The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1113: Presumptuous conditions

"Your concerns, my king already knows," the messenger said: "In order to make your country feel at ease, my king decided to give your country ten carts of jewellery, 1,000 heads of cattle and sheep, 1,000 rolls of cloth and silk, and more than forty beauties."

"Yeah" The Goblin King nodded and asked, "Anything else?"

"Yes" the messenger continued: "My king once said that I hope that our two countries can stay together for a long time, so I implore the dwarf king to marry his daughter, Princess Aurora, to his eldest son. In the future, my king will pass away and the eldest son will succeed him. The princess is not only a queen, but also the prince of the mother's ritual. At the same time, the two countries can have a good relationship and prosper together. This is a multitude of things, very rare. I hope the dwarf king will think twice."

"I've already thought about marrying a daughter," the dwarf king said lightly: "Aurora is not young anymore, it is indeed time to marry."

As soon as these words came out, the messenger's eyebrows gave birth to three points of joy: "Dwarf King, do you agree? This kind of multi-tasking is unprecedented, Wang Dang is really wise..."

Before he could finish speaking, the dwarf king yelled: "Agree, what do you agree to, when will I agree!"

There were three points of majesty and seven points of domineering in these words, and the messenger was immediately frightened. The whole person stood stiff on the spot, with his mouth open, and his hands raised. It looked like a ridiculously funny statue.

The dwarf king let out a rough breath and lowered his voice. He said lightly: "I just said that Aurora is not young anymore, it's time to marry. I didn't say that she will marry you in the city of Iri. go with!"

Rao was a clever messenger, but in shock, he was also covered in war, and he couldn't say a word with his mouth open.

The dwarf king ignored him, turned his head and said to the goblin king: "Don't you think?"

The goblin king chuckled: "Isn't it, Aurora is not young, she should marry, but it's a pity that Luohua deliberately flows and is ruthless."

"I am the Dwarf King. Whoever my daughter likes naturally does not need to be approved by the person she likes. I, the father, will naturally take charge of her." The Dwarf King suddenly raised his voice: "An Xiaoyi!"

"Yes." I was looking at the messenger and felt funny. Suddenly, I was called by the dwarf king. I jumped up from the chair in fright, turned around, and bowed and said, "An Xiaoyi is here, what's your order."

"Just one command," the dwarf said: "When you leave, take Aurora with you and take care of her for me."

"Huh?" I looked dumbfounded, didn't I see the messenger, why did it involve the matter between me and Princess Aurora?

The dwarf king suddenly raised his volume: "Have you heard!"

I was so frightened by this sound that I responded, "Yes."

"Yeah" The dwarf king nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand, and forced me back to my seat with a dazed expression.

Then, the Goblin King opened his mouth and said: "The benefits you have said before, to be honest, we are not interested in it. Let me tell you that although Fort Witch is not rich in resources, we have an honest and peaceful heart. I hope that the five major countries can live together peacefully. Well, that’s it. When you return home, don’t forget to say hello to Carter Horton for us and tell him that I hope he can stop as soon as possible and don’t worry about it."

The messenger showed an unexpected look. Although he thought that the Dwarf King and the Goblin King might refuse to speak, but he said before, even the Dwarf King showed longing, and everything returned to the original point in a blink of an eye, and any conversation was turned into In vain, such a gap made him surprised.

After that, he tried to explain the advantages and disadvantages of not joining together, and continued to increase the bargaining chips, doubling the treasures and supplies given to Fort Witch.

However, the two kings seemed to have settled their intentions. Not only did their expressions remain unchanged, but their eyes were also unwavering.

The messenger tried to work harder again, but the result did not seem to change at all.

In desperation, the messenger had to retire in anguish.

Seeing the messenger leave, Dewey slowly stood up and snorted, "boring."

I was puzzled, so I hurriedly followed, and while helping him, I asked in a low voice, "Goddaddy, what are you talking about?"

Dewey said lightly: "The conditions are boring, the reasons are boring, even the messenger himself is a boring fellow."

As he said, he sighed and shook his head: "I think it is more effective to send a monkey over to tease than an envoy, at least it can make people laugh."

Comparing the messenger with the monkey, the only person who can say this is Master Dewey who stands at the top of Fort Witch.

Behind him, the dwarf king and the goblin king slowly followed, and while walking, the goblin king said: "Just the tribute, I want to win our friendship, but I really underestimated my Fort Witch."

The dwarf king laughed and said: "Eri City is in chaos. It is not easy to take out these tributes. Let's stop teasing them and talk about Aurora and Xiao Yi."

"Huh?" I turned my head, looking blank.

The dwarf king said: "Xiao Yi, I have entrusted Aurora to you, you have to treat her well."

With a bitter face, I said, "Is your decision too hasty? Don’t talk about anything else, but you know that there are already five fiancees in my family. Under this circumstance, you still plan to put the princess Marry me, is it too irresponsible for your daughter?"

"Irresponsible?" The dwarf king shook his head: "Making Aurora unhappy is the symbol of my irresponsibility. As long as Aurora is happy and happy every day, it means that my father has done his due diligence. You say that I am irresponsible to her. You are a junior, not to mention your father, even a baby who has never been a husband, you are not qualified to judge me in this respect!"

Yes, it's time to play the elder's score.

I sighed: "Yes, you are right."

Seeing that I was subdued, the dwarf king calmed down again: "Actually, she wants Aurora to marry you, not only because she likes you, but also for two more important reasons."

"Appreciate further details."

The dwarf king sighed softly, with some emotions, and said: "Speaking of which, Aurora and I owe you great favors. You saved her life twice and helped her find Saradika. , It’s indirectly saved my life. When these three lives are added together, there is no way to repay it. I have no choice but to "pay off the debt" with my daughter."

Speaking of this, the dwarf king’s face is half sad and half sentimental. At first glance, I feel two feelings. One is that he refuses to give up his daughter to marry, and the other is that he finally breathed a sigh of relief and pressed the stone in his heart. Finally unloaded.

I wanted to say, "Actually, the love owed to me can be offset by money." But because Master Dewey is right beside me, and I say this is also rude to the Dwarf King and Princess Aurora, as if they were the father and daughter. Life can be measured by money.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help swallowing the sentence I was about to blurt again.

After a moment of silence, I said: "You can marry your daughter, but I have one condition."

"This kid, if you get a bargain, you still sell good." The dwarf king laughed: "I want to see what presumptuous conditions your kid will say!"

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