Maggie, holding the Philosopher's Stone Lamp, walked slowly in the corridor. She would stop if she didn't take a few steps, looked around, and then continued on.

This is a typical night watch action.

Since some of the puppet design drawings were stolen, the elf queen ordered that after dusk, there will be several maids patrolling the night at regular intervals. Among them, each maid is responsible for an area. If any abnormality is found, the other maids will be alerted immediately.

It seems that at this time, she is the one who patrols the night in this place.

He took a silver coin out of his pocket, buckled it on his fingertips, flicked it hard, and made a crisp sound. The silver coin tumbling into the air, leaning unbiasedly at Maggie's feet, turning around, then stopped.

Maggie didn't say a word, but immediately turned the Philosopher's Stone and looked at me. After seeing who I was, she exclaimed first, then walked quickly and respectfully said: "I have seen Master An Xiaoyi."

I know why she exclaimed, isn't it because I lost my hair, really, making a fuss.

Touching my bald head, I said, "No gift, is this time for you to watch the night?"

She said ‘um’, and said, "Master An Xiaoyi doesn’t go to the main entrance. There must be something to do. What can I do for you?"

"Where is the fairy queen now?"

"In the third palace," Maggie said: "Your Majesty the Fairy Queen is reviewing documents."

"Who is by her side?"

"No" Maggie said: "Your Majesty does not want to be disturbed when reviewing documents."

"Very good" I said: "Thank you."

"It's my pleasure to serve you" Maggie bowed, carrying the Philosopher's Stone, and continued to walk to the next place.

Picking up the silver coins on the ground, I continued to stick to the root of the wall and walked towards the third side hall.

The elven palace is magnificent and magnificent. There is one main hall, but there are many side halls. The main hall is only used for the execution of meetings in the hall, while the side halls are used in many ways. They can meet guests, review documents, and even rest.

Speaking of it, the Elf Palace was not originally called this name, but Moonlight City Palace, but it was renamed the Elf Palace because of the special dark history.

Although the fairies have returned to their thrones, the name of the Elf Palace has become a habit of everyone. As for the "Moonlight City Palace", it can only regretfully withdraw from the stage of history and be engraved in the historical books.

Walking into the third side hall quietly, the fairy queen was focusing on reviewing the documents. In order not to disturb her, I decided to find a place to rest lightly. After she finished reviewing the documents, I would talk to her again.

I walked towards the chair near the door step by step, and was about to sit down gently. Before my buttocks touched the chair, I heard a gentle voice: "You boy, since you are here, don't say a word, why are you like a thief," Are you afraid to scare the elderly?"

"How can it?" Seeing being discovered, I said hehe: "I'm not afraid to interrupt your work~"

The fairy queen slowly stood up and turned to me. After seeing my appearance, she smiled and said, "I haven't seen you in a few days, why are you bald?"

"No, I am... shaved, yes, shaved."

"How do you shave your hair properly? Isn't the previous hairstyle pretty good?"

"Well, what you are saying is that it is now... isn't it hot, I'm afraid of lice."

"Growing lice?" The fairy queen shook her head repeatedly: "I heard for the first time that people who take a bath every day will have lice. Forget it, don't worry about your bald head."

After that, she looked behind me: "You came back by yourself?"

"Well, I came back by myself, they are still watching the game in Dasai City."

"Why didn't you watch the game with them?" The fairy queen said: "Is there anything particularly important to report to me?"

"Although it is not particularly important, I think it is better to talk about this matter earlier than later."

The fairy queen stared at me and nodded, "What's the matter?"

I explained to the fairy queen what the high priest had said to me before, especially regarding the war.

The face of the fairy queen remained unchanged, but the hand holding the moonlight scepter became harder: "Is this really what the high priest said?"

"Replace it like a fake" I said: "Besides, why should I lie to you! Uh, by the way, if you don't believe me, when Father Taylor comes back, you can ask him for verification."

"It's not that I don't believe you, but I just think it's a little weird." The queen said: "The high priest didn't tell us about this matter, but told you about it on purpose. I don't know the reason."

"Maybe because this war is also directly related to me."

"The high priest said that you will also be involved in this war?" The fairy queen said with a cold face.

"Yes" I nodded: "The high priest said that I will not only be involved, but also become the most critical point."

"This... this can't work." The base of the moonlight scepter hit the ground, making low and low voices. The fairy queen looked serious. She paced back and forth, walking back and forth a dozen times, and then stopped suddenly. When she came down, she said: "How can I let you get involved in such a dangerous incident! In case something happens to you, Xiao Leimi will hate me forever! No, absolutely not!"

When I said the last sentence, the domineering arrogance of the Fairy Queen has gradually affected me, making me standing on the side a little uneasy.

Clearing my throat, it was also used to cover up my inner anxiety. I stepped forward and said, "Grandma Empress, I'm afraid this matter is beyond your control. You don't know anything, in order to prepare me wholeheartedly. , The high priest even came forward to extend my wedding period."


The fairy queen was taken aback for a moment, and her whole person froze in place, like a puppet.

After a few seconds, the overbearing momentum disintegrated without a trace, she sat back down in the chair, sighed, and instantly restored the appearance of an old man in vicissitudes of life.

"Since the high priest can personally extend the marriage period, it seems that you really can't escape this war." She sighed deeply, rather helpless.

"You don't have to be so worried," I advised her: "Think about it, after so many things, I haven't been alive all the time~"

"This is different." The fairy queen shook her head and said: "This is war, which is different from monster spawning. It is a battle between people. Its cruelty, its tragedy, and even the tragedy it brings are beyond your imagination. of!"

"Don't worry, Grandma Empress, it is true that I have had many experiences in fighting between people, especially the battle of life and death."

The fairy queen did not respond to me. Instead, she turned her head and stared at me. A little, she said: "Xiao Yi, the high priest said that you will survive this war safely?"

Did you say it, or did you not say it?

Should she tell a lie to make her elderly feel at ease, or should she tell the truth and make her elderly feel at ease?

At this moment, I am embarrassed, no, it should be said to be quite embarrassing.

White lies or cruel truth, which one should I choose?

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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