Once the defense is broken, the Rose Legion is like tofu on the chopping board, which will be instantly dissipated.

The idea of ​​the commander of the Iron Wolf Guild is very correct. However, the reality will be what he wants?

Perhaps, the former Legion of Roses might be dispelled by his aura of ruin, however, the current Legion of Roses is not the same she used to be, but a stronger presence.

Because, joined, goblin.

Fairies are one of the oldest races recorded in the ancient documents of the Hefeng Continent, and the only one that continues to this day.

Maybe you can laugh at the fairies who are naive, love peace and don't like fighting, but you can never laugh at the potential that a fairy who is determined to fight can show!

This is the first time I have seen, in the true sense, a fairy fight.

There are no gorgeous moves, no cool special effects, only, fast!

That's right, it's fast, so fast that I can only see them clearly, so fast that I can't even tell how many swords they have made.

The orc adventurer in the front row lost his combat power inexplicably under the state of various buffs. After a few seconds, he came back to his senses and let out a painful growl.

Blood, accompanied by their low roar, uncle squirted out and ran across the ground, shocking.

At this time, people suddenly discovered that there were very thin but deep wounds in their body joints. Although these wounds were not fatal, they were enough to deprive the sturdy orc adventurer of the action and combat power. .

The cruel and unexpected reality caused the Iron Wolf Guild commander to freeze on the spot, and he didn't even know how to proceed with the next battle deployment.

The team without the command is like a frozen snake, instantly losing its vitality.

Emily made a decisive decision and immediately launched a fierce offensive. It took less than ten minutes to completely defeat the Iron Wolf Guild.

In the audience, the Orc King looked very excited. He stretched out his thick fingers, pointed at the fairies who were huddled in the middle of the team, and lost his voice: "Misguided, it is a misguided, I have forgotten this terrifying and powerful race of fairies! "

As he said, he turned directly to the Elf Queen and said, "Excuse me, I would take the liberty to ask you, why did the Elf Queen, a fairy clan that has not been seen for many years, appear in this Hefeng Contest? Does it have any meaning?"

The elf queen smiled lightly and said: "I'm sorry, Orc King, this is a family matter, no comment."

Hearing the word ‘family’, the orc king dispelled the thought of continuing to question, he turned his face, talked a few words with the queen, stood up and left the arena.

When he left, there was no different color on his face, but his eyes were frozen, obviously in deep thought.

"Hey" Princess Analeta patted me on the shoulder, and said with a smirk: "As the prime minister, don't you plan to help your master resolve his sorrows?"

"He is my superior, not my master" I said: "Furthermore, I am like a slave for Mao?"

"Huh, it's still hard." Princess Analetta squeezed her throat, learning from Barbara's voice, and said: "Xiao Yi, pour me a glass of water, warm water, no hot water, and no cold, add some sugar, don Add too much!"

Then she squeezed her throat again to follow me: "Hey, that's good, I'm going now."

Puff ha ha ha ha!

With her appearance, Princess Analita on the side burst into laughter, and even the elf queen couldn't help but smile.

I am ashamed.

In the afternoon, I first participated in the celebration banquet of the Legion of Roses, then watched the match between the Dwarf Guild and the Legion of Roses in Dasai City, and then participated in the celebration banquet of the Dwarves Guild.

Yes, in the battle with the Rose Legion, the Dwarf Guild won a big victory.

Although during the period, the commander of the Rose Legion of Dasai City, commanding special professional members, formed a temporary team to attack the back wing of the Dwarf Guild, attempting to tear the dwarven legion's solid defense formation with brute force, but in the end, it fell short.

Both teams in Dasai City lost. Presumably at this moment, the Orc King's heart was broken and his expression was unhappy.

As soon as the banquet was over here, the orc king over there sent people to call me to an audience.

On the way, I asked the guide, "How does the orc king feel?"

The guide shook his head: "I can't guess it, my lord."

"What is his expression on the orc king?" I asked again.

"My lord, I can't see clearly."

He said, raised his head, pointed to his narrowed eyes, and said, "I didn't wear glasses today."

Damn it!

It turned out to be a high degree of myopia!

"I said, can you see the road clearly?" I asked.

"My lord, I can't see clearly" he said respectfully.

I collapsed in an instant and said, "You can't even see the road, and you have a hairy line!"

"My lord, you don't need to be anxious. Although I can't see the road clearly, I have walked this road thousands of times, even with my eyes closed, and I promise to walk smoothly to the place without hitting a wall. Yo!"

He hit a tree.

A total of ten minutes' walk, we came to a teahouse.

Looking up at the teahouse, I am sigh, if you told me the name of the teahouse earlier, I would be able to show you the way with my eyes closed, and there would be no tree hitting on the road!

The teahouse in front of me is not only familiar, it is simply not familiar, it is the one opened by Cecil.

Cecil and Orange Jiemei are newly married and are traveling on a honeymoon. Now the teahouse is in charge of an orc girl who looks very capable.

Go upstairs and enter the private room, where the orc king is already waiting.

Seeing me coming, he picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea for me and him separately, and said, "Sit down."

I took a look at his expression first. Fortunately, his expression was indifferent and his expression was normal, not as if he wanted to do something.

So An Xin took a seat, picked up the tea cup, and sucked up.

"Today, the two participating guilds in Dasai City were defeated together." He sighed and said: "Although I have already expected it, watching it on the spot still made me very disappointed."

"Ordinary heart, ordinary heart" I counseled.

"I want to reach Cyberjaya, the huge territory, the countless talents, those elite young adventurers, who have been selected through layers of selection, and finally selected into the Iron Wolf Guild and the Rose Legion, after which they have been screened and carefully selected. , The best talents are combined together, and there is a team for the Hefeng Contest, you know, in order to train the team, I invited the top adventurers in town to train them, but even so, my team , Still not an opponent of the Dwarf Guild and the Moonlight City Rose Legion, this makes me feel very defeated."

Seeing the slightly disappointed expression of the Orc King, I hesitated and said, "Uh, there is a sentence, I don't know if it should be said or not."

"Say" the orc king said: "This is a private space, you can say whatever you want, and you don't have to worry about it."

I pondered for a moment and said: "I always feel that you look far less sad than you said."

The orc king nodded: "You feel right, I do not look as sad as I said. That's because I'm numb, I've been injured once, I will cry in pain, but I have suffered hundreds of consecutive injuries. It will become numb. My current situation is the same as being injured."

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