Although there have been no such battles on Earth in the previous life, I have experienced the fun of fighting in the game, and I also know some strategies related to battles, such as-if you want to win, first kill the output.

The output here is not two elven warriors who fought me hand-to-hand, but four archers who surrounded the group.

Because of the delay of the elven warriors, they have enough time to observe the surrounding situation and use magic for medium-range strikes, which makes me very distressed.

I have to think of a way to stop being so passive.

While constantly fighting with the two fighters, he frowned and secretly observed the surrounding situation.

Surrounded by a piece of Gobi yellow sand, due to daytime battles, sand scorpions have rarely appeared now.

If you want to distract them and disrupt their formation, there is only one way-to attract sand scorpions and help me accomplish all this.

Visually, the distance between the nearest sand scorpion and me is 20 meters, and my running speed is every second... very fast. In short, it should not take two seconds to get to the sand scorpion, but once I start Action, will my intention of action be foreseen by the six elves? After all, they are also powerful adventurers who have experienced many battles. Their analysis and control of the battlefield may not be as good as mine. If they hinder them, what should I do? What about the countermeasures?

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little worried. The other party's fighting intention should be determined, that is, they want to take my life, but I haven't figured out who they are.

If there is only one person who assassinated me, I would still be able to capture the opponent, but the fact now is that the opponent is not only one person, but six people, and the fighting style of these six people is very conservative and tacit, and they are attacked by two people. , The other four people harassed by the side, this kind of battle formation is purely to exhaust my physical strength, and then kill the killer.

This is even more shameless than a wheel fight, it is simply a gang fight!

Apart from the distress, I decided to shorten the distance with the sand scorpion first. Only by relying on the sand scorpion can I get a chance to get out, or... fight back!

After I made up my mind, I started to launch a fierce counterattack, and my momentum skyrocketed. The two knives slashed and slashed, pushing the elven warrior who had just approached back again. At the same time, my feet suddenly used force to avoid the crossbow and head towards the sand scorpion. Run wildly over there.

At this moment, the elf warrior attacking my right side also exerted force, approaching me at a rapid speed, and the knight sword aimed at my neck and slashed.

The speed of this sword is extremely fast. If it doesn't stop with resistance, it will definitely chop off my head, and the wound will heal. If my head falls, I will really die.

As a last resort, I stopped, Naotato quickly lifted up, and, with a bang, the knight sword was bounced off by me, and at the same time, Otato swept aside, slashing at his waist-this was in return. Since you want to chop my neck, then I will chop your waist!

The big sword with the killing intent was full of the thick meaning of killing. With a single blow, I saw that the elf warrior was shocked, and he swept back quickly, trying to avoid my sword, but don’t forget, big Tachi is not an ordinary Tachi. Not to mention, its length is about the same as the flagpole. In other words, I allow you to run two meters first.

Seeing that the blade was about to hit the elf's waist, my heart was cruel, and I wished to see him sprinkle blood on the spot earlier, and his body was in horrible condition, because in this way, I would have one less opponent, and the odds of winning would be increased by one point.

When he was secretly excited, suddenly, there was a tingling pain in his right back, and his arm shook, his strength weakened and the elf warrior escaped.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw a shiny knight sword inserted in my right shoulder blade. At the other end of the sword was another elf warrior who was forced away by me.

"Cut" I whispered inwardly, turned my wrist, straightened the sword straight to the back, stabbed hard, and snorted, I felt another tingling pain in the position of my shoulder blade, it seemed that the elf warrior had already pulled the knight sword from me, and at the same time The figure dodged, avoiding my stabbing.

At the same time, a few strong winds came straight to me. It was those elven archers who wanted to take advantage of my injury and kill me!

"Want me to die?" I sneered: "You are not qualified!"

Turning his body, he swung his straight sword, aiming at the four crossbow arrows, and smashed hard!


There was a burst of sound, and I split the four crossbow arrows into eight segments and scattered them on the ground. However, the magic on them was not diminished by the breaking of the crossbow arrows. As soon as they fell on the ground, I heard four explosions. Splashing, the air wave flew up, and my body was shaken by the impact.

As soon as they stood firm, and before they could breathe, the two elven warriors attacked again like bone gangrene.

"Can't you give me an intermission time?" I spit out and ran in the direction of Sand Scorpion.

When the sand scorpion was still five meters away, the two elves chased up, one left and the other right, and once again flanked me. At the same time, the four elven archers also pulled the trigger and fired magical crossbow arrows at me again.

At this moment, I felt an unprecedented crisis, not from the elf warriors flanking left and right, not from the four magical crossbow arrows that shot at me, but from the sand scorpion five meters away from me behind me. Because in my ears, the peculiar clicking sound of sand scorpions walking around has sounded.

The sand scorpion is a living creature, it is active by its own will and spirit, and, more importantly, it has a strong aggressiveness, especially for those creatures that may pose a threat to it.

The creatures here mainly refer to humans.

At the moment when the crossbow arrow was about to hit me, I slammed up and fell back without hesitation. Generally speaking, falling to the ground means that the range of movement will be reduced, which is extremely detrimental to me. A choice.

But judging from the current situation, falling to the ground is the wisest choice.

The crossbow bolt flew back wiping my body, just as I wish it all hit the sand scorpion that was running fast behind me.

The explosion sounded together with the cracking sound of ice cubes, and the giant body of the sand scorpion stopped slightly. Then, it roared, its two claws lifted up, its tail thorns were high, completely ignoring me, who was only one meter away from it, and went straight. The four elven archers rushed toward the four elven archers ten meters away.

Until this moment, I was relieved: the plan was successful!

After fighting for so long, I have generally understood their strength. If they are allowed to fight against Sand Scorpions in a group, Sand Scorpions will definitely be killed by their tacit cooperation, but if someone makes trouble, disrupt their formation and contain their melee units, The four archers could only fly a kite while attacking the sand scorpion with all their strength.

However, don’t underestimate the wisdom of the sand scorpion. The monsters on the 21st floor are not inferior to ordinary humans. They not only have innate advantages, but also understand certain strategies and tactics. Humph, this time, the four archers are sure It's going to be bad.

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