The official appointment was held an hour after the elf queen returned to the palace. The official appointment ceremony was not grand, but rather solemn and serious.

Six elders, several heavyweights of the royal family, and several great aristocrats with heads and faces gathered together, standing by left and right, almost all of their eyes fell on the few people who were about to be proclaimed.

There are five recipients: me, Kagali, Barbara, Zac and Yang Ku.

Among them, Kagali was appointed as the captain of the princess guard team to protect the safety of Princess Analita and Princess Analeta. If necessary, he can mobilize the elite troops of Moonlight City, that is, any member of the elite team of the Rose Legion.

Barbara was named the head of the Moonlight City Mediation Office. Her main task was to mediate all civil disputes that occurred in Moonlight City. At the same time, she was assigned a number of female guards to protect her personal safety.

Zac was named the captain of the Moonlight City Frontier Guard. He had only one mission, arresting or killing all the characters hiding in the Fairy Forest and threatening the two princesses or the royal nobles here. If you encounter fierce resistance, you can Cut first and play later.

Yang Kui was named the captain of the Moonlight City Border Guard Reconnaissance and Patrol Team. He also had only one mission, which was to conduct inspections around Moonlight City from time to time. Any suspicious deeds discovered were entitled to continue tracking and were not included in violations. Privacy, but this last one only applies to people or things that are really suspicious. If you want to use official duties for your own personal gain, you will inevitably be punished, and in serious cases you may be dismissed directly.

When I was able to enshrine my official position, the Elf Queen gave a document to Elder Prisla. The moment the old witch received the document, there seemed to be electricity flowing through her body, Ji Lingling shivered, she hesitated for a moment, but finally With a black face, he reluctantly handed the papers to my hand step by step.

When receiving the paperwork, she clenched and refused to let go. If I hadn't let the paperwork out while her right hand was slightly loosened, I am afraid that the paperwork might not be able to enter my hand now.

When I got the document, I didn't look at Elder Prisla's stinky face, but held one end and gently unfolded the document.

It was written on silk cloth and written in gold powder. The entire volume of the document contains only a few lines. When I read it clearly, I was shocked by the content. It said, "Providing An Xiaoyi as the agent of a foreign elder". The 42nd Empress Anasta', and later is today's date.


No wonder the faces of the elders were ugly, and I actually became the existence standing side by side with them!

But this also gave me a signal at the same time: The status quo of the elves is far from being as peaceful as it seems. Perhaps it has long been undercurrents and perilous.

After the entitlement was completed, the queen held another banquet. At the banquet, Elder Prisla made a toast to me with an imperceptible smile on her face: "Congratulations, congratulations, from today, I will call you Elder An Xiaoyi. "

A toast to greet her, I smiled and said: "Oh, I am honored to be called that by you."

"From now on, you and I will probably see each other often," Elder Prisla said with a smile: "I hope my colleagues can give me some advice."

"I can't talk about advice," I said flatly: "Learn, learn from each other, Elder Prisla is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and it is a model that my generation should learn from!"

Having said that, we both laughed, hypocrisy all around us.

After that, Elder Sonoda Mai, Elder Sibo Ling, Elder Mela, Jennifer, and Elder Lindsay each toasted to me. Among them, Elder Sonoda had the most ugly face. Think about it, before, a kid called me, Suddenly, she and I became people of the same level, and she naturally wouldn't be happy, not to mention her, even if I changed, I wouldn't be happy.

The elders finished their toast, and then came the royal family and nobles, and a glass of wine poured into my body like running water. Fortunately, the glass was small, otherwise just going to the toilet would make me half tired.

During the banquet, apart from me, the most popular girls were almost two girls, Kagali and Barbara. The two lesbians were orcs, but their appearance was so beautiful that they were by no means comparable to ordinary people. Kagali's temperament was outstanding and generous. At the same time, she still has a sense of coldness and arrogance; Barbara is clever and weird, and she has a cute temperament, but she wants to look like a queen. In contrast, she unconsciously gives people a cuteness. a feeling of.

It can be seen that most of the young, handsome, handsome and gold-eyed men of the Elf race favored them, but one of them ignored each other’s diligence at all, and the other just focused on eating and drinking, without giving each other a chance to be diligent. It made a lot of aristocratic youth extremely depressed.

But I have to say that the young elves and royal nobles are indeed well-educated, never entangled or forced, but politely asked several times. Seeing that Kagali and Barbara didn’t answer, they turned and left and went to others. local.

When I saw this, I was thinking, if the banquet was held in Ai Ruicheng, would there be a group of nobles with fat brains who would entangle the two women with unknown depth?

Thinking for a moment, I shook my head secretly: It's not good, it's not good, it's not a good habit to guess casually without any proof.

After the banquet, Kagali ate and drank just right, but Barbara ate too much and refused to take a step. I said that my stomach hurts. Nothing. I leaned down, came to a princess and hugged her, hugged her, and walked slowly back. .

Along the way, Kagali was afraid to be jealous, so she pinched me and I had to stay silent.

During this period, Zach showed a bitter expression and said: "The forest is so big, how should I, the captain of the frontier guard, inspect it every day, don't we upgrade the monsters?"

"Oh, you think a little bit too much" I persuaded him: "You are not the only captain of the frontier guards, there are too many. You only need to patrol once every day after eating, and you should exercise after cooking."

Yang Xu said with a bitter face on the side: "It's okay for you, look at me, use me and warn me at the same time, this is the most saddening thing!"

"You can get it," I interrupted him: "You can share vision with the summoned puppet figure. Everyone knows that, in case you see a pretty little elf one day, peeping at people for suspicious reasons. Home underwear, what do you do with the little girl?"

"Bah!" Yang Xu said with a thick neck and blushing: "I can't do this. If you want to say you want to do this, maybe someone will believe it!"

I chuckled and did not answer, turning my head slightly and asking Kagali: "I can understand the official positions of Zach, Yang Ku and Barbara, but I am a little puzzled about the official positions of you and me."

"Where is it difficult to understand?" Kagali asked me.

“Isn’t it the duty of the Legion of Roses to protect the princess? Why should I entrust it to you?” I solemnly said: “Also, the elders have decision-making powers. Why should I appoint such an important position to me? Is Moonlight City now in In danger?"

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