Although I don’t know much about politics, I’m not stupid. I know that the Elf Queen needs my identity as Elder Witchburg. Although I may not need it now, I will definitely need it in the future. After all, the spark of war has begun to splash. .

The elf queen thought for a moment, and said: "I understand what you mean. You respect the goblin team's choice and don't force them to do anything, does that mean?"

I nodded: "Yes."

"Let's do it then" the elf queen said: "I don't need you to order, but to convey my thoughts for me, you just say, I hope the goblin assist team can help Moonlight City build technological power, okay?"

I nodded again: "Yes."

"Yeah" the elf queen said again: "When you finish conveying my thoughts, I hope you can also state your identity and position. Is this okay?"


Only then did I understand the plan of the Elf Queen.

Asking me to help her relay her thoughts is to attract the attention of the goblin assistance team members and to reduce their resistance to the idea of ​​the elf queen.

Furthermore, the elf queen asked me to name my identity and position in order to once again strengthen the identification psychology of assisting team members.

With this move, she undoubtedly put a double lock on her own idea, which is safe and difficult to refuse.

It can be said that as long as I do not clearly state that I will not help the elf queen, the goblins will definitely find no excuse for rejection.

And because of my identity and position, it is difficult for me to directly issue a rejection statement.

In this way, assisting the team to work for Moonlight City has become a certainty.

To be honest, it's a bit annoying. I never thought that the goblins would actually work for Moonlight City because of this matter. I always felt that they were pitted by me, but if you count it seriously, they really pit their people. Not me, but the fairy patriarch.

I don't quite understand why the goblin patriarch didn't let the goblins stay in that space, but brought them out instead.

If you want to figure out the reason for this, you can only ask the fairy queen yourself.

After agreeing to help the Elf Queen convey her thoughts, the Queen expressed her satisfaction. After that, we talked a few more words, and I retired.

In addition to the fairy queen's room, I found a maid on duty. Under the leadership of the maid, I quickly came to the fairy queen's room.

Pushing the door open, I saw the fairy queen sitting at the table looking through the documents. Seeing me coming, she first said: "It's Xiaoyi, what is it for me?"

I closed the door, walked quickly across to her, sat down, and said straightforwardly: "Grandma Empress, why should I bring the goblins out together?"

The fairy queen chuckled, "Isn't called the patriarch grandma, but the fairy grandma?"

I was taken aback and said, "Isn't this a matter of course, you are now the fairy queen, I naturally want to call you the queen's grandmother."

"I didn't blame you" the fairy queen said: "I just got used to the patriarch's grandmother, and suddenly it was a bit uncomfortable to change to the fairy grandmother."


"Okay, let's get back to business" the fairy queen said: "The reason why I brought out the goblin assistance team and their puppets is there for a reason. The space I created will automatically disappear after I leave, and be again Fill up the soil, don't you want all the members and puppets of the goblin assistance team to be buried in the ground."

"No, I don't want it" I shook my head quickly, and then said: "After listening to your explanation, I understand."

"It's fine if you understand," the fairy queen said: "You went to the girl's room in Anasta just now, right?"

"You know?"

"Of course I know" the fairy queen smiled: "Don't forget, I was also the owner of this palace, and naturally I also have an intelligence force that belongs only to me."

Hearing this, I couldn't help being shocked: "It took less than a day to move in..."

"Am I the kind of person who fights unprepared battles?" The fairy queen stood up, floating in the air, and said: "As early as the first time Akahavi showed his ferocious appearance, I began to prepare for this day. Up."

"It's the first time to show a brutal look?" I asked, "When was that?"

"That was when he broke a bird's neck without mercy when he was four years old," the fairy queen said lightly: "I can be sure that he happened to see that scene. He will definitely become a very terrifying existence in the future. , It may even endanger my fairies."

"It happened so long ago" I tweeted, "I really deserve to be the grandmother of the empress who is foresight."

The fairy queen calmly accepted my compliment.

Then I said again: "Speaking of Akahavi, the Queen's grandmother, I wonder if you know that he appeared once in the palace hall yesterday."

"What!" The fairy queen was startled slightly and said: "You said he had appeared once, how did you know?"

"He took the initiative to find me and talked a few words with me" I said truthfully.

"What did you say?" The fairy queen spoke indifferently, as if she didn't care. However, the anxiety in her eyes betrayed everything. She cared very much. Although it was not urgent, she did.

I thought about it a little bit and said, "He told me not to interfere in his affairs, and he praised me."

"Compliment you?" The fairy queen asked puzzled.

"Yes" I said: "He said that he underestimated me. I didn't expect that I could persuade his stupid sister to count his guilt in front of the people and treat him as a wanted criminal. By the way, he still Say I am a bug, a bug with a deadly poison."

"Heh" The fairy queen chuckled: "It really has his style. After so many years, she is still arrogant and self-righteous. However, one thing is beyond my expectation. I thought that this child would be affected by you again and again. The blow should be hateful to you and fearful at the same time, but he did not expect that he would even get into the field and take the initiative to contact you."

"If I were in his position, I would do the same." I said lightly: "Instead of being frightened, it is better to face your hand, get close to him, and feel him, so as not to be influenced by negative emotions, as Akahavi said. , I am a poisonous insect, a poisonous insect that is small enough to kill him, but on the other hand, he is also a poisonous insect to me, and one poisonous insect can also kill me. When two When poisonous insects meet together, there will only be two results, one is that only one survives, and the other is that both die."

"Who do you think has the better chance of winning between you and him?" the fairy queen asked.

"It should be him" I said: "Compared with him, I have too many worries. I have a group of family members, and each of them is very important to me. Although I know that these are very likely to be factors that hold me back, but I can't give up any of them. This is my negative scale and my most fatal weakness. Once caught, I might lose miserably."

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