"Everyone step back and protect the elf queen!"

Holding a moonlight scepter in her hand, the fairy queen floated in the air with great momentum. At the same time, bursts of white light spread out like a wall, protecting herself, the fairy queen and other elders together.

In the whole hall, the only people in danger were me and the white assassin, but this was exactly what I wanted.

With a grinning laugh, my feet slammed into force, like a running eagle falcon, rushing towards the white assassin.

The assassin reacted very quickly. At the moment I was about to hit him, his body looked like a loach in a quagmire. He swished slightly away from my side, and at the same time, with my fingertips, the blade made a shallow wound on my shoulder. At the same time, I stretched out my palm with five fingers as a hook, and directly caught his left rib, silently, the flesh of his left rib was turned into fragments under the combined action of killing intent and combat skills.

In the blink of an eye, the blood flowed like a fountain, dyeing his white clothes and half of him red.

I shook my arm lightly, the wound on my shoulder healed instantly, and I wiped my chest again, and the cut wound that had been opened before was restored.

"Surprised not surprised, accidental not unexpected?" I sneered: "This little injury will not affect me at all. Even if you cut my throat, I can heal in a few minutes, and -"

I stretched out my index finger, pointed at his knife, and said, "The poison on your knife can cause me more pain, and it has no effect on me."

As soon as he said this, the assassin on the opposite side narrowed his eyes slightly, and his pupils shrank abruptly, obviously shocked.

The poison has no effect on me, I only discovered it by accident.

That time, Barbara asked me to go to the Fairy Forest to catch a white fish. On the way, I was bitten by a poisonous bug. I wanted to rush back to find Susan for purification, but I didn’t take a few steps. I dispelled this idea, and at the same time another weird idea emerged-I wanted to try if I could hold the poison.

The process was painful, but the result was very good. I found that except for the severe pain, the poison had no effect on me.

Odachi explained it like this at the time: The poison has been completely wiped out by the killing intent in your body.

Although I don't know the principle of killing the poison, I can be sure of one thing-I am immune to toxins.

"Your agility is higher than me, and my weapons are better than me, but I have strong resilience and immunity to toxins. Guess, which of us will fall first?"

As I said, I attacked the assassin frantically.

The reason for doing this is to disturb his mind, distract his attention, and provoke him as much as possible. Only in this way will he expose his flaws, and only if he has flaws, can he defeat him in one fell swoop.

But it is a pity that while attacking, I found that his eyes didn't waver at all. In other words, he had undergone special training and had antibodies against this attack method.

Uh, it's a bit troublesome.

I secretly said in my heart, and at the same time, launched a more fierce offensive.

As I said, his agility is higher than mine, and his weapons are relatively superior. The damage to me is much greater than the damage I cause to him, but I am better at self-healing power, and this self-healing and magic self-healing It's also different. It belongs to self-healing without consuming any physical strength. Therefore, in this point, I am slightly better than him.

In contrast, my attack on him was very effective, even if only the fingertips touched him, it would cause substantial damage to him.

Comparing the two, I beat him by a lot.

In the constant struggle, both of our stamina was dropping rapidly, and he dropped faster than me.

Finally, with a slow movement, I found the opportunity. I stretched out my hand and grabbed his dagger hand. I twisted the dagger to the ground, and then the other hand directly pinched the handle of the small knife he was holding tightly. With a strong break, ding, the knife broke into two pieces.

In this way, his pair of weapons has been destroyed by me, and he has no choice but to be Qin... No, there is another choice!

I saw his lips move slightly, as if he was about to chew something. He didn’t have a good heart, so he quickly turned the knife into the palm of his hand. After a hit on the back of his neck, he fell to the ground weakly, and at the same time, in his mouth, Give out a tooth.

I picked up the tooth and took a look. It was found that the surface was broken. I gently flicked the broken surface with my fingers, and the tooth scum completely broke apart. Under the tooth scum, there is a small sac with all the inside. Black liquid.

I couldn't help frowning, strode forward, and handed my teeth to the fairy queen.

The fairy queen took her teeth, glanced at her, and said, "This is a poison sac for the dead soldier. Once captured, you can keep the secret by breaking it."

"Have you been rescued after crushing the poison sac?" I asked subconsciously.

"Yes" the fairy queen said: "As long as the venom enters the body, you can find an experienced top priest and you can save it, but this thing is like a tooth, it is hidden in the mouth, as long as it is not under special attention, it is difficult. Be discovered."

As she said, she turned to me, and said: "I really didn't expect, Xiao Yi, your observation should be so detailed."

"Hey" I laughed twice, a little embarrassed.

"But having said that, when did this person lurking in the hall, I didn't even notice it!" I said as I walked towards the assassin.

"Where are the elders?" The fairy queen looked at the other elders and asked.

"Old minister...didn't notice" "didn't notice..."

Several elders bowed their heads in shame, stunned and returned to their seats.

I pulled off the assassin's mask, and then pulled off his headgear. Is it an individual?

Frowning, I grabbed his arm, walked up and said, "Grandma Empress, Lord Empress, this is an individual."

The fairy queen nodded and said, "I guessed it."

"Huh?" I said blankly.

"When the messenger entered the temple, the assassin had already sneaked in. It was just that everyone's eyes were on the messenger at the time. They didn't pay attention at all and didn't expect that an assassin would come in by taking advantage of it, and his concealment ability is very strong, so That's why he won."

"Will this matter have something to do with York City?" I asked.

"It happened so coincidental, I said it doesn't matter, do you believe it?"

"I definitely don't believe it," I said, "but I don't have any evidence to prove the inevitable connection between the two."

"You want evidence?" The fairy queen looked at the unconscious assassin, and said, "Isn't this what it is."

"I will order someone to do this right now" Elder Prisla got up and said.

She is the great elder, and when this kind of thing happened, she would naturally take the lead to stand up.

The fairy queen waved her hand and said, "No, just leave this to Xiaoyi to deal with."

"...Yes" Elder Prisla was taken aback, and dropped his head again to sit back in the chair.

"Xiaoyi" the fairy queen said lightly: "Start this matter now. I want to hear the detailed results tomorrow morning."

"Yes" I responded respectfully, and then bowed to the Elf Queen to salute, and then, carrying the unconscious assassin, strode towards the outside of the palace.

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