The Elf Queen hadn't spoken yet, and Elder Sonoda Mai first said, "Elder An Xiaoyi, do you have a basis for this?"

Her eyes were wide open, and the wrinkles between her eyebrows were squeezed into a ball, twisted into a big fleshy bump, the fleshy bump towering high, standing abruptly on the old face, looking very hideous and ugly at the same time.

I can clearly feel the power from the elder Sonoda Mai, but at the same time, I was excited to laugh by her ugly expression.

I took a sigh of relief and suppressed my smile. I pretended to be calm and said: "According to no, as for the true and false, you will know in a few days."

Elder Prisla stood up and said, "Elder Sonoda Mai, since Elder An Xiaoyi dared to speak out, you don't need to question it anymore. I believe what Elder An Xiaoyi said is true."

"Huh?" I was puzzled: "When did Elder Prisla begin to speak for me? Well, there may be fraud in this, no, there must be fraud!"

"Elder An Xiaoyi" Elder Sonoda Mai curled his eyebrows and stared at me, with a serious tone, and said: "I will ask you again, are you sure that the information you just said is true?"

I scratched my hair. I didn't understand why she was holding on to this matter. I couldn't help but frown and said, "Of course it's true, I don't have to deceive you."

Seeing Elder Mai Sonoda took a deep breath, then exhaled repeatedly, turning to the elf queen, and said: "Your Majesty, the matter of Fort Vitch is especially prudent, not reckless."

The Elf Queen nodded slightly and said: "Elder Sonoda Mai, please sit down. I already know what you mean. Perhaps some of you are still questioning Elder An Xiaoyi’s intelligence. If so, we might as well put this matter aside for a few days. Dasai City really issued a notice to form an ally with Fort Witch. Doesn’t this mean that Elder An Xiaoyi’s supernatural powers are also a good thing for me, Moonlight City. Even if there is no notice, it does not mean that there is no alliance. We just need to continue to watch the changes."

After a few words, the elders who were speaking quieted down.

After that, the elders present discussed several issues that had not been turned over before, and there were a dozen disputes. Finally, the meeting ended in peace.

After the meeting, I specifically found the Elf Queen and explained to her that she did not want to participate in the meeting. The Elf Queen thought for a while and said: "Alright, although you are a foreigner elder, the foreigners in Moonlight City are also pitiful, almost There is no place where you need to be present. If you don’t like to attend daily meetings, then don’t attend, but you still need to be present for some important meetings."

"I know this" I bowed my head, bowed, and said, "Thank you, the Queen."

After leaving the palace, I went straight to the house, changed my clothes, took the knife, and ran to the underground city again.

After leaving the dungeon, I rushed to the palace to find Emily to discuss it. When the match was over, it was dusk when I returned home.

In short, this day is very fulfilling, so fulfilling that I don't want to move anymore when I lie on the sofa.

Fortunately, the elf queen is accommodating, which avoids the rule that I have to go to court every day, otherwise I really don't want to do this elder Laoshizi.

After eating, I took an excuse to go out for a stroll, and when I turned the corner, I ran towards the home of Mai Sonoda.

As usual, he lay down along the chimney, sneaked into the office of the elder Sonoda Mai along the root of the wall, pushed the door, found that it was unlocked, and slipped in.

As soon as I turned around, I saw Elder Mai Sonoda who was sitting at the desk glaring at me with his eyes wide open.

I smiled at her: "Good evening."

Elder Sonoda Mai coldly snorted: "Elder An Xiaoyi is here late at night, why don't you tell me first so that I can meet you for ten miles."

"No, you're welcome" I said hehe: "Besides, our two families seem to be not as far apart as ten miles."

The boss of Mai Sonoda grinned and said coldly, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing, I just came to drop by," he said, and habitually picked up the wooden box placed on the side and sat down: "I want to ask you a question."

"Ask me questions?" Elder Sonoda Mai disdainfully said: "Do you have any questions you want to ask me?"

I knew that she still had a grudge against me being named an elder, so I ignored her rude tone and said seriously: "Elder, I want to know, during the day you repeatedly emphasized and asked me if I was serious. Is there any special meaning in it?"

"It seems that you are not stupid yet," said the elder Mai Sonoda: "Yes, I really have something in my words."

I got up and bowed to her: "I would like to hear the details."

Elder Sonoda snorted and said, "You are now an elder, but you don't even have the arrogance of an elder. On the contrary, when you were not an elder, you still had a bit of arrogance."

I sighed softly: "Hey, it's not a lie. During the time I left Moonlight City, I suddenly ran into a master. After I competed with him, I only learned what a frog at the bottom of the well is, so I learned from the pain and decided to curb my arrogance and be a new man. "

Elder Sonoda squinted her eyes, unable to see what her expression was. He only listened to her indifferently: "I can let you be a human again. It seems that the person abused you miserably, right?"

"It's not just miserable, half my life is almost gone." As I talked, I started a serious nonsense mode: "The master is so powerful, that shot is so fierce, that move is brutal and inhumane, and he smashed my head and face. I was beaten to death and beat me to death, crying for my father and mother, and finally, the master kept his hand, and without the last move, I was lucky enough to escape..."

It took more than half an hour for a nonsense meal, during which Elder Sonoda drank a sip of tea and ate a snack. After I finally finished speaking, she chuckled, "You are very wonderful, you can go to the street to perform ."

At this moment, I suddenly understood what is called a fox or an old thief. The co-author of the old demon woman didn’t believe me from the beginning. She just listened to it as a storytelling. No wonder she was drinking tea and eating snacks. If you have melon seeds, you can't be eaten on a plate by her!

With a bitter expression on my face, I looked at Elder Sonoda Mai, she snorted, took out a notebook from the drawer and put it on the table: "Look at this first."

I picked up the book and read it page by page. The more I read it, the more shocked I became. At the same time, I understood the painstaking efforts of the elder Sonoda Mai.

This is an ordinary book. The characters on it are also common in Hefeng Mainland, but the content on it is not ordinary.

Because this is a manual, a manual that records the rules of behavior for elders. The manual clearly records what should be done and what should not be done, and there is one of them: everything in other countries must be accurate, and there must be no deviation. Otherwise, the person who tells the matter shall bear full responsibility.

I frowned and said solemnly: "This manual...Why didn't she give me the handbook?"

"Your Majesty is not to blame," said Elder Mai Sonoda: "Your Majesty discussed with us before you were appointed to the official position. She believes that the'elder's behavior restraint' does not apply to you, and wants to make you an exception, but Puri Elder Sila disagreed. She felt that since they are both elders, they must be restrained together, otherwise they will not be able to convince people in the future. This is still under discussion, so this booklet is not prepared for you."

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