Perhaps it is a relationship with different personal values. Kagali has been unhappy, and in the end, she began to ask her idol goddess Emily for help.

She hoped that Emily would be able to look at the love of the Rose Legion and lend the goblin members to the Rose Legion of Dasai City to help them.

After hearing this, Emily refused decisively without even hesitating.

Kagali reluctantly turned to me again for help.

Her meaning is very simple. I hope I can send some fairies from Moonlight City through the Fairy Queen to help Dasai City Rose Legion.

Hearing that she was pitiful, she had completely lost her previous domineering and energetic look, and felt pity, so she dialed the call crystal, contacted the fairy queen, and explained the situation.

The fairy queen thought for a moment, and said: "The situation is special now. I can't let the people of the tribe take this risk just for one match."

"Kagali is very sad over there, I can only ask you for help here" holding the call crystal, I looked quite helpless.

"If it were the beginning, when my people were living in the realm of my creation, I could secretly send a few people to assist you, but now, external troubles dormant and internal worries arise from time to time, I am responsible for the lives of my people, forgive me. I cannot agree to your request."

"It was totally rejected."

Putting down the call crystal, I turned my head and looked at Kagali.

The latter's eye circles are reddish, so if you don't think of a new way for me, I will cry for you.

He held his forehead and sighed in distress, my God, who can tell me what to do?

At this time, a small voice rang next to itself, as if lazy in a dream: "Or, I will try?"

Turning her head, Bai Yunying rubbed her eyes and hugged the pillow with a confused expression.

"You haven't woken up yet" I flicked her forehead dozingly: "Quickly make up for your sleep, don't be confused and sleepy."

"Well, it hurts." She squatted down, holding a pillow, covering her forehead, with two tears hanging from the corner of her eyes, tearfully looking at me, and said: "I didn't talk in sleep."

"Not a dream?" I frowned: "Are you serious?"

She looked like she was awake and nodded.

On the side, gratitude flooded in Kagali's eyes. She grabbed Bai Yunying and said excitedly: "You are such a good person!"

Bai Yunying flickered, she was about to fall asleep, she didn't even listen to Kagali's words of gratitude.

But to be honest, if she heard Kagali’s words of gratitude, she would probably not help Kagali again. Is there anyone who talks like that, ah, what is meant by ‘you are such a good person’! Isn't it a really nice person when I didn't help you!

Looking at the excited Kagali and the bewildered Bai Yunying, I squeezed my chin, thinking about a key question, that is-what kind of capacity Bai Yunying intends to assist the Darcy Rose Legion.

It’s true that Bai Yunying is now a free identity, but don’t forget, she has lost the former president of the Silver Wing Guild. In this edition of the Hefeng Contest, although the Silver Wing Guild has declared that it missed the top three, it lost the meeting. This long name has been promoted to the top of the hot list. It can be said that the current Silver Wing Guild and Bai Yunying are already on the cusp of Hefeng Continent.

At this time, let her appear rashly, it is likely to be subject to public opinion and speculation from all quarters, such as why she suddenly dismissed one of the five major guilds from the position of president of the Silver Wing Guild, and instead voted for the Rose Legion of Cyberjaya.

At the same time, there will also be countless criticisms, many of which involve political and diplomatic issues between Arrival Cyberjaya and York Seoul. In this way, things can become a big issue.

However, it is indeed rare for Bai Yunying to help Dasai City Rose Legion as a facilitator to participate in the Hegemony Tournament, which can ensure Dasai City Rose Legion a chance to defeat the Golden Flame Guild.

In the face of contradictions from two sides at the same time, it is really difficult for me to choose.

After thinking twice, I asked Bai Yunying, "Are you sure, you really want to participate in the competition as a facilitator?"

Bai Yunying nodded.

"Even if the public opinion is unfavorable and the right and wrong are complicated, you still decide to do this?"

I spoke this question seriously, and at the same time stared at Bai Yunying's eyes more seriously, I want to know her inner thoughts.

Bai Yunying's small head kept undulating and she had entered a state of drowsiness, but she still forced her eyes to open, trying to cheer herself up, she said, "Yes."

"Well," I said: "Since you insist on doing this, I can't stop it anymore. Now I will go to the president of the Rose Legion and explain the matter to her. As for whether you can become a foreign aid member of the Rose Legion, it depends on her. The decision is over there."

With that said, I stood up and walked out the door.

As soon as I arrived at the door, the voice of Phoenix rang behind me: "Xiao Yi..."

I turned my head and looked at her, waiting for her to say something.

Phoenix, a girl, although sometimes loves blackening, or is confused, but some of her suggestions are very pleasant.

I think she is probably going to tell me some good words that can change the situation.

However, I miscalculated. The girl urged me with a soft gaze, and said, "You must come back earlier. Don't be attracted by the beauties of the Rose Legion."

With heavy steps, I arrived at the station of the Rose Legion in Cyberjaya. I was cleared of my identity. I was agreed to let go. At the same time, one of the guards quickly notified the president of the Rose Legion in Cyberjaya.

Soon, the president of the Rose Legion of Dasai City hurried over with several attendants.

After Li entered the living room, after a few words of greeting, I said: "I wonder how confident your guild will be in the final game?"

"Fifty percent" Fergus Daisy said.

"In other words, half the winners and losers?"

Daisy nodded reluctantly.

"If you lose, you will lose the opportunity to compete with the Dwarves Guild and the Moonlight City Rose Legion. I want to know, are you willing?"

Daisy frowned and said, "I wonder if the Prime Minister is here to boost the morale of the army or suppress morale?"

"Invigorating the military and suppressing morale, these two things have nothing to do with me. I just want to know whether you, as an adventurer, are willing to give your destiny to a future that knows no success or failure."

She stared at me for a few seconds, pressed the anxiety in her heart, and said calmly: "I don't understand what the Prime Minister said."

"Why don't you understand? How simple is the meaning in my words, just ask if you want to win or lose?"

"Naturally want to win" Daisy said.

"If you want to win, I have a suggestion. I wonder if you would listen or not."

"The Prime Minister said it's okay."

"I suggest that the Rose Legion of Dasai City can form an ally with my guild. In this way, I can send guild members to assist your guild by way of assistance. In this way, the chances of your guild's emergence will be greatly increased. Promote."

Dess thought for a moment and nodded: "This is indeed a good way, but I forgive me for rejecting it."

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