The exploded fragments burst, and hit the ground and the magic enchantment mercilessly.

The blue brick was drawn with white marks, and the magic enchantment was also rippling, and the entire arena seemed to feel the blow of this broken gold and cracked stone.

Behind the shield, the first short shield could not hold his body, and was knocked into the air by the swift air wave.

However, Emily's offensive has not been exhausted yet.

With Yu Wei, she forcibly hit the second shield again.

There was a heavy metal whisper, which was also cracked, but the second shield survived.

The power of Emily's attack finally dissipated.

But the stunning demeanor of this blow is always unforgettable.

The mourning of the metal, the shattering of the shield, the trembling of the arena, weaving a song, the anthem of the sword.

Emily's efforts were not in vain, and the several young girls who followed her, although not as stunning as her, were still powerful and did not dare to underestimate them.

A knight sword drew a stream of light, and hit the surface of the shield with a dull sound, cracking the intact shield, and smashing the previously cracked shield into pieces.

The cheers of the crowds onlookers, like the monstrous waves, did not stop for a moment. Everyone was shouting, chanting, all jumping for joy, and all were happy for the bravery of the Rose Legion!

Even the dwarf and the goblin clapped their palms red, and the excitement was beyond words.

The dwarf king who was sitting aside even stood up and shouted, "What a beautiful blow!"

The Goblin King beside him completely ignored the actions of the Dwarf King. His eyes were bright, his face was full of excitement, and he was already seduced by the excitement in the arena.

The attack of the Legion of Roses is like a turbulent tsunami. Even if most guilds have prepared perfect defensive measures, they will still be crushed instantly.

But the Dwarf Guild is different, they are not ordinary guilds.

If the attack of the Legion of Roses is a tsunami, then their defensive position is land, even if you are fierce, I have the confidence to dismantle it all!

The dwarf commander roared and his formation changed transiently.

The four dwarven warriors who had gone out before were already ready to go, and only the commander gave an order.

After hearing this loud roar, their faces glowed with excitement, their feet cracked the floor tiles, and they suddenly jumped out like a bull entering, unstoppable.

The goal of the four is not Emily and other fighters, but the whole team behind them, which is ready to go.

They want to take advantage of the vacancy of soldiers in the team to steal the camp!

If it succeeds, the Rose Legion will retreat across the board. Even if it fails, the main soldiers of the Rose Legion will retreat back quickly to protect the main camp.

Whether it succeeds or not, this sneak attack is the advantage of the Dwarf Guild.

The sudden move of the Dwarf Guild caught Emily and others off guard...Wait, looking at the calm expressions of Emily who entered the enemy camp, does the Rose Legion have another secret!

Four unstoppable dwarf warriors, waving their short swords, roaring, went straight to the Legion of Roses.

When there were three steps away from the Rose Legion, it was blocked by a huge barrier that suddenly appeared.

This is the magic barrier?

I saw several magicians and priests singing in unison in the team of the Rose Legion, gathering a huge amount of magic at the same time, forming a huge magic barrier comparable to a magic enchantment.

This barrier penetrates things and divides the arena into two, blocking the impact of the four dwarf warriors, and also blocking support for Emily and others.

The people on the side of the barrier are in a safe situation for the time being. They can take this opportunity to prepare the team, adjust their state, and restore their strength. The elves on the other side of the barrier are fighting selflessly and will not fall into crisis for a while.

The four dwarf warriors clinging to the other side of the barrier condensed the power of fading to one point, constantly attacking certain points of the magic barrier, and wanted to use those points as a fulcrum to defeat the entire magic barrier.

However, once they broke it, the magician and priest quickly repaired the place with magic, and then it was broken again, repaired again, and repeated.

The battle enters a stalemate, and the outcome depends only on how long Emily can last.

If Emily’s fighters persisted for a long time, the preparation time left for the rear of the team would be long, and the idle magicians in the team could recover enough mana and release terrifying magic.

Once the magic hits the dwarves guild, most of the dwarves will be hit hard.

There are several powerful players left, and as long as they try to hold them back, they can defeat them one by one.

Of course, all of this only happens under ideal conditions.

The elf queen sitting on the other side of me couldn't help clenching her small hands, she was very nervous.

Compared to the other city lords, the Elf Queen belongs to the children's generation and has not experienced as much as them. No matter how calm the temper is, she will inevitably show a little unnaturalness.

In contrast, the Dwarf King and Goblin King on the other side did not feel nervous or uneasy due to the frustration of the previous Dwarf Guild. On the contrary, they put all their energy on the Rose Legion and appreciated the wonderful battles of the Rose Legion.

I turned my head and comforted the elf queen softly, saying: "My Queen, don't worry, there is still a fight in this battle."

The Elf Queen looked at me in a daze, and suddenly noticed her own gaffe, her jade face was reddish, she nodded slightly, stood up straight, and restored her majesty again.

Emily and several other elven warriors were not given for nothing. Facing the siege of many dwarves, they continued to exert their agility advantages, while avoiding attacks, they counterattacked them with weapons in their hands.

Unlike warriors like dwarves who use their full strength in every strike, Emily and others' attack methods are not very destructive, but consume less physical strength. This fighting method is extremely suitable for protracted combat.

The battle Libra seems to be leaning towards the Rose Legion.

Around the arena, crowds of onlookers cheered for Emily and other elf warriors who wandered inside the dwarven guild.

Dwarves are a unique race. Very few people in this race can magic. The vast majority of members are warriors, and they are all excellent warriors.

The dwarf guild also inherited the tradition of the dwarf race. The dwarf wizards in the guild with magic can be described as pitiful. As the saying goes, things are rare and expensive. When it is not a last resort, the dwarf guild will not let the dwarf wizards fight. Yes, of course, it is impossible to arrange important dwarf magicians to play in a competition like the Wind Contest.

Since there are no high-attack and crispy members like magicians, Emily and the others have only two goals left-delaying time and disrupting the formation.

Although until now, Emily and the others are still wandering in the dwarven guild with ease, but with the passage of time, physical strength has become the key to everything.

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