"Damn it, it's been calculated!" I was furious, and as soon as I was about to start chasing, I felt a gust of wind stab me behind me, subconsciously rolling on the ground, and I heard only a bang in my ears, and gravel splashing.

I stood still, turned my head and looked at it, unconsciously exclaiming, I saw that I had been stabbed by one of the claws of the giant ghost face spider just now when I was standing, and the tip of the claw had sunk several inches into the ground. Turning his head to observe the situation, it's probably nailed to the ground now.

"Damn, do you want to be so fierce?" I frowned, my feet exerted strength, and I jumped high, stepping on the paw that pierced the ground.

All the way to dodge, the giant ghost-faced spider couldn’t figure out where I was, so it couldn’t attack me. At the same time, two knives, one long and one short, kept leaving scars on its paws, stimulating its emotions and inspiring it. Fighting instinct.

A fighter who is irritable and agitated is not a good fighter because it is easy to expose flaws.

This has always been the truth by me.

Although the giant ghost face spider is comparable to humans in terms of intelligence, it still has an irresistible monster instinct, that is, killing and destroying.

Under my repeated stimulation, the giant ghost face spider gradually entered a violent state, with eight feet dancing in mid-air, dancing extremely fast, swinging extremely hard, like a disorderly giant steel knife slashing in mid-air. .

This scene is a bit bad. At this moment, not only the tips of the giant claws, but also the root hairs on its legs have become a deadly weapon. If one is not careful, the fluff is rubbed against a certain part, the part will be wiped off instantly A piece of meat, if this touches some sensitive spots, it will definitely make me worse off.

Dangerously avoiding a paw that smashed at me, but unfortunately the position of the shoulder was caught by the fluff on it. In an instant, a **** wound appeared on the shoulder.

"His" I took a breath, it hurts so much.

Feeling unfinished, another paw stabbed at me like crazy again. This stabbing was fierce and fierce, and scared me all over my body, my hairs were standing upside down, subconsciously exerting force on my feet, they went out a few meters again, and the foot did not land. The tip of the claw has pierced fiercely into the claw where I am standing.

With a roar of pain, the eyes of the giant ghost face spider became redder, and the madness in the eyes became thicker.

Looking at the khaki liquid dripping out of Bobo, I couldn't help but think of a sentence: I went crazy and beat myself.

The impulsive giant ghost-faced spider and the crazy giant ghost-faced spider are basically two things. The former knows when and where to attack at least, and at least has a clear attack plan. The latter is a total lunatic. Twenty-one, it was just a mess of smashing, smashing a cave with a smooth wall and a flat floor into a mess.

Fortunately, the buildings in the dungeon are restored once a day, and if they are repaired, the repairers will not cry to death.

At this moment, I was standing on one of the giant claws of the crazy giant ghost-faced spider, feeling like a leaf floating on the giant wave.

In order to keep my body stable, I inserted Odachi deeply into one of the paws as a fixed point, but as soon as this practice was completed, the giant ghost face spider went crazy because of the second sharp pain on the paws.

Faced with a giant ghost face spider going crazy, what should I do, wait online, hurry!

The giant ghost-faced spider went crazy this time a bit longer, and the destructive power it caused could not be underestimated. Just being smashed by it, there were several pierced walls and grounds, and there were dozens of ordinary ghost-faced spiders. It was pierced and trampled to death by its claws. Among them, there was a ghost-faced spider who also followed my claws and wanted to climb up along its claws to attack me. Unfortunately, it did not have anything to fix the body. So in the next "kick" of the giant ghost face spider, it was kicked out, hit a rock wall heavily, rolled and fell down, and finally fell to a place and was kicked by accident. Above the sharp stalagmites broken in half.

So, puff, it shook its legs, spread its pincers, and hung up.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: This giant ghost-faced spider is super god!

The super-sweet giant ghost-faced spider still doesn't seem to have the intention to stop, but seeing its movements and strength, it has slowed down a lot.

That's right, even the crazy Tyrannosaurus has the moment of exhaustion, let alone the crazy giant ghost face spider.

As I was thinking about it, there was another rapid and sharp piercing sound in mid-air, my eyes shrank suddenly, and I saw a crossbow arrow shot towards me.

I gritted my teeth, no longer caring about the danger of being thrown out, I got short and hid the crossbow arrow.

The crossbow bolt flew past my scalp, scaring me all over, and then I heard a snorting sound, and turned around to see that another eye of the giant ghost face spider was blinded by the crossbow bolt.

Hey, should I say that this crossbow arrow is really accurate, or should I say that this giant ghost face spider is really unlucky?

Before the first crossbow arrow was obviously intended to shoot its eye, this second crossbow arrow was clearly intended to take the opportunity to take my life, but after I dodge it hit its other eye again.

By chance, it was so timely.

I followed the trajectory of the crossbow arrow, turned my head and looked at its source, and saw that it was still the same place before. A vigorous figure flashed into one side of the rock wall and disappeared.

Damn, this is the second sneak attack!

The other party seemed to be prepared for a long time, and wanted to use the power of the giant ghost-faced spider to kill me, or planned to use this excuse to kill me, and then the giant ghost-faced spider would pay for my death.

Think of a good strategy to lend a knife to kill!

Who made such a scheme?

I can't help but wonder.

Before figuring out the truth, many people were suspected, especially Akahavi and the unknown organization that wanted to assassinate the elf princess.

Of course, I can't rule out someone who wants to buy murderers, such as Elder Prisla, who had an enemy with me before.

"Really" I couldn't help taking a sip: "I didn't expect how long it was since I came to Moonlight City, and I even got married with so many people!"

But right now, the most important thing is to get rid of the ghost-faced spider in front of you, and then find a way to catch or kill the guy who sneaked on me!

But how should I do it?

Thinking about it, suddenly thinking about it.

I yanked the big sword from the claws, and then jumped down with my strength. With a burst of splashing khaki liquid, the giant ghost-faced spider wailed fiercely. At the same time, its chaotic and stinging movements became more crazy. , But the speed and power have dropped drastically overall.

Staring at it with both eyes, I held the double knives and rushed towards the giant ghost face spider.

In a chaotic attack, such rampage is definitely a taboo, but there is no way, I have no choice!

Thinking of this, I was approaching the attack range of the giant ghost face spider.

Unsurprisingly, I was hit by a giant claw swinging out, and I flew out like a kite with a broken line.

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