When it is dim and flooded with white light, you can see everything around you in an instant.

In the underground fighting arena, dozens of adventurers are listed among them, and there are also many ordinary people full of muscles, which are probably players in the underground fighting arena.

These people continued to attack the three of them, trying to kill them all in one go.

I have been ignored by them, most of them, they thought I was dead.

That's right, if you change someone else and have so many crossbow arrows in your body, you will burp early.

I pulled out the crossbow arrows one by one, and I saved a lot of them. Damn it, it's really costly. How many arrows have been shot at me!

After crawling under the seat a few times, he picked up the Odachi that had fallen on the side, and just raised his head, he saw an adventurer holding a crossbow and staring at me with his eyes open.

I smiled at him, released the killing intent, and put my five fingers together, as a hand knife, with a light stroke.

The man fell down without even making a sound, his head was round, and he rolled around for a while before he stopped. There seemed to be something unscreamed in his open mouth.

It was so dangerous, so he was almost called out.

The three of them killed for a while and lay ambush in the arena auditorium. After all the adventurers and ordinary people were killed, they leaned against the seat backs to breathe.

In fact, they didn't consume much physical energy, but all of this was acting, and the purpose was to attract the fat boss and others out.

Soon there was applause in the underground fighting arena.

Although the applause was scattered and abrupt, it was full of pride and presumption.

"The three are tired." The fat boss and the other three nobles slowly walked out of the high platform. Beside them, four seemingly powerful adventurers guarded them.

"You are finally willing to come out" Jin Siqi said coldly: "I thought you were always willing to be a turtle!"

"Shrink your head?" The fat boss sneered, "I hope you call me a conspirator."

"You are really a guy who likes to engage in conspiracies" Jin Siqi said coldly: "Not only did you spread rumors and discredit my guild and the Giant Stone Guild, you even invited people to come forward and fight the black together. It's not enough to discredit, and even unite with the nobles around you. It’s really a good way to give us two guilds together and cause us to lose a lot of money!"

"Who told your guild and the Boulder guild to unite and cut off our financial path!" The fat boss said: "You know that our loan organization originally relies on borrowing and lending to make money, but now it's good, ah, let you be forced A road is blocked, you tell us to find someone to make up for the loss it caused!"

"Make money this kind of thing, it was originally you want me to" President Stowe said: "I did business with you before, and it also created a lot of benefits for you. It's good for everyone to get together, can't it?"

"Of course not!" The fat boss said: "Money is such a wonderful and charming thing, how could I let them be given away by you?"

"Rao is so" Stoude said: "You kill us here, can you get the money as you wish?"

"Of course I can, I can!" The fat boss said: "Don't think I don't know, An Xiaoyi is an informant sent by you and inserted in my organization. I am not stupid, don't treat me as a fool! Just kill you, As long as I can kill you, I will be able to regain control of the funds of the Boulder Guild and the funds of the New Heroic Guild!"

President Stowe suddenly took a step back and said, "Could it be that you have an informant in my guild?!"

"You're right." President Fatty's eyes were sharp: "I did put an informant in your guild, and even the new heroic guild I also put an informant together, but what can you do to stop it? The facts are already established, you guys. Three are going to die here!"

He sneered, looking at Jin Siqi's angry face, and said: "It's a pity that President Beauty's beautiful face, I said, President Jin Siqi, if you follow me, I might consider letting you go."

"Humph" Jin Siqi snorted coldly: "Don't be delusional, I already have a fiance."

"Oh?" The fat boss's eyes suddenly became wretched: "So there is a fiancé, haha, that's great, great, when you start, try not to kill her, catch her alive, understand. !"


The sound came from all around the fighting arena. Looking there, I saw the shadows, and dozens of adventurers walked out. These adventurers have the level of strength of ordinary adventurers. Behind these adventurers, there are four Adventurers, the four adventurers are also full of white light, and they are all adventurers above level ten.

"Since when, adventurers above level ten are so worthless?"

I wondered in my heart.

Lurking in a dark corner, I watched every road leading upstairs to the underground fighting arena.

At this moment, I suddenly found that Arnold, standing behind the fat boss, on the high platform, winked at me, and at the same time, turned his head slightly, as if to signal me something.


Did that boy Arnold see me?

Really a sharp-eyed guy!

But what is he signaling to me?

After thinking about it, he followed his gaze and found that on the wall not far away, there were uncoordinated bumps. If you don't look closely, you can't see it!

Creeping forward, came near the wall, stretched out his hand, knocked twice, it turned out to be empty inside!

It was a secret door!

Condensing the killing intent, I probed it lightly, and the metal secret door was shrouded by my killing intent metal guard, like touching tofu, it cut a big hole.

In the cave, it is still dim, every dozens of steps, only a dim magic stone lamp illuminates.

Walking along the wall, climbing the stairs, and turning around a few times, when I reached the end, lying on the door at the end, I heard the fat boss' unrestrained laughter and nasty words.

"Should you kill him with a single blow, or hand him over to boss Rennes?"

After thinking about it, I felt that it would be too cheap for him to kill him with a single knife. If I dare to insult my fiancee with words, then I will let you taste all the pain in the world before you die.

After confirming the idea, I once again used the killing intent to cut through the door at the end silently.

When I walked out, no one except Arnold noticed me.

Arnold saw me coming out and whispered to the fat boss. "Well, that, I, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Get off, get off," the fat boss scolded: "I can't get things on the countertop, and I still have to go to the toilet after watching such a wonderful fight. It's really too hot to eat shit!"

When the fat boss scolded Arnold, I quietly used the killing intent to cut off the heads of four adventurers who were not weak.

When the headless corpse of the fourth adventurer, spewing blood, stained the clothes of the four bosses of the loan organization, they came back to their senses, and when they turned their heads, they were immediately frightened.

The young man who was certain to have died, at this moment, was covered in blood, standing behind them murderously, staring at them with a strange sneer on his face.

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