The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1330: The words I want to hear most

I know that Bai Yunying is easy to doze off, unless she encounters a close opponent, she will spare all the time to doze off.

But I know, it doesn't mean that others also know.

Suddenly dozing off during the battle, especially after downplaying and defying all attacks, this is an unforgivable behavior for the proud girls in the Rose Legion!

Ever since, all the girls gathered again and launched a more violent attack on Bai Yunying.

This attack, obviously exhausted all efforts, however, the results were minimal.

Feeling the pressure, Bai Yunying opened her sleepy eyes, handed out her magic wand in a daze, chanting a short and powerful spell, teleporting before the first magic missile touched her. To another location.

When she reappeared, she still kept dozing off with her pillow.

Puff through.

On the red team's side, there was the first magician who fell to the ground because his mana value had bottomed out, causing him to lose strength.

Less than a few seconds later, another magician appeared on the ground because his mana had bottomed out.

Immediately after falling to the ground, she was a priest. She was an auxiliary priest. Because of her anger, she almost exhausted the magic in her body. She gave all the team members around her a power bonus several times more than usual. As a result, she saw The moment when all the attacks that had been blessed with multiple powers failed, her heart was so cold.

In an instant, she changed from a proud priest to a salty fish who lost her ideal.

In addition to magicians and priests who were unable to support their bodies due to the exhaustion of their magic power, assassins, archers, warriors, meat shields, and a number of special professional adventurers were still standing on the field.

However, their hearts were obviously greatly impacted.

It's no wonder that he was very confident of hitting the opponent's attack, but was completely out of the way by the opponent in an instant. This psychological gap is the most deadly.

The team that has lost its fighting spirit is no different from the cooked Pippi Shrimp, without the vitality of the past and the courage to fight again.

Daisy did not speak, and the vice president next to her walked quickly to the red team and said a combination of soft and hard words, which not only denounced their weak resistance to stress, but also comforted them that they will change after this training. Be stronger, and it will become more shining in the eyes of others.

These words inspired some people, including the auxiliary pastor who had lost their ideals and hopes. They rekindled their fighting spirit. Those who lay on the ground continued to rest on the ground, but they raised their proud heads and stared. He shoots an unyielding will, staring at Bai Yunying who is still dozing off; those who are not lying on the ground sit down to rest, regenerate their energy and prepare for the following training.

Apart from those who ignited fighting spirit, the other half of them said that after hearing the words of the vice chairman, there was no fluctuation in their hearts.

Then, the vice-chairman whispered to these people again, and every time a member finished speaking in the ears of a member, that member seemed to be beaten up and instantly rejuvenated.

I couldn't help being surprised, and praised Dess. "Your vice president is really not easy. Just a few whispers in the ear can reinvigorate morale."

After hearing this, Daisy smiled slightly: "It's okay."

"But I'm curious, what did she say that it works so well?"

Dess paused and said, "About this, you should ask her personally."

So, after the vice-chairman came back after visiting all the members, I curiously asked her again.

After listening, the vice president said naturally: "I just said what they want to hear, that's it."

What do they want to hear?

I looked dumbfounded.

On the side, Daisy smiled slightly, and it was obvious that she had already understood my dazed and dazed mood at the moment.

"This...what do they want to hear?" I blurted out subconsciously.

"I'm sorry, Lord Prime Minister" said the vice president: "This question belongs to personal privacy and the privacy of the guild, and I cannot answer it."

"...It's okay" I waved my hand, still stunned.

I thought I could learn from her about how to mobilize the enthusiasm and vitality of the guild members, but I only got a vague answer.

In other words, what do the members of my guild want to hear?

Thinking of this, I turned my head and asked Phoenix, "What do you want to hear most?"

Phoenix tilted his head and looked at me with a question mark on his face.

"What do you want to hear most?" I asked again.

"What I want to hear the most..." Phoenix pouted for a while, shook his head, and said, "There is nothing I want to hear the most."

Okay...I raised my head and waved to Xiao Leimi who was floating in the air. She floated over happily: "What's the matter, Xiao Yi?"

"I ask you, what do you want to hear most now?"

Remy didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "All you can eat snacks and candy!"

I turned to Barbara on the side again and said, "What do you want to hear most?"

"What are you asking about this?" Barbara asked me with a pricked ear.

"Nothing, just ask" I said.

She embraced her arms and turned her small face, dissatisfied: "Huh, it turns out that it can be realized by saying it!"

" depends on the situation, if it can be realized..."

"Eat grilled white fish today!" Barbara said abruptly, and then added: "This is what I want to hear most now."

It turned out to be grilled white fish, but it is not impossible.

So I walked to Godot and told him a few words. Godot understood, took the gold coins I paid him, and walked out of the camp of the Rose Legion-bought white fish.

After that, I asked Kagali what she wanted to hear the most. Kagali said that the thing she wanted to hear most was that I asked her to marry me.

Like the Phoenix, Lilea and Yula had nothing to hear.

The thing that Lily and Loki wanted to hear most was, "Finally become stronger and can be alone."

Er, by the way, the words that the Doubi duo want to hear most seem to fit their dreams, but is this dream a bit too far away?

Looking at the excitement of Rocky and Lily at the moment, and thinking about how they felt when they were in danger, they always felt that they might not be able to hear what they wanted to hear most in their lives.

Susan was cheering and dancing, she didn't have time to talk to me. Belle and Lizi were playing a nine-game series, and they didn't have time to talk to me. Kunna and Maki, the ice and fire girls, were just as intoxicated as they were guarding Kagali's side. I.

After eating a few ignorant soups, I was very hurt inside, so I ran to Florence for comfort.

After hearing my question, Florence was very indifferent. She thought for a while before saying: "What I want to hear most now is my child calling my mother."

Zach nodded and said, "Me too, I hope my child can call me Dad."

Behind him, Billy suddenly appeared and interrupted, "I hope your kid can call me uncle!"

"I also hope your child can call me uncle" Yang Xu said with a smile.

"I'm called Auntie" Liu Yu also smiled and said, "But having said that, I haven't seen your children yet. I really hope to see you sooner. I like children the most."

Then, Liu Yu and Florence talked happily.

Behind them, Duan Muyu said in a low voice, "I, I want to hear the child call my sister."


At this moment, I, who was left by the side, are infinitely desolate in my heart.

Not only was the topic that I started up distorted, I was even ignored by them.

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