Are the men of the orc royal family crazy?

This thought lingered in my mind until I sat in the audience and heard the preparatory whistle sound.

My seat for watching the game is very good. It is in the middle of the seat of the royal family. My family members, centered on me, are scattered in a circular shape. The outermost ones are Godot, Jackson and others who can resist. Heavyweight.

Connecting the positions of Godot and Jackson are the spectators of the Dwarf Legion. The seats of these people just form the circle centered on me, giving the impression that they are protecting us.

But in fact, our seating arrangement is purposeful.

On the left side of my guild, is the seat of the orc king and the queen, and below the seat is the eldest son of the orc king, and the iron wolf guild president sits at the seat, and further down, are the elite members of the iron wolf guild.

On the right side of my guild, is the seat of the Elf Queen and the two princesses, and below the seat are the elite members of the Rose Legion.

In order to prevent the chaos due to the refueling problem during the game and even the disharmonious factors such as the fighting, the Queen deliberately explained to me the idea of ​​changing the seat.

Amidst her sincere expression and earnest eyes, my heart softened and I agreed.

Facts have proved that softheartedness is easy to suffer.

Right now, the seating position of my guild is right in the middle of the two strongest guilds. It is like a rabbit caught between a wolf and a tiger. Once the wolf and the tiger are going to work, can they be stopped as a rabbit?

In order to maintain the peace of the royal family viewing field, and to make the wolf and the tiger live together honestly, I found a bear-level dwarf guild town.

At that time, after hearing my request, the dwarf king agreed directly without saying a word, and dispatched the top elites to take the seat.

His intention is simple: unable to fight, it proves that the Dwarf Guild has sufficient deterrent power. Once the fight starts, the elites I send can get the troublemaker to the ground within three minutes.

After listening to his words, I glanced at the dwarven elites who were sent over. It is no exaggeration to say that this group of guys, everyone can subdue me within three moves. They are purely capable and experienced. The strong of war.

Although their attitude when talking to me has been extremely low, and it can even be said to be a respectful attitude, I can still feel the deterrence radiated from their bodies when they talk.

It's no wonder that Achilles, who suppressed the first life, only destroyed foreign guilds within the territory of Ai Rui City, rather than single-handedly challenged other countries. Co-authoring is also a deterrent and image-building wisdom!

In other words, if he was really a thousand miles away, he might be sent to lie down in the tomb again.

Thinking of this, I can't help but recall the words of Achilles' deterrence when I talked to the senior elves. I thought I was really awesome at that time. Now I want to come, like a clown, I can't help but find a place to get in.

The old face blushed, suppressing the embarrassment that I wanted to die, I retracted my eyes and looked at the arena.

Less than five minutes before the official game, the Emily team and the Daisy team are slowly entering the field.

Unlike the prudence of the Daisy team, the Emily team's steps seemed much easier.

The two teams slowly walked onto the arena and stood in line. Emily and Miss Daisy saluted each other, then each carried their weapons and entered the final pre-match preparation.

With a whistle, the game officially began.

Different from the previous combat methods, this time the opening is not an overwhelming magic missile, nor a dense crossbow arrow, but all the melee members of the two sides simultaneously charge toward each other.

In the process of the charge, the fading power of the two teams burst out instantly, white light bursts, and the power gradually rose. As soon as they met, the battle had entered a climax.

Every girl is looking for the opponent she met during training, and fought fiercely with her. The arena turns into a ball in an instant without chaos.

I seem to see the shadows of the two Rose Legions that have been fighting each other over the past few days, and I also feel their joy in fighting.

Soon, I saw some very impressive shadows. The strong female adventurer of the rhino race, Lulu and Lucy, whose body became bulging because of the stuffed quiver, were fast and attacking. Also extremely violent fairy girl, as well as amazing and unforgettable special professional adventurer.

Everyone is displaying the strongest strength, all swaying the strongest combat skills, and all bursting out with the most brilliant light.

They are all outstanding young people, and they all have extraordinary strength. In the constant collision and duel, the bluestone that builds the arena began to crack, and the barrier that protected the onlookers began to tremble.

Even so, none of the referees stopped, and no royal family left the seat.

Even if this barrier had collapsed, even if the force of the collision might have hurt all four of them, everyone present had their eyes widened, held their breath, watched the game, and felt the impact and shock it brought.

The battle was still going on, and the onlookers were still gazing with breathlessly, until the sound of broken glass sounded, the referee came back to his senses and stopped the game in a panic.

The enchantment piled up by the magic shield broke again.

Unlike the time when the Phoenix destroyed the magic enchantment with a charged Qigong bomb, the aftermath generated by Emily and the others during the battle only broke the surrounding enchantment without breaking it, so for the time being, it will not affect the onlookers.

Even so, it scared the referee.

It takes a while to re-maintain the magic enchantment. Therefore, the girls who are fighting on the field have to abandon their current moves, return to the team, and then walk off the arena and return to the lounge to rest.

Kagali covered her face and said, "The shattering of magic enchantments rarely happened in previous years. I didn't expect it to appear twice in a row this year. What a shame!"

"Why?" I comforted her: "Maybe it is because the contestants in this session are very strong, which makes the magic enchantment look very fragile."

"Even if it is so" Kagali sighed, "It's still very embarrassing!"

I comforted her a few more words. Turning to look at the orc king, he saw that the orc king's expression was unnatural. It seemed that, as Kagali said, the fragmentation of the magic enchantment was indeed a shameful thing.

However, the Queen who was sitting next to him did not take it seriously. The expression on her face was extremely natural, even with a slight smile.

I subconsciously said: "The Queen is really an incredible woman. Facing the broken magic enchantment, she will not feel embarrassed, she even smiles slightly, as if it is a good thing to break the magic enchantment. of."

"You have vision," Kagali said: "Of course she is not an ordinary woman, she is the greatest woman in Dasai City!"

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