Feeling the vigorous look and loud voice of each assisting team member, I couldn't imagine that they were still in a state of fainting just a second.

I cleared my throat, and said, "When I knocked on the door, the questioning voice inside was very unspiritual. I thought something was going on. But now that I see your spirit, I finally feel relieved. I'm so worried."

"No, Lord An Xiaoyi!" The leader stood up, bowed to me, apologized: "You are right, we are indeed in a state of lack of energy just now."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow and said, "Why is that?"

"We are goblins, and goblins are natural scientists. If one day we are not studying, we will feel emptiness and malaise."

Seeing the sorrowful look of the goblin leader, I was speechless. No wonder when I just passed the window, I saw them playing with gadgets. It turned out to be to stimulate my own research desire, but from their wilting Judging from his expression, it is estimated that everything existing in the tree house has been thoroughly studied by them.

After pondering for a moment, I raised my head and said, "I can understand everyone's feelings. In fact, I came here precisely for this."

The expressions of the goblins instantly became hot, and the leader said: "Master An Xiaoyi, what do you mean..."

"As the elder of the Elf Clan, I now want to convey one thing to you for the Elf Queen" I said lightly: "The Elf Queen hopes that you can help develop the technological power of the Elf Clan."

After the message was over, I leaned at the door and watched the goblins quietly, wanting to see their cheering expressions, but the facts were completely contrary to what I thought.

The goblins did not cheer, did not jump, one by one frowned, their faces tangled.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"With all due respect, Master An Xiaoyi" the goblin leader said: "We want to hear that you want us to do it, not the elf queen wants us to do it."

When I heard this sentence, I simply didn't know what language to use to express my mood at the moment.

Goblins, what a group of clever, trite and loyal people!

This is Moonlight City. It is the place where the Elf Queen and the Elf Queen rule together. It is the territory of the two clans. Here you declare a similar declaration of allegiance to me alone. What are you going to do?

However, I have no way to refute their loyalty, because it is a pure, almost stupid loyalty!

To be honest, this loyalty really moved me, and at the same time, it put me in a difficult situation.

In fact, deep down, I don’t want the goblins to assist the team to help Moonlight City develop its technological power. It’s not because of what I think of Moonlight City, but I don’t want to make allies with unstable relationships more powerful than my own. Even stronger.

But at the same time, I also hope that the goblin assistance team can participate in the technological construction of Moonlight City. The purpose of this idea is very simple, that is, I don't want to see even the slightest loss and malaise of the members of the assistance team.

To put it in an exaggerated way, it is like the ruler of Renming does not want to see his subjects show sad and painful expressions.

After struggling for a moment, I asked: "If I said, I don't want you to help build Moonlight City, what would you do?"

"We will try our best to restrain our desires, and try not to cause you a little trouble, my lord!" The leader said firmly, as did the expressions of the other goblins.

Phew, I breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "I allow you to help Moonlight City develop technology, but in terms of specific details, we must keep it secret, and we must not let the elves learn everything."

"What about the fairy?" the leader asked.

"Fairies..." I thought for a while, and said, "I will try my best not to let the fairies participate in any technological development issues. When the time is right, I will arrange for you to meet with the fairies that you worked with. Learn and discuss scientific and technological achievements."

"Yes" the leader bowed: "I respect your will."

Leaving the tree house, I hurried to the palace. Now that I have promised not to let goblins participate in technological construction for the time being, I must put this promise into practice.

After entering the palace, I took the lead in going to the fairy queen's room and explained to her the idea of ​​temporarily not allowing the fairy to participate in technological construction. The fairy queen agreed to my idea without any hesitation and promised to help me convince the fairy queen.

Seeing that things were going very smoothly, my mood was quite relaxed and happy. I left the fairy queen’s room and rushed to the fairy queen’s room. At this time, the fairy queen was reviewing the documents. Seeing me coming in, she put down her pen and paper and stood. I got up, walked slowly to me, smiled and said: "Looking at your relaxed and happy appearance, the goblins must have agreed to my request."

"Yes" I said: "Things are going very smoothly, and the goblins say they are always waiting for dispatch."

"Thanks for your hard work, Elder An Xiaoyi" The elf queen smiled joyfully.

"It's not hard," I said: "After all, as the elder of the tribe outside of Moonlight City, it is also right to make some contributions to Moonlight City."

The empress smiled and shook her head, walked back to her seat again, sat down slowly, and said, "Sit down and talk."

I nodded and quickly walked to the place opposite the Elf Queen, and sat down. However, just after sitting down, I suddenly thought that my sitting posture seemed a bit rude, sitting opposite, but the Elf Queen!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but raise his head and chest, posing as if he was sitting upright.

The Elf Queen chuckled and said, "Don't do anything you are not used to, just sit down at will."

"Oh" I answered, my body softened, and Ge You paralyzed.

Three black lines hung down on the queen's forehead, and said helplessly: "You are too random..."

So I went back to sitting down.

Elf Queen:...

"My Empress" I took the lead and said, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

The queen smiled slightly: "If you just ask you to sit with me for a while, would you be disgusted?"

"Of course not," I hurriedly replied: "You are the queen, and you are also a graceful beauty. Sitting with you is one of the best things in the world."

"Is it that good?" The elf queen smiled.

I nodded again and again with a serious face.

"Okay, don't listen to you talking nonsense there, let's talk about business" the elf queen said: "Since the goblin assistance team has promised to help build my Moonlight City, let's talk about it."

"What is there to say?" I wondered.

"Naturally," the queen said: "After all, the fairies have returned, and some things are no longer what my clan said. Do you think how many people will be sent by the fairies to participate in this technological construction?"

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