Some people are alive, he is dead, and some people are dead, he is still alive.

Carter Adams disappeared, mostly, became a dead soul, but his fame is still alive.

Although Carter Rodney was alive, the media said he was dead, so everyone thought he was dead.

"I can tell you responsibly, Rodney is still alive."

"But" I changed the subject: "You can't see him."

"Why?" Achilles glared at me: "If I can't see him, how can I be sure that he is still alive?"

"Because, I can't believe you."

Pour the last drop of wine into your mouth, throw it away, and the bottle broke to the ground. Looking at the broken glass slag, I said: "I'm not sure, will you kill him."

"How could I kill Adams' descendants!" Achilles said excitedly.

"I'm not you, so, I don't know, and I don't believe it." I breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If you really want to see him, now is not a good time. You have to wait."

"How long?" Achilles asked, "When do I want to wait?"

"When he leads the crowd to stand outside the city of Eri, when he confronts Carter Scott, the young master, and the city lord of Eri, you will see him."

"What do you mean by this?" Achilles stepped forward, with an overwhelming aura: "You mean, the descendants of Adams will kill each other!"

"Is it surprising?" I looked at him without fear: "Perhaps Adams' children, even his grandson, believe in Carter Adams' original intention, but after a few generations, this original intention has become vague and fragile. Like silk, it breaks when you pull it."

"It's impossible, it's impossible, why is this, lie to me!" Achilles pointed at me, stared at me, and asked me.

"I don't have to deceive you" I said, "Besides, what's the use of me deceiving you? Can I still fool you into my camp? Impossible, at least, before Carter Rodney appears in front of you alive , You won’t join my camp. I don’t expect you to join the camp, and I don’t plan on you. Why should I deceive you?”

With a chuckle, I continued: "What I'm talking about is history and facts. There are indeed Carter family members who died at the hands of foreigners, but only a few, and they died at their own hands because of the war. There are countless descendants of the Carter family. Otherwise, do you think that the current city lord of Ai Ruicheng really will only have four children? And, have you not thought about why the city lord of Ai Rui does not have a brother and sister alive? They all have short lives? Or did they experience a brutal war?"

"None." I shook my head: "The real cause of their death is internal struggle, an endless struggle for power. City Lord Eri is just the winner among the many contenders, and the ones who fail are all dead."

Achilles' body trembled, and his eyes slumped, and the compelling aura disappeared without a trace.

His expression is very complicated, in pain and in thought.

"Perhaps I said this a bit early, but it is good to give you a warning." I said: "The igniting of the war is inevitable. As for which side ignited, I don't know. During the war, you should You will see Carter Rodney, and most of them are enemies. At that time, it's up to you whether you choose to let the decaying Eri City continue to live, or to let it reborn."

Throwing aside the painful Achilles, he beckoned to the little red fish: "Come with me to stroll around, this is the streets of Ai Ruicheng full of decay, let me feel it again, its sinking."

Walking on the streets of Ai Ruicheng, I have lost the feeling of the past.

Some shops have closed their doors, but some of their facades have grown. They were once hot and deserted, and once deserted and hot.

Go to the end of the civilian neighborhood, there is a casino where business is booming, but the boss is not there.

Their boss, in Moonlight City, is mine.

"Ryan has been missing for a long time." Little Red Fish looked at the casino and said, "Some people say that he is dead, but I don't believe it."

After speaking, he turned to me again and said, "Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it either."

Little Red Fish smiled: "I'll just say, that old dead ghost will not die."

When I stepped into the slum area, I couldn't help but stop. The slums nowadays are no different from before.

The slums in the past are called slums, but they are relatively poor, and they are not without housing and clothes.

Looking at now, many leaky and broken paper houses built by cardboard boxes abound. Couples of men and women live in them with their children. Adults look thin because of hunger, children are skinny because of hunger, and babies cry because of hunger.

The streets were piled up with **** because no one cleaned them.

As the night wind blows, the rotting garbage emits a strong smell, comparable to the body odor of a rotten puppet.

This is really a real slum!

"It's miserable here, isn't it" the little red fish covered his mouth and nose and whispered.

"It wasn't miserable here, it's just relatively poor, but it has food, clothing and housing."

After watching for a while, I turned and left, but there was an indelible sadness in my mind.

"Are you not going to help them?" Little Red Fish asked: "Not going to give a little money?"

I shook my head: "No matter how much money is given, they will still be poor. Maybe it will cause them even greater sorrow."

"Oh?" Little Red Fish didn't understand.

"It's useless to give alms to copper coins. It will be cross-examined to give alms to silver coins. If you give alms to gold coins, there will be a disaster" I said lightly: "Because, in the eyes of those in power, they are just sad worms. They don't deserve to own silver and gold coins. Copper coins are only given to them as alms because of their lowest value. As for silver and gold coins, once they are discovered that they have them, they will be treated as thieves immediately. The torture is small and might not be executed on the spot. Can't."

"Then you are not going to save them?" Little Red Fish asked.

"How to rescue?" I smiled: "What is the rescue, and why should it be rescued?"

"The reason why they are getting worse and worse is not only because of the oppression of those in power, but also because they are unwilling to fight and fight. In their view, as long as there is food, as long as there is life, If they want to continue, they will not even think about it until the day they die tragically, or they dare not think about it and resist."

"Since they never thought about going to resist, it is normal to end this way."

"But if they resist, they will die" Little Red Fish said: "Moreover, many people will die, and they will die miserably."

"If you don't resist, they will be comfortable if they die?" I said: "If you don't resist, they won't die a lot of people? Think about the scrawny children, think about the hungry and crying babies, you can be sure, they Can survive a month?"

Little Red Fish shook his head.

"So, even if there is no resistance, are there few people dead here?" I said lightly, and then sighed deeply.

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