supreme regime of Erri City without knowing the depth. What I have to do now is to make myself stronger, and become enough and Achilles. When Luce contended head-on, it was the beginning of my plan.

The four of us talked for more than three hours, and finally felt a little hungry before we came out of the secret room one after another.

Out of the secret room, we went straight to the restaurant. On the way, I asked Dewey: "How did Raphael massage you?"

Dewey said with satisfaction: "It's worthy of being the number one doctor in Ai Ruicheng, with great techniques. Didn't I see that I am walking lighter than usual now?"

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