The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1128: Women are really not easy to mess with

As the grid dropped inch by inch, I accelerated my pace and increased the speed to the fastest.

However, the falling power grid still exceeded my estimation. I was still five meters away from the power grid, and the power grid was only half a meter away from the top of Phoenix and their heads. For a moment, I regretted it. In order to make Phoenix and the others cooperate perfectly, I stood deliberately. Staying far away, this does not give the Phoenix the opportunity to rely on me, but at the same time they also lose the opportunity to protect them.

I gritted my teeth and exerted force again under my feet, trying to increase the speed again and intercept it before the power grid fell.

But the fact did not give me any chance-even if I did not reach the grid, the grid was also blocked.

It was Godot who intercepted the grid.

He used the commonly used transparent barrier skills to set up a translucent barrier with flowing light out of thin air, instantly blocking the power grid and everyone's heads.

At this time, the power grid was less than a palm distance from the top of the tallest Zach's head.

With a soft noise, the power grid was automatically resolved on the surface of the barrier. After a few sparks, the power grid disappeared completely.

At the same time, the sandworm spitting out the power grid also roared and fell to the side unwillingly. Before it hit the ground, it turned into a cloud of black dust and dissipated in the air.

Fortunately, there is no danger, or I can die of guilt.

Wiping a lot of sweat, I gave Godot a secret thumbs up. Godot also gave a thumbs up and grinned. His front teeth flashed in the sun and made a ding sound.

With Godot's assistance, I can finally sit back and relax. At the same time, I also found a pattern, that is, the sandworm is extremely vengeful. As long as you hurt it, it will keep attacking you until you Die or it dies.

As long as you grasp this feature, you don’t have to worry about being swallowed by sandworms and then buried underground. As long as there are several people in the team causing harm to it, and these people are not swallowed by sandworms all at once, then it must be Will come back again to launch a second, third, or even more attack, as long as you seize the opportunity to wipe out the sandworms in one fell swoop, those who were swallowed can be rescued.

But think about it, being swallowed by this kind of monster with teeth full of teeth, even if it can be rescued smoothly, it will definitely leave a psychological shadow.



When the first sand worm was killed, everyone was excited and cheered their victory.

When the fifth sandworm was killed, no one was excited anymore, everyone became accustomed to it.

This is the same as falling in love. In the first year, you and me, but in the second year, I started to feel a little tired and crooked. After ten years, I would touch my right hand with my left hand when touching each other.

Keke, it's far away.

With a cry of sandworm, the huge cylindrical body turned into black and gray and disappeared without a trace, dropping a tooth and two silver coins.

This is the last sand worm today and the sixth sand worm that everyone worked together to kill.

On the way back, a few women and I walked slowly in front, and Loki bragged to the three little loli behind, in fact, it was mainly to Lily.

Others talked in groups of the dangers of today's battle, and they kept expressing emotion.

As he walked, Kagali on the right suddenly said, "Xiao Yi, when you singled out a sandworm, did it swallow it?"

"No" I said: "Why are you asking about this suddenly?"

Kagali said: "I saw Sandworm's big mouth and its bottomless esophagus today, and I felt scared for a while, Xiao Yi, in the future you still don't want to deal with the blame alone. It is too dangerous and terrible. "

"Huh?" I smiled: "Why are you so sentimental today?"

"Promise me, OK?" Kagali's expression was serious and her tone of voice was serious.

"Okay, I promise you" I nodded and said, "I won't go to single monsters casually in the future."

Kagali just breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone in her heart fell to the ground, her expression relaxed.

I frowned, and I didn't notice anything wrong with her, but why did she suddenly ask such a question?

Just as I was thinking hard, Yula came up and said softly: "You are really slow, the tauren girl has a sense of crisis, I am afraid you will suddenly leave her."

"How come?" I also replied softly.

"What you think is really simple." Yula jokingly laughed: "The stronger the woman, the more lethal the weakness in her heart, and the more she values ​​what she values."

"Oh, that's how it is" I nodded and said, "I have been taught."

"Hmph," Yura said with a chuckle: "So I said you are slow, you still don't admit it."

It is never an advantage to argue with a woman, so I chose to remain silent.

When I got home and had dinner, everyone was sitting on the sofa. I turned my head and just about to talk. Although the expression on Kagali’s face was relaxed, the expression in her eyes was changing from time to time. It seemed that she had not completely walked out of the shadow of the sandworm. .

I pondered for a moment, cleared my throat, and asked Emily: "Emily, let me ask you something."

Emily looked up at me, her eyes flat.

"Did you encounter a situation where your companion was eaten when you brushed the sandworm?"

As soon as I said this question, Kagali shuddered unconsciously. She frowned slightly and looked at me puzzledly.

I didn't go to see her, but lightly held her little hand and squeezed it twice.

Emily thought for a while and said, "Yes."

"What!" Billy exclaimed first, "Then your companion must be dead, right?"

"Not dead" Emily said lightly.

"Can you tell me about the process?" I asked again.

Emily thought for a while, and said, "Yes, at first my team and I were fighting with sand worms. Suddenly a sand worm came out from the ground. A person happened to step on that position and then entered the sand worm's belly. in."

"What happened later?" I asked her: "Did you save her, or did she save herself?"

"I didn't save her" Emily said: "I was too low-level at the time, and it was too late to save her. She used a sword to crawl out of Sandworm's belly."

"Didn't the sand worms escape into the ground?" I asked again.

"Escaped into the ground" Emily said: "But it was preparing to attack us a second time, so the depth of escape into the ground is not great, uh..."

She thought for a while and said, "It's only about half a meter below the surface."

Second attack?

In other words, Sandworm was also injured by other people at that time, and when he was about to start an endless and endless war, he was opened with a sword by the person in his stomach.

In other words, this method of death is really frustrated. It reminds me of the grandson monkey who got into Princess Tiefan’s belly, but Brother Monkey came out of Princess Tiefan’s mouth, but the girl came out of the sandworm’s belly. Compared with the two, the latter is much more cruel!

Thinking about it this way, I couldn't help but shudder: Women are really not easy to mess with, really.

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