"Elder An Xiaoyi" the elf queen suddenly raised her head and said with a serious face: "I beg you, please find a way. Although I am expensive as the elf queen, I can talk to Fort Vitch in power. But you are the only one. You are the elder of Fort Witch. You must have a way. As long as you can help my grandmother realize his last wish, I am willing to do anything for you."

"Uh, uh... Empress, please don’t do this." I took a step back and said, "Although there are only two of us in the hall, I still feel embarrassed if you do this, and I don’t believe it at all. What you just said, for example, if I did it, would you marry me?"

The empress was taken aback, then bit her lip and said: "Ken!"

I frowned and continued: "Will you marry me with your two younger sisters?"

"This..." the empress said embarrassingly: "Elder An Xiaoyi, please don't get too far."

"I'm just making an analogy," I said: "My Queen, there are actually many things you can't do, so don't just swear and promise for something. Doing so is not only irresponsible to the other party, but also right. Your own irresponsibility, and ah, there are some things that can be encountered but not sought, such as ancient documents and ancient materials. You should not look at these things. You should look at what you have now, Moonlight City. , If I am not wrong, this is the place where mankind originated. It is the place where the **** of creation once favored. Here, there are countless treasures buried in it, many of which are artifacts such as the moonlight scepter... ."

The queen suddenly looked serious, and interrupted me: "You know the Moonlight Scepter?"

"Of course I know" I said: "Not only did I know, I also got it."

"Where did you get it?" The elf queen looked more serious.

"In the forest of Ai Ruicheng" I said: "The wooden scepter I picked up when playing the world boss. It is so long, so thick, looks very smooth, and relatively new, although it looks ugly. Seeing that this thing must be a good fire stick, so I picked it up and went home."

"Well, where is it now?" The elf queen trembling eagerly.

"I gave it to the fairy patriarch," I said: "The thing that originally belonged to the fairy clan, I'm just returning things to the original owner. You can't blame me."

The face of the elf queen was extremely complicated, and she quivered her lips, and she didn't know what to say.

The artifact, the legendary artifact with the power of the **** of creation, was just given away. If this is said by ordinary people, the elf queen will only laugh it off, but this is from me, the elder of the two countries. The people say that the weight is different.

After a long silence, the queen said: "You, can you take me to see Grandma Trika?"

"Triga?" I looked dumbfounded: "Who is that?"

"That's the fairy patriarch you said, she is the queen of the fairy clan."

"Oh, so her name is Trika." I nodded, turned to the queen, and said, "Sorry not."

"Why?" The elf queen looked stunned.

"Because the queen, your mental state is very unstable now. I'm afraid you will do bad things there. Don't forget, there is still a big gap between the elves and the fairies. Don't you want the two clans? Have you rebuilt the old one?"

After listening to my advice, the Elf Queen fell silent again, while I stood quietly on the side.

A few minutes later, the queen suddenly raised her hand and held her forehead. At the same time, her body was shaking slightly, as if she was about to fall.

I hurriedly stretched out my hand, just about to help her, but the next second, the empress weakened and collapsed in my arms.

"Oops!" I whispered, picked up the queen, and walked quickly out of the hall door. As soon as I left the hall, I saw two guards guarding the door. I shouted to one of the guards: "The Queen is suddenly dizzy. It's down, you go to my house and invite Father Taylor here, hurry up!"

The guard listened to my instructions and responded, and rushed out of the palace. At the same time, I ordered another guard to guard the gate of the hall. No one except Mr. Taylor is allowed to come in, even the elder!

The guard responded with a serious face, pulled out his weapon and stood at the door.

Seeing this, I just breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly laid the empress on the ground, taking a sniff, um, although it is weak, it is still stable.

I remember how to deal with a comatose... Is it artificial respiration or chest compression?

Uh, it doesn't seem right, it looks like it should be pinching somewhere...It shouldn't be pinching the chest or pinching the face. Where would it be pinching?

I thought about it for a long time. Three seconds before Father Taylor arrived, I finally remembered that it was a pinch, but this kind of first aid was no longer needed because Taylor had arrived.

It only took less than five seconds to diagnose the Elf Queen, and Father Taylor came to the conclusion: "Overworked, weakened, and at the same time received some irritation, which led to anxious heart attacks and a temporary coma."

He got up, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's okay, it will be fine in a while, but ah, bastard, did you say something to her?"

"What did you say?" I shook my head and said, "I did talk a lot with the Queen, but I don't know that it was the words that caused her to rush."

"You bastard..." Taylor pointed at me for a while, and finally sighed helplessly, and said: "First take her home, and when she wakes up, I will ask her personally and tell you, Boy, if it's because of your rude words that caused her to do this, I will fix you fiercely!"

"Eh? What does it have to do with me!" I told my innocence while hugging the queen.

After taking two steps, I turned my head to the two guards and said, "I'm going to take the Queen home to recuperate. I will bother you to inform the elders and others. They say that the Queen suddenly wants to see her younger sister and wait for the Queen to wake up. I’m fine, I’ll send her back again, thank you, thank you.”

"Don't dare to be!" The two guards said with fear and sincerity: "I will follow the elder's order."

Bring the queen back home, gently put it on the bed, I plan to go out to the dungeon to clean monsters, now it is approaching noon, I have wasted too much time.

Before I left the house, Taylor called out, "Bunny boy, stop for me!"

"Ah, something?" I asked.

"Why is your kid so irresponsible?" Taylor said angrily: "You made Anasta unconscious and want to pat your **** and leave. You want to be beautiful!"

He stood up, glared at me, and said, "You are here to take care of her now, and when will you call me when she wakes up!"

With a helpless look, I lowered my head and said, "Yes."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I leaned my chin to look at the Elf Queen on the bed. Her appearance was dignified and beautiful, and her whole body exuded a mature temperament, but there was still a touch of immature in this temperament. It is right to think about it. Although she is a few years older than me, But after all, she was still a young girl.

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