The power of fading becomes small?

This is simply the funniest joke I have heard this year.

I heard from the staff of the Adventurer’s Guild that the power of fading is a gift and reward from the God of Creation to adventurers.

Will the things gifted by the God of Creation be small?

I raised my eyebrows and tightened my nose again: "I think you are still able to defeat me by your own strength, and you don't need to use any mind-attack tactics."

"Mind attack tactics?" The rhinoceros adventurer looked blank: "What are you talking about?"

"Isn't it a mind-attack tactic?" I was also a little confused: "You told me that the power of fading is very small compared to the power of the charge... Compared with magic, it is not to distract me. ?"

"What does this have to do with distraction?" He was even more at a loss: "I'm just talking about personal experience."

"Oh, that's the case, it seems that I was wrong to blame you" I said hehe, using both hands to strengthen the power applied to the Nauta sword, trying to fight his hatchet.

The rhino man frowned, his eyes filled with doubts.

Confronting such a guy who relies on brute force to eat is very helpless. I can only rely on constantly making wounds to his body to weaken his physical strength.

But the dog priest in his team is not a fuel-efficient lamp. As soon as the wound on this side increased, the remote healing on the other side completely recovered. I was stunned when I looked straight.

The rhinoceros man saw the helplessness in my eyes, and he smiled: "My teammates all have first-class strength, but it's not something that you group of unchanging little boys can fight against."

"To tell you, I'm really not afraid of first-class strength." With a grin, I said: "You watched our battles along the way. Since we entered the competition for the top 100 places, we have encountered various first-class talents one after another. A powerful enemy, even encountered a guy with a special profession."

"Do you mean Street Fighter?" The Rhino man waved his hatchet, continuously blocking my attacks, and said, "I encountered her on that Street Fighter last year. She is indeed a very powerful guy."

...More than just being very powerful, if she is not so impulsive when she is singled out with Phoenix and chooses to use the power of fading, Phoenix may not be able to knock her out.

It can only be said that she lost in using what she is not good at against where others are good at.

The fight between me and the rhino male was in a stalemate, and it was difficult to resolve for a while.

The protracted battle between Phoenix and the opposing team was extremely stalemate, and they couldn't tell the victory or defeat.

In this way, no one accepts anyone, no one fears anyone, and the battle is stale and fierce.

However, even a protracted battle will always be clear. After all, no one's physical strength is endless.

I was tired from playing, and similarly, the rhino man was out of breath.

Not only us, Lilea's fingers were hurting, and Yola's arms were tired. Jackson, who had been holding the shield, even began to doze off, and the whole team was enveloped in an atmosphere of laziness.

Not only my team, but the opposite team is the same. The leopard tribe’s feather arrows are no longer as sharp as before, and her vigorous figure has become a little sluggish. The movement of the elf warrior wielding two swords is still pretty good, but it is not as sharp as before. In contrast, it seems to have entered a slow motion state. The dog tribe is bored with his chin, but when the rhinoceros male has a wound, he lifts the magic wand from time to time to heal the wound, and then continues to enter the boring state.

Compared to us who are sleepy and bored, the surrounding referees and onlookers are in a state of extreme boredom, especially the referees, who have entered a drowsy state.


A certain crowd of onlookers sighed.

"It's really boring!!!"

Another onlooker said with an expression of constipation.

"Hey, hit it quickly, it will be dark if you don't finish it!"

Some really boring onlookers finally shouted out their inner thoughts.

"Is it a fake hit?"

The onlookers who did not know where they were suddenly questioned.

"It's possible. Look at the previous battle of the Fearless Guild, and then look at this battle. It's obvious that they made a series of ulterior transactions in the lounge just now!"

A passerby-looking guy pinched his chin and analyzed.

Do you think you are Conan?

In short, because we were stuck for a long time and couldn't tell the victory or defeat, the whole arena was plunged into a depressed and dull atmosphere.

Feeling a pair of boring eyes, I am also very helpless!

Haven't you seen that we are all exhausted?

Do you really think I don't want to end this battle early!

The battle lasted for nearly an hour, and everyone was tired into dogs.

In the end, after a multi-party discussion and unanimous decision by the ruling team, our two teams were both fined out for delayed cheating.

procrastination? cheat? What am I...

With the straight sword in my turn, I was about to rush to the rostrum and cut the ruling team, but I was firmly held back by someone. Turning my head to see, it was Lilea.

Seeing her blinking at me, guessing that there must be a special reason for the ruling, he held back the anger, put the knife in its sheath, and retired with the team.

"I don't intend to appeal."

At the gate of the arena, I met a rhino man waiting for us at the gate. He opened his mouth and said the above sentence.

"Why?" I wondered: "It stands to reason that you should win the battle at the end of this battle."

"Actually, the game is over long ago," the rhino man said: "We just want to try your skills before we continue to fight with you."

"You said the game was over long ago?"

"Yes," he said seriously: "The moment the girl released that terrible magic, the game was over and we lost."

"It doesn't matter if I win or lose, I don't intend to appeal." I looked angrily at the entrance of the arena, and said angrily: "I just want to find a chance to beat the judging team severely and vent my anger."

The rhinoceros man smiled honestly, after a while, he said: "Can I have the honor to invite you to dinner?"

"This..." I was a little embarrassed: "To tell you, if you want to invite us to dinner, you have to bring all the people in our family, and all the people in our family...there is a lot ,Ha ha."

"No problem," the rhino man patted his chest and said, "As a large guild, you can still get the money for this meal."

"Well, you say a good location, I will notify the family to come together."

When I went home and told everyone about the meal, most people were extremely excited. After all, foodies accounted for more than half of my family.

"Little ones!" Barbara put her arms around her arms and one foot on the chair, posing as a queen, and said domineeringly: "Let them eat poor!"

"Eat poor, they go!"

Around her, a group of maids in the cafe cheered.

On the way there, the lady boss asked me: "Is the person inviting guests the opponent in today's game?"

I nodded.

"It seems that you have gained a lot from this competition."

"It's a pity that I didn't make it into the top 20." After spreading my hands, I regretted: "I look forward to the final prize."

"The real award is not the one issued by the organizer" the boss said with a deep meaning: "It is what you need most at the moment."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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