Goddess and idols are not very attractive to me.

Money and treasure are different.

The award ceremony of the Hefeng Contest will be held one day later.

It is reported that in addition to a lot of gold coins, there are magic weapons as the prizes of this World Hegemony Championship.

I have seen ordinary weapons, enchanted weapons, and even artifacts with the power of the **** of creation. I have never seen magic weapons alone.

However, I have heard such rumors.

It is said that every magic weapon is inspired by the master of the weapon, not only infused with the master's efforts, but also infused with the master's feelings and even his soul.

I don’t believe in the idea of ​​infusing souls. After all, many weapon masters create magic weapons for the purpose of selling. If every weapon must be infused with soul, then the weapon master will become a monster like a walking dead.

In fact, the more powerful the weapon master, the more moist life is.

It is conceivable that the theory of the soul is just a gimmick deliberately created by some masters in order to increase their worth.

However, one yard is one yard. Although the manufacturing process of magic weapons is not as thrilling as said, it does represent the highest achievement of the weapon master and the strongest existence besides the artifact.

With full expectation, I am waiting for the award time to come.

Staring at the magic wall clock on the wall, watching the seconds hand go by, listening to the even clicking and clicking sound, my heart surges and surges.

"It's almost here, it's almost there!"

I held my breath, my eyes quivered with the second hand, and finally, clicked, the second hand coincided with the twelve.


My elbow was bent into a V shape and I did a championship move that bodybuilding coaches often do.

It is five o'clock in the morning, and there are still twenty-seven hours before the award ceremony of the Hefeng Contest.

Not far away, it was rare to get up early, Lilya, who was leaning against the door of the washing room, gave me a white look, spit out toothpaste foam, and turned back to brush her teeth.

This is Chi Guoguo's contempt, but I don't care at all.

How can a girl like her who sleeps asleep as soon as she gets home, know how to look forward to magic weapons so that the passion of a hot-blooded man who hasn't slept all night!

Just when I was about to continue to look at the clock and wait for the time, Lilea sighed and walked out of the bathroom, casually posed a pose and lay down on the sofa, and then kicked me down and said, "Don't be stunned. Now, go buy breakfast."

Hey, demo, mad for you, did you treat your fiance like that!

"I slept very late yesterday. I want something refreshing, so buy a fruit salad. Oh, yes, remember to bring me a freshly squeezed orange juice, which is very sour and sour."

After all, she got up from the sofa again and wandered back to the room.

"Hmph, a girl from the Hefeng Continent, she doesn't have any reserved ladylikeness. How dare to command her fiancé in such a big way, she has no virtue that a girl should have!"

In front of the orange juice shop, I complained to the owner of the middle-aged uncle.

"Yes, you are right" the middle-aged uncle nodded repeatedly.

Then, he poured a small spoonful of orange juice from the bucket, handed it to me, and said, "Try it, is it sour?"

I drank it all, so sour, I gave a thumbs up: "That's the smell."

"Here, forty copper coins."

After paying the money, the middle-aged boss said to me: "Little brother, don't be unbalanced. Your woman is willing to instigate you. That means you have a place in her heart. Take my mother-in-law as an example, playing cards every day. A personal profile, only came back to me when I ate and slept and when I had no money, but I was quite satisfied. Do you know why?"

I shook my head.

"This is life" he said with a smile, "So I wanted to start."

Except for eating and sleeping, and when you have no money, you can hardly see people?

Are you sure she just went to play cards?

While sympathizing with the middle-aged boss, I saw a plump figure coming to the juice shop and shouting: "Old man, take the money!"

"Hey" the middle-aged boss smiled and took out a handful of money from the money box and handed it over. After that, he winked at me again.

The middle-aged boss was right, his wife must have just gone to play cards.

Looking at the woman's half-ton body, I was sure.

Buying breakfast, the other girls are getting up one after another, uh, the men continue to sleep late.

It is said that girls love to sleep beauty sleep, I found that men in my guild can sleep beauty sleep better than women.

Especially for Loki, you see that he usually jumps up and down, but he actually goes to bed early and wakes up late. Billy can sleep, and he doesn't burp or drool when he sleeps. It's simply top quality.

There are also men who wake up early, such as Zach, but they are trained the day after tomorrow.

My first memory of Zac and Florence was that these two people could always sleep, even more exaggerated than Rocky now, just not burping, farting and drooling.

Later, the two hooked up, got married, gave birth to a baby, so there was no more happy sleep time, and I wanted to go to bed, and the little things cried and cried and couldn’t find the reason. Anyway, they just love to cry. Noisy, when I finally put the little things to sleep, I raised my eyes and it was dawn.

During that time, Zac and Florence could hardly sleep well in one day, let alone brush the dungeon together.

They are also the righteous guild leader like Kagali, as well as the righteous companions. If they had changed someone else, they would have been kicked out of the guild.

At that time, Kagali slapped her hand and said: "Paid vacation, after dealing with the child's problems, we will continue to clean up monsters together!"

Others also fully understood Zac and Florence's behavior of getting paid without work.

Just a few months later, Zac and Florence were about to be tossed madly by the little guy's day and night upside down schedule. Finally, Zac decided to send the children to their parents.

Although Florence was reluctant to give up, after all, this was the best choice.

After the children were safely sent to Zach's parents, the two finally returned to the guild with peace of mind and continued their old lives.

It's just that there have been some changes in the days after this.

Florence chose to abandon the life of an adventurer and became the cook of the guild, cooking for everyone.

Zach has always maintained the identity of an adventurer, but he doesn't feel as lively as before.

At the time, everyone was wondering why the two had changed so much.

It was not until later that Billy got up early to go to the bathroom and found out the clues of all this.

In the days of being tortured by the child for several months, the two of them changed from being accustomed to snooze to being not accustomed to snooze. This is not the biggest change. Florence, she turned on the nap mode, and she did not have a nap temper. It will be a big one.

In order to prevent the bad temper from affecting other people in the guild, Florence had to reluctantly give up her love and temporarily abandon her role as an adventurer.

As for Zach's calmness, in fact, it is not calm in the true sense, but because of lack of sleep, he is too lazy to talk.

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