The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1215: Billy's beautiful ideas

On the second day after making fun of the noble-born adventurer with Yura, we encountered a team of noble adventurers.

Everyone in this team came from a noble family in Eri City, and even Yula knew most of the members.

"They are not members of an unknown small guild, but members of the Valiant Guild." Yula said to me: "They must have borrowed the name of the small guild to participate in the competition."

"How strong are these people?" I asked.

"Very weak" Yula said, "I can kill them alone."

I was shocked by Yula’s words: "This is a battle for the top 100. Every team that can stand on the current stage has its own skills. You said that you can destroy them by your own strength. Now, during this time, your strength has grown to a height that I can't imagine?"

"Guess what~" Yula groaned: "I'm saying that their strength is very average, not worth mentioning."

"Huh?" I wondered: "If their strength is average, they should have been lying down long ago. How can they be strong until now?"

Yura smiled slightly: "Soon, you will know the reason."



As Yula said, I really quickly learned the reason why they were able to advance to this point, and that is indeed a talent, a talent that only nobles can use-sugar-coated cannonballs.

During the rest period in the lounge, they came to us and went straight to the point. They knew their identities. At the same time, they promised that as long as they were deliberately lost in this game, they would be rewarded with huge sums of money, and even in the local towns of Erri City. , Choose the official post you like-as long as it is not the post of the town lord of the place, you can choose any.

Faced with this extremely attractive condition, I pondered for a long while and apologized: "I'm sorry, I am from Moonlight City."

The nobles who were directly rejected were very angry. They even said that they would make us suffer in the arena.

However, we still won the battle, and the reason for the victory made me dumbfounded—the other party was absent from the battle because of physical discomfort.

We won without fighting.

On the way back, I couldn't help but fall into thought.

The tradition of martial arts in Hefeng Continent has been spread since the ancestral period, during which almost every generation of nobles possessed strength beyond ordinary people.

However, I don't know when this tradition and custom began to fade among the nobles, the corruption of life, the laziness of ideas, and the desire for power began to rise among the nobles.

This phenomenon spreads especially in the aristocratic circle of Ai Ruicheng.

From the bravery of Carter Adams, one of the legendary heroes, to the noble squad, who only knew how to buy with sugar-coated shells, but did not dare to fight, the gap during this period was simply a difference between heaven and earth.

Maybe it's because of the ease of life?

I thought so.



The five-day battle for the top 100 to enter the top 100 is over.

We went smoothly and successfully entered the top 100.

According to Yura, the current level of the guild's strength is comparable to the heroic guild of the year.

Of course, this is just one of the happy events, and there is another, that is, the new heroic guild led by Jin Siqi has also entered the top 100.

In other words, I have two guilds that are comparable to the heroic guilds back then.

This makes me very happy.

But I still know that the current strength is not enough to determine the outcome of a war.

But now, the end of the Peaceful Hegemony Tournament is closer.



The competition for the top 100 to enter the top 100 is over, and the competition for the top 100 to enter the top 100 officially kicked off.

It's still in the form of a knockout, it's still the number of matches a day, and it's still five days of matches, as if everything is the same as before-except for the opponent's strength.

In the Top Thousand Tournament, you may also encounter guys with average strength but good luck, but in the Top 100 Tournament, every team has experienced more than ten games, whether it is tacit understanding or overall strength. , Are stronger than their previous opponents.

Stand in front of the match board and look at the guild of your opponent.

All of our opponents in the Top 100 match seem to be the adventurer squad from Eri City, which makes me wonder if someone arranged this on purpose.

However, after learning that the order of the event was selected by random draw, I gave up the idea of ​​talking to the person in charge. Since God arranged this way, then I did nothing.

After that, I went to the adventurer's base and inquired about the brief information of all possible opponent teams, and learned that the guilds they belonged to were all large guilds in Eri City.

When I got home, I passed the news to everyone. Billy expressed excitement. He felt that the stronger the opponent, the more he would be able to show off his skills. I expressed helplessness and warned him: "These are all It's an elite of a large guild. If you attack on impulse like you did before, you probably won't even have a small life."

"Xiaoyi makes sense," Yula said: "In the top 100 competition, almost every team has an adventurer above level ten. If you encounter a cruel opponent, you may die if you attack."

Hearing this, Billy curled his lips and stopped talking, but his face was still unconvinced.

I didn't look at him, and continued: "So, from now on, we must plan and prepare for every game. It is not shameful to immediately surrender once we encounter an opponent that cannot be defeated."

"Give up?" Billy gritted his teeth: "Xiao Yi, how can you say something that the weak can only say?"

"It's not only the weak to admit defeat" I said seriously: "Also, don't think that being strong is honor. In many cases, seeing the situation clearly is the kingly way."

"See the situation clearly?" Billy snorted softly, "Xiaoyi, I think you are scared?"

I chuckled, shook my head, and said: "I ask you, you and Emily fight, who can win?"

"Does this need to be asked?" Billy frowned: "It must be her."

I nodded and said, "Well, suppose you meet an opponent whose strength is almost the same as hers. What will you do, do you fight to the end, or admit defeat and leave?"

"Of course it's the end of the battle!" Billy said, "I can have such a strong guy as my opponent. If you don't have a good fight, how can you stop?"

"Then what if the other party will kill you for this?" I asked: "Or, you will be severely injured or even disabled in the battle, and there will be no way to continue fighting from now on. Will you still choose to fight a battle? ?"

"Sure," Billy said, slapped Godot on the back, and said, "Isn't he here as a super priest, all injuries are trivial."

Hearing this, Godot raised his head and said blankly: "I can't heal my disability."

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