"There are indeed many exotic treasures in the mausoleum, but I prefer those gems and coins. Besides, there are almost all mechanism designs in the mausoleum. Once triggered, there is only one way to escape. In a hurry, who has time? Pick and choose, you just grab a hand and run!"

"Well, it makes sense for you to say that." Horton nodded and said, "It's just a pity that the rare and precious treasures are invaluable."

"It's just some treasures, they are precious to people alive, but the situation was urgent at the time, and my life was almost lost. All precious treasures were not worth mentioning in front of Xiaoming."

"Your idea is not wrong," Horton said: "But some treasures are more precious than life."

There is something in the words!

For an instant, I thought of ten weapons with the power of the **** of creation.

Isn't Horton hinting at me, these ten things?

Thinking of this, my eyes rolled, pretending to be curious: "A treasure that is more precious than life, what other treasures in the world are more precious than life?"

"Naturally," Horton smiled and said, "However, they are all legends, not worth mentioning."


Ha ha ha.

I sneered three times: Sure enough, he was also hitting ten weapons.

Although I knew it well, I still pretended not to understand anything, and said innocently: "I've heard a lot of legends, but with the legends of treasures more precious than life, I I’ve never heard of even one, if it’s not about the top secret of the town or the secret history of the family, can you please be generous."

"Mr. An Xiaoyi, are you so interested in this kind of thing?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes" I said: "I am very interested in legends and stories. After all, as an adventurer, besides the daily boring life of fighting monsters, the most interesting things are nothing more than recollecting these heart-pounding things. It's a legend."

"Since Mr. An Xiaoyi is so interested, it's okay to use it as a flavoring agent for this meal."

Then he told a legendary story that was not very long but sounded very mysterious.

The outline of the story is that Carter Adams, the ancestor of the Carter family, met the **** of creation before the world was in distress. The **** of creation saw him as a talent, and his bones were peculiar, so he gave him ten weapons with supernatural powers. To help him fight against monsters.

Not long after the weapon was given, a large-scale dungeon abnormality and strange tide occurred at the same time.

Two catastrophes came at the same time, causing monsters to swarm out from the portal, ran into the streets, rushed into the forest, killed creatures, drank blood and meat, and fell into the breeze continent for a time.

Carter Adams, in order to save the common people, distributed the ten weapons given by the God of Creation to other races to fight the enemy together. After a fierce battle, all the monsters were wiped out, but the ten God of Creation gave weapons. Followed by disappeared.

After listening to Carter Horton's emotional speech, my heart couldn't be calm for a long time-really bragging!

What do you mean by the ten weapons that the God of Creation gave to your ancestors? When those ten weapons were given, the ancestors of your ancestors might still be in the ape-man state, picking wild fruits everywhere in the forest!

However, with contempt in the heart and contempt in the heart, the superficial role is still to be done.

I opened my eyes wide, my mouth was O-shaped, and I was surprised. After posing for a while, I finally sucked in the air and murmured: "There is such a thing! Carter Adams was really a selfless and great hero back then. what!"

"Yes" Carter Horton sighed, and subconsciously wiped the corners of his eyes: "It's a pity that the whereabouts of the ancestor's weapon is unknown. As a descendant, I haven't found one until now. I am really ashamed of the ancestor!"

I hurriedly comforted him, saying: "Your intentions must be felt by your ancestors who were on the side of the God of Creation."

"I hope so, come on, drink." Carter Horton raised the glass, I also raised the glass in a hurry, bumped into him, and drank it.

After filling several cups, I held my head and said, "I can't drink any more, I can't drink any more, I'm full of alcohol and rice, and I will vomit if I drink it again. It's a pity to vomit such a good wine."

As he said, he looked up at the magic wall clock and said drunkly: "Well, it's getting late, I should go back too."

He said, stood up, saluted Carter Horton, and said, "Then I will, hiccup, and go back."

City Lord Horton was very courteous, personally delivered to the door, and sent someone to **** me home.

I closed the door and lay on the sofa. My eyes brightened instantly, turning to Jin Siqi who poured water on me, and said, "Please come, boss Ren, I have something to ask him."

Ten minutes later, boss Rennes sneaked in through the back door.

"Is anyone watching around here?" I asked.

"Yes" Boss Ren said: "Two, one at the front door and one at the side door."

"That fellow Carter Horton really has doubts about me" I murmured while pinching my chin, "He is more difficult to deal with than the City Lord of York."

"Should I find time to kill him?" Boss Rennes asked.

"Are you sure?"

"Four percent."

"Forget it," I said: "Your importance is far greater than Carter Horton."

"Do you want to let it go?" Boss Renne asked.

"Let's let it go" I said: "Carter Horton is different from a lending organization. The latter will be exterminated and will be praised and even promoted. But the former, after all, is the prince of a city. Once killed violently, it will definitely cause A lot of chaos, if it's just the chaos of the Ai Ruicheng family, but once the chaos reaches Lincheng, it will not end well."

"Are you afraid that Dasai City will also be in chaos?" the boss of Rennes asked.

"You are right" I said: "But this is only one aspect. Once Dasai City is chaotic, it will inevitably trigger a chain reaction. I am afraid that York and Seoul will not be able to protect itself. By then, this continent will continue to fight. I am going to continue my plan, I am afraid it will be delayed for a long time."

Boss Ren no longer squeaked, but twisted his eyebrows to **** words.

I continued: "Moreover, even if my plan can be carried out, I still need a viable banner. If there is no chaos in Ayre City, I can put Rodney on the political stage under the banner of justice. In the name of, capture and control the entire Eri City. If Eri City is in chaos, no, it should be said that once this continent is in chaos, the heroes will rise together, and they will be independent, and the justice effect Rodney can produce will be weakened to the limit. At that time, it’s hard to say whether anyone will buy his account."

"What you said makes sense." Boss Renn nodded, "It's because of my poor thinking."

"I think you have already thought about this. It's just because of hatred that has blinded your mind for a while, I can understand you."

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