"It turned out to be a magic wand condensed by magic!" Elder Mai Sonoda exclaimed: "This is something that is difficult for me to do. She did it, and it was such an understatement, no wonder she was honored in the Silver Wing Guild. Long term!"

Aside, Elder Prisla couldn't help but whispered: "This little girl's magic talent is really high and scary."

"It's unbelievable" one of the elven nobles said in an incredulous tone: "Humans should have such an outstanding magical talent!"

Even Elder Jennifer, who has been muffled, squirmed his lips and popped out a few words: "What a surprising child."

On the other side of the auditorium, the crowd burst into enthusiastic cheers. Half of them were cheering for Emily and the other half were cheering for Bai Yunying. The cheers from both sides kept on, and they shouted cheering with great effort. The sound was too loud, even Even I feel a little harsh.

The elders and the nobles looked at me unanimously. I scratched my head in embarrassment and apologized: "Sorry, you, the queen, I will retreat first and go over there to maintain order."

The Elf Queen shook her head: "It's okay, it's nice, lively, and delicious."

As soon as the queen spoke, the elders and nobles stopped talking, just staring at me with unkind eyes, and I spread my hands to express my innocence.

In the arena, Emily, who climbed to the top, took the lead in attacking.

She was extremely fast. At the moment she moved, she pulled out a series of afterimages behind her. When the first afterimage dissipated, she was already less than five steps away from Bai Yunying. Before the shadow dissipated, Bai Yunying would be killed by her with a single blow?

Just thinking about it, I saw Bai Yunying’s magic wand lightly tapped. Three meters in front of her, a pool of water appeared out of thin air. When it first appeared, it was only one meter long and wide. In the blink of an eye, it stretched to four or five meters. , To include Emily’s foothold.

This change did come suddenly, but Emily did not give it for nothing. Her speed was already extremely fast. The moment she appeared in the pool, she increased her speed again. This time, the afterimages did not come out, even Emily herself almost couldn't see her figure clearly.

Due to the increase in speed, the faster Emily’s toes touch the ground, and at the same time, the less power her body needs. In the blink of an eye, she can already run on the water without sinking in the water at all. .

The scene changed again. Emily was less than two meters away from Bai Yunying, and Emily's body would be able to hit Bai Yunying hard in the blink of an eye!

With Emily now fully armed, coupled with her extremely fast speed, the inertia must be great, if she hits the weak Bai Yunying, she won't be seriously injured!

My heart touched my throat in an instant, and I was so nervous.

What should I do if I hit it?

Want to find Father Taylor to rescue him immediately?

No, Father Taylor didn't come here, so I can only ask Godot for help. But, with Godot's medical skills, can you ensure that the severely injured people survive home?

If not, I am afraid I will regret it for a lifetime!

Damn it, I should have rejected this duel from the start!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help regretting, and even had the urge to rush to the arena to take this blow for Bai Yunying.

However, something unexpected happened to me!

Emily did hit the edge of the arena, but there was no Bai Yunying between her and the wall.

its not right!

Just now I clearly saw Bai Yunying standing at that position, how could it be possible that he disappeared in an instant?

With a dazed face, I looked around for Bai Yunying's trace. Finally, in another corner of the arena, Bai Yunying stood there quietly, with a calm face, the golden staff in his hand was slowly waving, and at the same time, there was a spell. Chanted.

In front of her, sixteen spears made of rocks sprang up, aiming at Emily's direction. Following the light swing of her arm, the spear shot out in an instant and went straight to Emily!

The sixteen spears are arranged in a neat square array, blocking all Emily's avoidance positions. Unless Emily can burst out at the same speed as before, it is impossible to avoid the extremely fast spear array. .

Emily put away the sword, stood upright, and faced the spear. Just when the spear was less than one meter away from her, her arm slammed and the saber slashed. After a period of phantom, the sixteen rock spears turned into spears. Make an irrelevant piece of rubble.

After cutting the stone spear, she threw down the sword and strode towards Bai Yunying.

Until then, a suspicious voice rang in her ear: "How did that Bai Yunying escape Emily's attack?"

It was a certain nobleman who was questioning. At this moment, his eyes were straight and his face had a stiff expression, like dementia.

Others also showed a confused look after this question. No, not everyone showed a confused look. Elder Jennifer showed only a surprised look from beginning to end, but he was not at all confused.

I don’t know much about her. I only know that this person is mostly taciturn, doesn’t like to speak up, and doesn’t even like to express opinions. I thought she was just a peacemaker, but since I listened to Elder Mai Sonoda’s evaluation of her, I I know, this person used to have high morals and was the most hopeful person to become a great elder, but for the long-term development of Moonlight City, she resolutely gave up running for the great elder and turned into an unknown third-in-command.

There are not many such people who can let go of totalitarian power while not being tempted by power. It can be seen that Elder Jennifer is absolutely extraordinary.

At this moment, while everyone was showing confusion, she unexpectedly showed a faint surprise. It can be seen that Elder Jennifer is absolutely clear about what happened just now, or that she has the same methods as Bai Yunying.

I wanted to find out on the spot exactly what kind of method Bai Yunying used, but due to the large number of people and the duel was still heating up, I dispelled this idea.

In the arena, Bai Yunying's counterattack gradually unfolded. She shot a long spear, followed by an ice quagmire, and then a rolling stone fell by thunder. There were endless magical attacks. Emily had to dodge from left to right to avoid her edge.

Seeing this scene, I remembered what Bai Yunying and I had said before, that the fact that the magician was restrained by the warrior was an absurdity and a non-existent relationship.

Now, I finally understand the meaning of what she said. Once a close battle begins, the magician is truly a warrior. Various restrictions continue to disrupt the warrior’s attack steps. Various attacks make the warriors have to dodge from left to right. The surprise attack forced the fighters to retreat again and again. This series of measures all proved one thing: with the same rich combat experience and similar strength, the magician will not be restrained by the fighters.

The intrepid Bai Yunying used actual combat to defeat the rumor spread in the mainland.

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