The result of the duel was not as good as that of the noble elves, but the elven queen and the elders were very happy and satisfied.

Back in the hall, the elf queen specially praised Emily and Bai Yunying, and respectively gave money to encourage them.

On the way home, Bai Yunying started to feel sleepy again. I carried her on Xiao Zhi's back and covered her with a coat, and she fell asleep in this way.

Emily was not a bit sleepy, but she seemed to be absent. I leaned over and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

Emily looked at me and didn't speak. Well, the reaction was abnormal.

In order to find out, I decided to find a time to be alone with her, and then ask her carefully.

When she got home, Emily went to the bathroom. After she came out, she stayed on the sofa and kept silent. As Emily is not a talkative person, no one noticed Emily’s abnormality. , Uh, that's not right. Kagali found something wrong with Emily, but she wasn't sure whether this feeling was correct, so she murmured in my ears.

After listening, I shook my head and said in my ears: "Now that there are so many people, I am afraid that even if I ask her, I won't say it. I think let her be quiet, and I will find time to ask her tomorrow."

Kagali thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, then I beg you."

I answered and continued to lean on the sofa in a daze.

Nothing happened overnight.

I woke up early the next morning.

As usual, Emily has done a simple grooming and practicing sword in the yard.

I quietly got up, covered Bai Yunying and Remy with blankets, and then crept into the yard.

After entering the yard, I stretched my waist and greeted her: "Morning."

Emily's body trembled slightly, then her movements slowed down, she inserted the saber into the scabbard, exhaled lightly, turned her head to me, and said, "Morning."

This is the first time she stopped to say hello to me. From yesterday to today, she has been abnormal twice.

"Can you talk for a while?" I asked her.

Emily nodded, and then we sat on the floor facing each other.

I saw a few drops of sweat hanging from her sideburns on the tips of her hair, which would not fall off, so I raised my hand and wiped the drops of sweat gently for her, but unexpectedly, this action made Emily feel stiff.

"What's wrong with you?" I wondered.

"I..." She pondered for a while, before she said again: "The first time I asked a man to wipe my sweat, it was a bit uncomfortable."

"Hey, it turned out to be like this." I chuckled, "It's okay. I will wipe you a few more times and you will get used to it."

Emily's cheeks were slightly red, but it was only for a moment.

Seeing her regained her composure, I said, "Seeing that you have been absent-minded since yesterday, is there something that bothers you?"

Emily was silent, lowered her head slightly, her long silver hair drenched in a fascinating light in the morning sun.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, I said: "If it's not convenient to say, then don't say it. I'm just asking about it in my idle time, hehe."

"No" Emily said lightly: "There is no inconvenience, I just feel a little lost."

"Lost?" I wondered: "Why is there such an emotion?"

Emily sighed lightly and said: "I have never had a defeat in fighting against my peers, but yesterday, I lost."

"Lost?" I was even more puzzled: "What did you say about losing?"

"Yesterday's duel."

"That's not right," I said: "Isn't the duel a draw yesterday? And I also saw it. In the end, neither of you had the strength to fight again. It was a draw!"

"No, you are deceived, you are all deceived" Emily said: "At the end of the battle, the person who really fell because of the loss of strength was me. Bai Yunying's physical weakness was pretended."

"Huh?" I was stunned: "Really? No, isn't it? I remember that Bai Yunying was just like you, pale and sweating..."

"I did because of the loss of strength, but how she did it, I don't know" Emily said.

"Then how do you know that she is not off?" I couldn't help asking.

"Before I fell to the ground, she released a buffer magic to me, so that I won't get hurt when I landed" Emily said: "Moreover, after she landed, she quietly raised her index and middle fingers to me and made a A sign of victory, and I, even hooking a finger is already a luxury."

"This gap is really big..." I said silently in my heart.

Emily has always grown up in the pursuit of everyone. Although her personality has not become arrogant, her loneliness is still deep in her bones, and she has always imprinted her strongest ideas among her peers in her heart. This time she suddenly met Shang Bai Yunying is a strong person of the same age and lost to her. It is not easy to blacken it on the spot, but the gap between the facts and ideals will still make her feel lost, which is inevitable.

I turned my head and saw that the two women in the living room were sleeping soundly and no one was moving in the room, so I felt relieved, raised my right hand, gently placed it on top of Emily’s head, and rubbed her hair: "Win or lose is As usual, don’t be discouraged because of one failure. The days to come will be long. It’s better to work hard to regain the title of the strongest. Besides, don’t you feel bored to be in the strongest position all the time? You are the strongest, can you still measure whether you are still growing? Only by constantly being caught up and surpassing others will you get unexpected stimulation and happiness, what do you think?"

The moment I put my hand on top of Emily’s head, her body stiffened again. When I gently rubbed her hair, her body did not consciously sway in the direction of my rubbing, as if A small tree swaying in the wind.

After dozens of seconds of touching the head to kill, Emily gradually adapted to this feeling, she squinted slightly, feeling the warmth of touching the head to kill.

Emily's hair is very smooth, which is different from Barbara's hairy feeling. Well, in terms of feel and comfort, Barbara's small head is more comfortable.

After touching for a while, I slowly moved my hand away, and after a while, Emily opened her eyes slowly, her face lost a lot of loss, she slowly got up, pulled out the saber, and started training again in the morning .

I lay on the grass watching her practice sword.

Actually, it’s not that I don’t want to practice the sword, but because the Ota sword is too big to be used, my sword technique is very vigorous, and the range of movement is so large that it is not suitable for practicing in the yard. Moreover, Emily is practicing sword She looks very heroic and pleasing to the eye. Watching her practice a set of swordsmanship will make me feel much lighter.

After eating, we headed towards the dungeon as usual. Halfway through, the royal guards came to me and said that the elf queen was summoned.

In fact, I am quite unwilling to delay the time to meet the elf queen, but Naihe has already served as an elder in another country. Not only enjoys the rights and benefits, but also eats the country’s food. His mouth is short, and it takes so much advantage. You can't even give up face.

Sighing, I had to go with them to the fairy palace.

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