When Elder Sonoda Mai proposed, the whole person stood up, ready to take action at any time.

However, the elf queen rejected the proposal: "Elder Sonoda Mai, please sit down, your position is very important, don't give up casually."

Elder Sonoda Mai was startled when he heard the words, and then bowed his head and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, I know I was wrong."

After that, I held the sword and stood on the right side of the queen, with Emily on the left and right, like two door gods.

Everything is ready, the messenger enters the palace to meet.

Lai Shi is a man with a very handsome appearance and a great body. He is of the kind that is pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.

"Send such a handsome messenger here, isn't it because you want to seduce you?" I thought to myself.

The messenger greeted the elf queen and the elders politely, and then started the question and answer session.

The queen asked why the messenger came here, and the messenger replied to promote the common prosperity of the two countries.

The Queen said: "Moonlight City is independent of other cities and towns, and it always ranks among the best in terms of economy and construction. There is no need for co-prosperity."

The messenger said: "Several countries coexist in the Hefeng Continent, and there must always be the strongest and weakest. The weak and strong food has always been the way of survival in the Hefeng Continent. Now, except for Fort Vecchi, the strongest country on the mainland is nothing but Moonlight City, Moonlight City. Although forests are lush and aquaculture is strong, animal husbandry and food planting are scarce. This is not only due to the lack of talents in related industries, but also because of the lack of suitable land. Now, this situation will be changed, but... ."

"Just what?" the queen asked.

"Your Majesty has a clear lesson, any return must be paid accordingly," the messenger said: "If you want a vast grain planting land and pasture, you have to make some effort."

"Speak straight," the queen said.

"Yes, Your Majesty" the messenger respectfully saluted, and then stated his intention to invade and divide the city. However, he eloquently spoke about the aggressive behavior as helping to build and create a more harmonious and prosperous country. , Describing the act of partitioning as'just a measure that has to be taken in order to protect the suffering people in it'.

All in all, the messenger not only looks extremely beautiful, but also his language skills are extraordinary.

The Elf Queen didn’t speak, she was thinking. It’s no wonder that Moonlight City does have very little arable land and few grasslands for grazing. Most of the food and some beef and mutton are imported from Dasai City. Although the price is fair, anyway. , This is also a lot of money.

Looking at the thoughtful expressions of the elders, and then at the look of the elf queen frowning, I secretly sighed a bit bored. Before I put my hand down, I felt that two sharp piercings came from my side and turned my head subconsciously. , I saw Emily staring at me indifferently. Although it was an indifferent gaze, I felt dazzling no matter what.

Putting down my hands angrily, I straightened my chest and tried to put on a mighty look. Only then did Emily's sharp gaze divert from my face, and I couldn't help feeling a cold sweat.

The posture that I held up and raised my head seemed to have attracted the attention of the messenger. He looked at me with great interest, with curiosity in his eyes, as if he was surprised why there was a human guard next to the Elf Queen.

I can understand his curiosity and doubts. In the moonlight city where the master is like a cloud, the powerful elves are not used, but the human race with the poorest innate physical fitness is used as a guard. This matter will be unthinkable to anyone.

Fortunately, the messenger looks handsome, his eyes are only curious and doubtful, and there is no other offensive flavor attached. In that case, just watch it if you want to, and you won't lose a lot of meat.

Just as I stood up to accept the messenger's gaze, the elf queen said: "Elders, what do you think?"

Elder Prisla took the lead in saying: "The joint offensive matter is of great importance, and the quality of our food and meat also needs to be imported from Darcy City. Unless you can take Darcy City in one fell swoop, you must not make a decision lightly."

Elder Jennifer said: "Darsay City and Moonlight City have always had a good relationship. They have coexisted peacefully for many years. If we risk a joint attack, we will only lose a friend and an enemy country."

Elder Sonoda Mai said: "I agree."

Elder Sibo Ling said: "I agree."

Elder Mela said: "I second."

Elder Lindsay said: "I second."

Then, the hall fell silent, and there was no sound.

The atmosphere was very strange. I looked around in confusion and found that several elders were watching me, subconsciously scratching their heads with question marks on their faces.

The Elf Queen turned to me and said, "Elder An Xiaoyi, what do you think?"

Wipe, I forgot that I am a foreign elder...

Pouring my mouth for a moment, I suddenly got up, walked off the high platform, and came to the other side of the messenger, and said, "Excuse me, what job do you hold in Eri City?"

The messenger was startled and said: "I am the secretary of the city lord's mansion."

I asked again: "What is that for?"

The messenger said: "Record everything that the city lord needs to record."

"Oh" I nodded: "In other words, do you know many things that the city lord knows?"

The messenger smiled and said: "I'm sorry, this is confidential, I can't tell you."

"It's okay, it's okay." I waved my hand and said, "I just want to know, the city lord of Ai Rui sent you over, is it sincerely wishing to form an alliance with Moonlight City, or just looking for a thug?"

The messenger pondered for a moment, and said, "Excuse me, what does this mean?"

"Oh, with all due respect," I said: "Dasai City is far away from Moonlight City. Even if you take the magic airship, it will take at least one day. The ferry will take longer and you may encounter danger. Since it is so far away , There are many dangers along the way, so may I ask the messenger, if Dasai City is captured, is it really possible for us to get a piece of the pie?"

"Of course," the messenger smiled and said: "We in Ai Ruicheng never treat our allies badly..."

"Excuse me for interrupting you" I raised my hand and said, "Don't say that you will not treat your allies badly again. You must know about the massacre of foreigners in Eri City before. Do you know how many goblins and dwarves died in it? , How many orcs, how many elves?"

The messenger sighed after hearing the words, with a low expression, and said: "For that incident, Lord City Lord has always been very guilty..."

"Forget guilt" I interrupted him again, saying: "Before the massacre, the goblins and the dwarves have been the most loyal and steadfast partners in Eri City, and every goblin has unreservedly put his knowledge of science. All the professors to your scholars, and the dwarves are racking their brains to build every building in Ai Rui City into the most magnificent and magnificent building in the Hefeng Continent. Everyone is working hard and giving it all to build Ai Rui City. Even better, this kind of behavior has surpassed the level of allies, but all this has only been exchanged for a ruthless massacre, and several ruthless deportations, how many people have been displaced, how many families have been ruthlessly broken up, and how much effort has been paid to pay for it. Dongliu, so please don't say that Eri City will not treat your allies badly, or even ask you not to mention the word allies again. I think that is the greatest blasphemy against allies."

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