Compared to speed, Billy is not afraid of anyone, but seeing his sword power is a lot worse.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that I can chop Amon into bone-thinning wounds with a single knife. If I replace it with Billy, at most it will be cracked and wounded. .

There was a fellow who knew knives and kindly persuaded Billy to change his attack method, but Billy just laughed and never took it to heart.

I also asked Billy, why not slow down a bit and increase his strength?

Billy replied this way: I am looking for the ultimate attack speed, not the power to kill the enemy with a single blow. What I like most is the expression of helplessness and anger when the enemy wants to kill me but cannot hurt me.

It's really an uncomfortable taste.

Let’s talk about Billy’s performance when attacking the sand worm. It was simply gorgeous. The double knives flew up and down like a swift, and the body with combat skills increased the speed to a little bit on the original basis. At the same time, when the double knives were swung. The splendid phantoms produced, as well as the cries made when the blade broke through the air, all amazed the audience and attracted attention.

However, this set of attacks has no effect other than gorgeous.

The knife is a famous knife, and the material is also high-grade stainless steel. The person who can use the knife has all the attention to the flashy speed, and has never thought of using all his strength to cut. The result is that the sandworm's soil shell is cleaned up. , Its strong skin is not damaged in the slightest.

In sharp contrast to Bily, Kagali's warhammer and Zac's two-handed axe.

These two heavy weapons smashed the sand worm one after the other, and directly smashed the sand worm's body into a hole more than two and a half meters in size. The yellow-green slime gushed from the hole, scared Kagali back again and again. It almost touched the body, but Zac was not so good. His power was not as great as Kagali’s. The weight of the two-handed axe was about the same as the war hammer in Kagali’s hand, which greatly restricted his speed and movement. The range, so that the eyes flew over the head and face with the mucus, but they wanted to hide but couldn't avoid it.

After the slime fell to the ground, looking at Zach again, he had become a smelly chicken.

Although the attacks of Kagali and Zac were effective, they required a lot of physical strength to launch combat maneuvers. Therefore, Kagali would rest with a warhammer every time after slashing the sandworms, while Zac would Sit on the ground and regain strength.

In the team, only Jackson could not play any advantage in the battle with Sandworm.

He is the strongest shield in the team and the most indispensable fortress in the team. However, when facing Sandworms, his shield can't play any role, even the knight sword in his hand. The slightest effect.

Hey, no way. Sandworms are not directly attacking monsters. At the same time, its skin is very hard. If there is no strong chopping power, even the finest stainless steel weapons can't break it.

Ever since, Jackson became the most leisurely person in the team, even more leisurely than Xiao Zhi.

Speaking of Xiaozhi, I have to mention that since it shed its shell, its volume has become larger. Now it is really like a walking tank. Even if half of the girls in the guild sit on it, it won’t feel. Crowded.

Not only that, as its size increased, its strength and combat effectiveness also increased linearly.

Before, at its belly, a smaller sandworm wanted to burrow out of the ground. As a result, it hit Xiaozhe's ground with a mouth, and was forced back by Xiaozhe with a fierce look in his eyes.

When Xiao Zhi moved a few steps away, I clearly saw that in the sandpit, a pool of yellow-green liquid and a few sharp teeth were lying in the sand. I was worried that Xiao Zhi would be injured, so I hurriedly told him to raise his leg and show me his stomach. , It turned out that there were no scars on its stomach. He stretched out his finger and stabbed it twice, and it became clear that a thin layer of carapace had grown on Xiao Zhi's stomach, which was extremely hard and slippery to the touch.

After doing all this, I stood up and saw Xiao Zhi looking at me with a disgusting look in the corner of the light. Her eyes seemed to say: Stay away from me, I like mother beetles!

Not long after this, the wounded sandworm emerged from the sand again and bit in the direction of Xiao Zhi.

Many people in the guild wanted to help, but I stopped it.

I believe that with Xiaozhi's strength, he should win.

However, my estimation was wrong.

I underestimated Xiao Zhi's strength.

This cargo first blocked the sandworm with its two front paws, making it impossible to get back into the sand. Then, the two paws trembled and vigorously. After it squeaked and roared, the sandworm was torn by its bare hands. Two paragraphs.

This scene stunned all of us, not only us, but also a group of elven adventurers not far away.

Hand tearing sandworms, this can be done for people of Emily level, and for some excellent adventurers above level 10, it can barely be done, but Xiaozhi is only a few level!

Switching to human level calculations, this product should not even be able to do Amon, and it can actually tear sandworms here!

I subconsciously cursed: "Crapped his grandmother, is this open?"

After tearing the sandworm with her hands, Xiao Zhi stood proudly, squeaking several times to demonstrate his might.

However, it is a pity that the squeak will never show its mighty momentum, it will only make people feel funny.

Xiao Zhi said that he was very depressed, but he said that he is a worm and can only squeak.

Godot translated these to me. At the same time, he also told me that Xiao Zhi said that I need to comfort his injured heart with roasted beef legs, otherwise I will strike tomorrow and let me run around with the supplies.

Therefore, to choose teammates, you must choose the kind who are mature and sensible, followers like Xiaozhi... Followers like Xiaozhi!

In fact, a follower like Xiaozhi is really good. First of all, you don’t need to pay a salary, just feed it. Second, you don’t need to worry about being stolen. In the end, the load is really strong and everyone's stuff is controlled by it. Not only does it not feel heavy, but it can even fight against some monsters that have come.

When I want to open it, I feel calm.

After I left the dungeon, I finished the discussion with Emily. On the way back, I bought a few fat beef legs and roasted them for Xiao Xiang when I got home. It was a treat.

Xiao Zhi ate very happily, but Barbara watched this scene. She was very upset at the dinner table and asked me to buy white fish for her. Finally, I could talk about it and ask her to quiet down, but as Exchange, the next day I have to prepare ten white fish for her as a reward to make up for her regret that she did not eat the white fish.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but wonder if Barbara's current IQ would be on the same level as Xiao Zhi?

But having said that, how high is Xiaozhi's IQ?

This question lingers in my heart until I sleep.

Early the next morning, I got up and went to the morning market to buy white fish. Before I went a few steps, I heard someone calling me behind me. Turning around, I saw that the staff of the Adventurer Base was waving a letter towards me. .

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