The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1307: Victory without suspense

The body is like a long rainbow, and the sword is like flowing light.

These are the two words that popped out of her mind when she saw Emily swinging the sword.

Her sword is very powerful and its shadow is long and sharp.

Like a crossbow arrow, it pierces the opponent's meat shield.

A shock burst from the sword and the shield, echoing in the arena.

All the spectators sitting close to each other couldn't help covering their ears, showing pain on their faces.

Even those of us on a high platform were numb in our ears by the sound.

While rubbing my ears, I looked at Phoenix and the others worriedly, and found that most of them were just like me, rubbing their ears constantly, but it seemed that they were just shocked by the sound and it didn't matter.

When I regained my gaze, I happened to look at the two princesses next to me. Princess Analita, like the Phoenix and the others, rubbed her ears to silence the sound, but Princess Analita's face was flushed, she stood up with a small fist raised, and said loudly. Cheers: "Master is mighty, Master is amazing!"

With the cry of the little princess, in an instant, countless nobles around, especially women, were actually ablaze, and everyone shouted slogans to cheer for Emily.

Turn his gaze back to the arena.

I saw Emily, really like a **** of war, superb, tall, tall, proud, an inviolable sacred posture, the saber in her hand stood side by side in a posture of retracting the sword.

Looking at the opposite side, the flesh shield of the Golden Flame Guild had already taken a shield with people, and walked back seven or eight steps, during which it knocked down a magician who was casting a spell.

After the deterrence, the chaotic group battle followed.

The five major guilds deserved to be the five major guilds. As soon as the group battle started, the members of the Golden Flame Guild, who had just shown a decline, immediately gathered together and launched an attack on the opposite side in an orderly manner.

Emily and the others also fought back methodically.

In the meantime, Emily and others kept wandering around the arena, colliding, confronting, and fighting warriors from the Golden Flame Guild who also wandered around the arena.

Fighting is not like other small and medium-sized guilds. It is often divided at the touch of a touch. After separation, walk again, then meet again, confront again, and beat again.

This cycle continues.

It seems that this has become a fixed formula, no one will do too much entanglement, but there will never be any chance of confrontation.

The battle, in about twenty minutes, entered into a white-hot, shuttled figures, such as rain's crossbow arrows, feather arrows, and magic missiles denser than rain, shuttled back and forth, constantly hitting them.

The entire arena, at this moment, is woven into a piece of colorful light and shadow.

In the battle, in about thirty-five minutes, the elves of the Rose Legion continued to bless their magic attacks, and the frequency of their attacks became more and more intensive. Look at the Golden Flame Guild, regardless of gender, It was a tired face, as if they had just performed a high-intensity exercise. Two of the fighters even made mistakes in their movements, and were directly knocked out by an elf fighter who followed.

Forty-five minutes into the battle, the Golden Flame Guild was at the end of the battle, but the guild leader still seemed unwilling. He gritted his teeth and continued to command the battle. However, the general situation is over. The first defeat of the Golden Flame Guild has become the final conclusion, unless it is revealed that the whole set has the creation. An artifact of the **** of power, otherwise it will be difficult to change the situation.

In the end, the battle was over at forty-eight minutes.

Emily and others stood on the high platform, panting slightly in their chests, but their faces remained unchanged.

The members of the Golden Flame Guild almost all collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath, supplementing the lack of physical strength due to excessive consumption.

In the audience, cheers were like waves, one after another, continuous.

I was leaning on the chair, thinking about what to eat at noon for a while, suddenly listening behind me, the elf queen said: "Elder An Xiaoyi, why do you think Guild Golden Flame will lose?"

"Poor strength" I said.

"Any other reasons?"

"Yes" I said: "Look at the young generation elites of the Golden Flame Guild who are lying on the ground and can't help but breathe. They are all elites trained by the Golden Flame Guild with time and money, and there will be no shortage of high-intensity training on weekdays. , But why is it so exhausted after only forty minutes of the game? This is very intriguing."

"Tell me your opinion" the elf queen said.

"My opinion is very simple" I said: "I think their psychological quality is not strong enough, or that there are fatal loopholes, especially in the battle with Emily, almost everyone who comes into contact with Emily , Will show a hideous face at the moment of contact, and the appearance of a hideous expression is generally related to tension, that is, every time they confront Emily, they will be nervous, and nervousness will often consume more energy. When the strength is not as good as that of human beings, it consumes more energy. It is impossible for them to be undefeated."

"You are right, I think so too."

Turning to look at the Elf Queen, she found her eyes were staring at York City, her eyes full of the Queen's majesty.

I was secretly shocked in my heart, this woman, the words just now are by no means simple, shouldn't it be the declaration of war to be quoted? !

"The Queen" I said: "After a while, do you want to visit the beautiful city of Balan?"

The fairy queen smiled: "Alright, I would like to see the scenery outside the dazzling commercial shops."

For lunch, I arranged for everyone to be held in the most luxurious hotel, which is the hotel where Cecil and Jiemei were married.

Arranged there, one is to celebrate the victory of Emily's team, and besides, it is not far from my villa. After eating and sending them home, I will accompany the Elf Queen and her group to stroll along the city.

The most luxurious restaurant naturally has the richest dishes.

Since it is the property of Master Dewey, this restaurant can use the magic airship at any time to import ingredients from everywhere, including the white fish that Barbara has never forgotten.

In short, this dinner was a success, and almost everyone was quite satisfied, especially Barbara. She touched her chubby belly and smacked her lips if she was satisfied. She patted me on the head as a queen, and said: The fish is not bad~"

After dinner, I will send everyone home first, and then rush to report to the villa where the Elf Queen is.

The same empress, some princesses, and a few strong guards went to the periphery of Balan City.

The place is sparsely populated and the scenery is pretty good. The two princesses came to the side to play or watch the scenery, while I sat opposite the elf queen, and continued what we had not said when the game ended.

I asked the queen: "My queen, when you said that before, you kept your eyes on the side of York and Seoul, I guess, you don't want... to go to war?"

"What do you mean?" The elf queen smiled.

"The Queen's thoughts are far-reaching, I can't guess it casually."

"You've guessed it, Elder An Xiaoyi, when the war begins," the elf queen said: "However, I hope that when the two countries are at war, it is best to show the way the Rose Legion and the Golden Flame Guild are at war. Scenes."

"You mean... to deter the other party first?"

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