The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1323: Invitation from Horton

Mind control magic is naturally not available in the Hefeng Continent.

This is the explanation given by Father Taylor.

In order to verify whether Father Taylor's words are reliable, I contacted the Fairy Queen in a sneaky way, and finally came to the conclusion: reliable.

The reason is simple, as long as it is the magic unearthed in Hefeng Continent, Father Taylor will do it.

I always thought Father Taylor was a pastor who loved to drink. Unexpectedly, he still mastered such a broad knowledge of magic.

This is awesome!

Putting the topic of mind control magic aside, I asked Yula: "Then the matter of City Lord Eri invited me to a banquet, is it also fake?"

"This is not" Yula said: "He did send someone, and others can prove it."

Phoenix and Kagali nodded together.

"Then what you just said about you?"

"It's true too" she spread her hands and said: "And it is indeed my private matter, but it doesn't matter if you say it. City Lord Eri hopes that I can return to the family and take over the magic of the Golden Flame Guild branch set up in a certain place in Eri City. Teacher instructor position."

"Huh?" Lilya's star blinked, and asked in doubt: "Why do you want to go? Is there no magic talent in Eri City?"

"What are you talking about?" Yula raised her chin and said proudly: "Don't look at my average level, but I have a very high level of magic!"

"Then how did you decide?" I asked Yura.

She chuckled slightly, slightly sad, and said, "Ericheng is no longer my home since my parents were killed. Since it is not my home, why should I go back?"

"If you don't go back, don't you worry that City Lord Ai will be disadvantageous to your family?" Princess Aurora worried.

"No," Yura said, "The city lord of Ai Rui takes care of everything, so he has no time to take care of my extravagant relatives."

When she said this, her tone was full of resentment and contempt.



Early the next morning, I went to the basement of the New Heroic Guild, found boss Ren, and told him about the banquet.

Boss Ren thought for a moment, and said: "Since it is the invitation of the city lord, naturally you still have to go, but you can bring weapons. Anyway, the messenger did not say that weapons are not allowed."

Well, this is a good idea. With weapons, I am at least a little more confident.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help cursing myself secretly. After being at ease for a long time, I even forgot the truth that weapons never leave the body.

Before leaving the basement, I urged Boss Ren to try to find the opportunity to sneak into the mansion of the city lord of Ai Rui. In the event of an accident, it depends on the situation. If I can fully protect myself, I will show up and protect me from leaving. , Leave the mansion as soon as possible and go to the Dwarf Guild for help. I will try my best not to be killed during this period.

Boss Ren nodded.

After that, I left the basement, bought breakfast, and ran home quickly.

When I got home, I put breakfast on the table, if nothing happened, I returned to the room, put the big sword away, and stood aside.

Odachi's voice sounded in my mind: "Are you going to fight?"

Its voice was very excited, as if the hungry wolf saw the meat.

"It may not necessarily fight," I said: "But with you, I will always feel a little at ease."

"That's right, brat!" Odachi said with a smile: "Before you went back and forth between the nobility and the royal family every day, you were banned and knighted, and you were worried that you would indulge in the power circle and forget it. As for the nature of yourself, I am finally relieved now. It seems that you have not been eroded by your rights. You are still very clear about your identity as an adventurer. Finally, you have returned to the previous mode of carrying a knife. This makes Ben Dao very happy... .."

Then there was a lot of babbling, I let go of my hand without hesitation and walked out of the room.

I haven't eaten breakfast, so I don't have time to hear you complain about it.

I predict that the people in Ai Ruicheng should come over after breakfast and wash in the meantime.

The facts are just as I expected, here is washing, and the door is ringing there. After the door is opened, a few people in uniforms stand at the door and respectfully said: "Is Mr. An Xiaoyi here?"

When I came to the door, I pretended not to know, and asked them: "You are..."

"We are the people sent by the city lord of Ai Rui. We are specially ordered by the city lord to invite Master An Xiaoyi to come to the mansion for a talk."

"Oh, wait a minute."

I answered, walked back to the room quickly, took the handguards, put the Odachi on my back, and appeared at the door.

When someone saw me carrying a big sword that looked like a flagpole, he was a little embarrassed and said, "Master An Xiaoyi, Master City Lord invited you to a banquet, not a martial arts show."

"I'm an adventurer, and I bring a knife to the banquet."

After all, regardless of their expressions, he waved his hand: "Lead the way."

As soon as he left the house, over there he gestured towards Jin Siqi with his left hand behind him.

I said hello to Jin Siqi before. If I put my left hand behind me and make this gesture, I will immediately send someone to follow the route I have taken, and at the same time notify the boss of Rennes to sneak in and follow me as soon as possible.

There is only one reason for this, and that is that I think there will be insecurity factors.

Subordinates are not allowed to bring swords when visiting their superiors. This is both courtesy and safety considerations.

But that only ends with the subordinate relationship.

I and the city lord of Ai Rui are not in a subordinate relationship, and I and his second son are still enemies.

With this relationship, I have to guard against it.

So, the knife, I have to bring it.

The few people who came to invite me did not look like ordinary people, but more like adventurers with some skills.

This invisibly made me feel insecure.

Furthermore, I felt that this banquet was neither simple nor simple.

When he came to the mansion and walked into the main hall, a somewhat blessed middle-aged man, dressed in a Chinese dress, sat quietly in the middle chair.

Seeing me coming in, he leaned slowly and said, "Presumably, your Excellency is An Xiaoyi?"

I nodded at him in return, and said, "You are the lord of City of Ai, right?"

He nodded slightly and said: "I am City Lord Ai, Carter Horton, you can call me by my name, or you can call me City Lord Horton."

"I'll call you Lord City Lord."

"Also, as you like."

Carter Horton tilted his head slightly, and someone immediately brought a chair across from him.

I took off the Odachi sword, put it on my lap, and sat down.

"Why bring a knife?" Carter Horton stared at the Odachi on my leg and asked, "Is it afraid that I will harm your heart?"

"No," I said, "I'm an adventurer, and it's a habit to go out with a knife."

"Habit, it turned out to be habit" Carter Horton murmured a few words, then suddenly sighed, "It's good to get used to this kind of thing."

"?" I heard very confused, is this what I want to express?

Holden was silent for a few seconds and said: "When I was young, I had many habits, but since I became the lord of the city, these habits have been eliminated one by one by me. In the end, all that is left is a blank and boring life."

Listening to his tone, a little sluggish, I began to consider whether to comfort this blessed middle-aged man a little bit.

At this moment, Horton suddenly raised his head, his gaze was like a sword, and he approached me, saying: "Do you know why I want to be the lord of the city?"

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