No, it's not right!

This is not an ordinary brick!

It is not a simple brick!

Facing the strong wind, I can even smell the faint murderous aura emanating from it, which is not available in ordinary bricks!

The figure retreated violently, while squinting at the same time, my heart was shocked immediately!

I fuck!

Isn't this really an ordinary brick?

This is a steel brick made of stainless steel, square and square, bright as silver!

If this thing is put on the back of the head, the effect will be a hundred times better than the brick!

Raising the knife to greet each other, the knife and bricks collided, and when there was a clamor, I was shocked back and forth again and again, and she was also shocked to make her arms fall back.

When we both recovered, we looked at each other's weapon and couldn't help but say in unison: "It's a solid brick (Tachi)."

Naotato doesn't need to say much, because with the protection of killing intent, as long as it is not for a top adventurer such as Achilles, he will not lose a bit.

The steel brick in Street Fighter's hand was as bright as silver, without traces. It must have been completely resisted by the white light attached to it just now, and it did not hit the body.

Street Fighter grinned and showed a provocative smile: "I was able to block my brick attack with a sword. It really happened twice. No wonder I can get here."

I chuckled, and said: "Each of you, you are also very awkward, and a few tricks made me startled in a cold sweat."

"Only in one?" Street Fighter shook his head regretfully, "I thought you were scared to pee."

She was right, the trick just now was really scary!

Who can think of bright and shiny steel bricks? !

After that, I struck a knife, she struck a brick, and started the hand-to-hand combat again, which was full of joy.

Just as we were hitting the heat, a figure flashed across in an oblique manner, and after a glance, it was Billy. When did this kid wake up?

Seeing Billy with an angry face, like a tiger, holding his swords high, he slashed his arms towards the street fighter.

The Street Fighter in front of her was also shocked. She wanted to turn around to resist, but she couldn't move her extra hand, her face suddenly stunned, her eyebrows twisted together.

Just at this moment, the warrior with a short spear in his hand suddenly jumped out, and the spear body was separated, blocking the double swords.

All of a sudden, our eyes focused on that person.

The spear adventurer danced the short spear and said: "One hit two, a little bit powerless, right?"

"Nonsense!" Street Fighter was not polite, and cursed: "This person who uses the black and red mist is comparable to the strength after the change, plus a sinister two-sword fighter, how to fight!"

"Am I insidious?" Billy looked dumbfounded, then even more angry.

"Is he insidious?" I also looked stunned, and got along for so long, the first time I heard someone say that Billy was insidious.

However, this question is destined to be unanswered, because...we are doing it separately.

Each arena has a large venue, mainly for the convenience of flexible tactics, of course, there are other reasons, such as heads-up.

Street Fighter, Billy and the Shortspear Warrior, the two pairs of free men on the battlefield each found an open space that can be used freely, and started fighting each other mode.

Street Fighter’s moves were violent and powerful. I almost exhausted all my concentration to fight with it, and I barely managed to maintain the situation of neither losing nor winning.

There was no chance to be distracted to care about Billy.

But just by listening to the metal clashing sound of Billy's battlefield, you can know that the fight over there must be in full swing.

It's really hard for him. Not long after he wakes up, he will be involved in fierce battles again. This is cruel, but it's nothing. The stadium is like a battlefield, and it is often overwhelming.

Thinking like this, I stepped aside again.

Listening to the strong wind brushing my ears, I shouted in my heart: It's so dangerous.

I'm in a dangerous situation, and Street Fighter is not much better. Under the cover of my completely unconventional moves, Street Fighter has a dazed expression. She is like me, extremely careful about the unexpected tricks that the other party may send out.

After all, we are both adventurers who don't follow the rules!

"Who did you learn this sword technique from?" Street Fighter said uncomfortably after another hole in his stomach.

"Create your own" I said, and at the same time asked: "Who did you learn this trick from?"

"Nonsense!" Street Bully said: "Of course it is self-made, otherwise what else can it be? Have you seen a second street fighter besides me?"

"I haven't seen it yet" I said.

"That's not it!" Street Fighter said uncomfortably: "This profession is only one out of tens of millions of people. If you don't explore it yourself, how can you become stronger?"

"It makes sense." I nodded and stabbed again.

Street Fighter was also unambiguous. A steel brick was photographed, and it was empty, glaring at me who was hiding like a fly: "On the contrary, you, why not go to the academy to learn professional combat skills, but rely on your own creation?"

"If you learn professional combat skills, you would have fallen over with steel bricks a long time ago!" I disdain: "Is it still possible to get entangled until now!"

Street Fighter was startled: "Ha, what you said makes sense, it seems you are not stupid."

"You are stupid, your whole family are stupid!" I replied.

"You stinky boy, you must report to you?" Street Fighter said angrily: "How come you are such a gentleman, don't you know how to make a lady?"

"Ms. Modest?" The corners of my mouth twitched: "Look at what you are like a lady apart from your gender. It is terrible than Tyrannosaurus!"

"Tyrannosaurus?" Street Fighter was stunned again, it seemed that Hefeng Continent did not have such a creature.

I held a knife to block, and explained: "Oh, the so-called tyrannosaurus is an extremely cruel creature. The greatest pleasure in life is to keep chasing weak creatures."

"You are not weak" Street bully: "You don't seem to have faded, but your strength is comparable to that of me who has faded. Is this still weak?"

"I'm just making an analogy."

Then, another steel brick struck, scaring me to dodge quickly.

Just like this, I played for seven or eight minutes. We were both tired and panting. It’s not about the physical exertion, but the mental pressure. You think, although a level has not faded, but The strength is far superior to the guy who has changed a lot. Do you dare to hold on to his sword?

On the other side, a violent element whose level has surpassed fading and whose strength is also far surpassed that of fading, her steel bricks, dare not to hide!

The most important point is that the two of them did not follow the routine from beginning to end. Can you not be tired?

But even though I was tired as a dog, I still didn't plan to give up fighting, and so did she.

One straight sword continued to slash, and the other steel brick continued to slap. Right now, the comparison was no longer cruel and fierce, but who had stronger physical strength and more mental strength.

After playing for a few more minutes, we both were more tired than dogs. Finally, we stopped and sat back on the floor alone and took a break.

While breathing wildly, he turned to Billy's side, only to realize that the battle had already ended on that side. The spear-bearing warrior had all stab wounds on his arms and legs, lying motionless on the ground, and Billy was similar to him, with many places on his body. The eyes are bleeding slowly, although it is not fatal, but there is absolutely no power to fight again.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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